
Advice Letters

Information on Advice Letters and the accompanying tariff sheets.

Wholesale (FERC) Tariffs

PG&E tariffs associated with wholesale transmission and distribution service.

Current and historical rate information

Find gas tables, electric tables and commodity prices and more.


Tariff Name PDF Title
G-1 PDF Residential Service
G-10 PDF Service to Company Employees
G1-NGV PDF Residential Natural Gas Service for Compression on Customers' Premises
G-AA PDF As Available Transportation On-System
G-AAOFF PDF As-Available Transportation Off-System
G-AFT PDF Annual Firm Transportation On-System
G-AFTOFF PDF Annual Firm Transportation Off-System
G-AMDS PDF Experimental Access to Meter Data Services
G-BAL PDF Gas Balancing Service for Intrastate Transportation Customers
G-CARE PDF CARE Program Service For Qualified Facilities
G-CFS PDF Core Firm Storage
G-CP PDF Gas Procurement Service to Core End-Use Customers
G-CPX PDF Crossover Gas Procurement Service to Core End-Use Customers
G-CRED PDF Billing Credits for CTA-Consolidated Billing
G-CT PDF Core Gas Aggregation Service
G-EFLIC PDF Energy Financing Line Item Charge (EFLIC) Pilot
G-EG PDF Gas Transportation Service to Electric Generation
G-ESISP PDF Exchange Service Through ISP Facilities
G-ESP PDF Consolidated PG&E Billing Services to Core Transport Agents
GL-1 PDF Residential CARE Program Service
GL1-NGV PDF Residential CARE Program Natural Gas Service for Compression on Customers' Premises
G-LEND PDF Market Center Lending Services
G-LNG PDF Experimental Liquefied Natural Gas Service
GM PDF Master-Metered Multifamily Service
G-MHPS PDF Master-Metered Mobilehome Park Safety Surcharge
GML PDF Master-Metered Multifamily CARE Program Service
G-NAA PDF Negotiated As-Available Transportation On-System
G-NAAOFF PDF Negotiated As-Available Transportation Off-System
G-NAS PDF Negotiated As-Available Storage Service
G-NFS PDF Negotiated Firm Storage Service
G-NFT PDF Negotiated Firm Transportation On-System
G-NFTOFF PDF Negotiated Firm Transportation Off-System
G-NGV1 PDF Core Gas Service to Gas Vehicle Fueling Stations
G-NGV2 PDF Core Compressed Natural Gas Service on PG&E's Premises
G-NGV4 PDF Noncore Gas Service to Gas Vehicle Fueling Stations
G-NR1 PDF Gas Service to Small Commercial Customers
G-NR2 PDF Gas Service to Large Commercial Customers
G-NT PDF Gas Transportation Service to Noncore End-Use Customers
G-OBF PDF On Bill Financing Loan Program
G-OBR PDF On-Bill Repayment (OBR) Pilots
G-OEC PDF Gas Delivery to Off-System End-Use Customers
G-PARK PDF Market Center Parking Services
G-PIPP PDF Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP) Pilot
G-PPPS PDF Gas Public Purpose Program Surcharge
GS PDF Multifamily Service
G-SFS PDF Standard Firm Storage Service
G-SFT PDF Seasonal Firm Transportation On-System Only
GSL PDF Multifamily CARE Program Service
G-SOP PDF Residential Gas SmartMeter(TM) Opt-Out Program
G-SUR PDF Customer-Procured Gas Franchise Fee Surcharge
GT PDF Mobilehome Park Service
GTL PDF Mobilehome Park CARE Program Service
G-WSL PDF Gas Transportation Service to Wholesale/Resale Customers
G-XF PDF Pipeline Expansion Firm Intrastate Transportation Service


Tariff Name PDF Title
A-1 PDF Small General Service
A-10 PDF Medium General Demand-Metered Service
A-15 PDF Direct-Current General Service
A-6 PDF Small General Time-of-Use Service
AG PDF Time-of-Use Agricultural Power
AG-1 PDF Agricultural Power
AG-4 PDF Time-of-Use Agricultural Power
AG-5 PDF Large Time-of-Use Agricultural Power
AG-F PDF Flexible Off-Peak Time-Of-Use Agricultural Power
AG-R PDF Split-Week Time-of-Use Agricultural Power
AG-V PDF Short-Peak Time-of-Use Agricultural Power
B-1 PDF Small General Service
B-10 PDF Medium General Demand Metered Service
B-19 PDF Medium General Demand-Metered TOU Service
B-20 PDF Service to Customers with Maximum Demands of 1000 Kilowatts or More
B-6 PDF Small General Time-of-Use Service
BEV PDF Business Electric Vehicle
CCA-CRS PDF Community Choice Aggregation Cost Responsibility Surcharge
CS-GT PDF Community Solar Green Tariff Program
DAC-GT PDF Disadvantaged Community Green Tariff Program
DA-CRS PDF Direct Access Cost Responsibility Surcharge
D-CARE PDF Line-Item Discount For California Alternate Rates For Energy (Care) Customers
D-MEDICAL PDF Line-Item Discount for Medical Customers
E-1 PDF Residential Services
E-19 PDF Medium General Demand-Metered TOU Service
E-20 PDF Service to Customers with Maximum Demands of 1000 Kilowatts or More
E-AMDS PDF Experimental Access to Meter Data Services
E-ART PDF Automated Response Technology Program
E-BioMAT PDF Bioenergy Market Adjusting Tariff
E-BIP PDF Base Interruptible Program
E-BTMM PDF Behind-the-Meter Microgrids
E-CARE PDF Care Prog Serv For Qualif Nonprof Grp-Liv & Qualif Agri Empl Housing Facils
E-CBP PDF Capacity Bidding Program
E-CCA PDF Services to Community Choice Aggregators
E-CCAINFO PDF Information Release To Community Choice Aggregators
E-CHP PDF Combined Heat and Power PPA
E-CHPS PDF Combined Heat and Power Simplified PPA
E-CHPSA PDF Combined Heat and Power Simplified Under 500 kW PPA
E-CMET PDF Community Microgrid Enablement Tariff
E-CREDIT PDF Revenue Cycle Services Credits
E-DASR PDF Direct Access Services Request Fees
E-DCG PDF Departing Customer Generation
E-DEPART PDF Departing Customers
EDR PDF Economic Development Rate
E-DRP PDF Demand Response Provider Services
EE PDF Service to Company Employees
E-ECR PDF Enhanced Community Renewables Program
E-ECR-PDT PDF E-Enhanced Community Renewables Project Development Tariff
E-EFLIC PDF Energy Financing Line Item Charge (EFLIC) Pilot
E-ELEC PDF Residential Time-of-Use (Electric Home) Service for Customers with Quaifying Electric Technologies
E-ERA PDF Energy Rate Adjustments
E-ESP PDF Services to Electric Service Providers
E-ESPNDSF PDF Electric Service Provider Non-Discretionary Service Fees
E-EUS PDF End User Service
E-FBD PDF Service for Qualified Food Banks
E-FERA PDF Family Electric Rate Assistance
E-FFS PDF Franchise Fee Surcharge
E-GT PDF Green Tariff Program
EITE PDF Emissions-Intensive and Trade-Exposed Customer Greenhouse Gas Allowance Revenue Provisions
E-LORMS PDF Limited Optional Remote Metering Service
EM (Sch) PDF Master-Metered Multifamily Service
EM-TOU PDF Residential Time of Use Service
E-NMDL PDF New Municipal Departing Load
E-NWDL PDF New WAPA Departing Load
E-OBF PDF On Bill Financing Loan Program
E-OBMC PDF Optional Binding Mandatory Curtailment Plan
E-OBR PDF On-Bill Repayment (OBR) Pilots
E-PIPP PDF Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP) Pilot
E-PWF PDF Section 399.20 PPA
E-ReMAT PDF Renewable Market Adjusting Tariff (ReMAT)
E-RSAC PDF Residential Smart A/C Program
E-RSMART PDF Residential Smartrate Program
ES (Sch) PDF Multifamily Service
E-SDL PDF Split-Wheeling Departing Load
E-SLRP PDF Scheduled Load Reduction Program
E-SOP PDF Residential Electric SmartMeter(TM) Opt-Out Program
ESR PDF Residential RV Park and Residential Marina Service
E-SRG PDF Small Renewable Generator PPA
E-STORE PDF Station Service For Storage Devices
ET (Sch) PDF Mobilehome Park Service
E-TMDL PDF Transferred Municipal Departing Load
E-TOU-B PDF Residential Time-of-Use Service
E-TOU-C PDF Residential Time-Of-Use
EV (Sch) PDF Residential Time-Of-Use Service for Plug-In Electric Vehicle Customers
EV2 (Sch) PDF Residential Time-Of-Use Service for Plug-In Electric Vehicle Customers
LS-1 PDF PG&E-Owned Street and Highway Lighting
LS-2 PDF Customer-Owned Street and Highway Lighting
LS-3 PDF Customer-Owned Street and Highway Lighting Electrolier Meter Rate
NBT PDF Net Billing Tariff (NBT) Service
NEM PDF Net Energy Metering Service
NEM2 PDF Net Energy Metering Service
NEM2V PDF Virtual Net Energy Metering Service
NEM2VMSH PDF Virtual Net Energy Metering For Multifamily Affordable Housing (MASH/NSHP) With Solar Generator(s)
NEM2VSOM PDF Virtual Net Energy Metering Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing (SOMAH) Properties
NEMBIO PDF Net Energy Metering Service for Biogas Customer-Generator
NEMCCSF PDF Net Energy Metering Service For City And County Of San Francisco Municipal Load Served By Hetch Hetchy At-Site Photovoltaic Generating Facilities
NEMFC PDF Net Energy Metering Service for Fuel Cell Customer-Generators
NEMV PDF Virtual Net Metering For A Multi-Tenant Or Multi-Meter Property Served At The Same Service Delivery Point
NEMVMASH PDF Virtual Net Energy Metering For Multifamily Affordable Housing (MASH/NSHP) With Solar Generator(s)
OL-1 PDF Outdoor Area Lighting Service
RES-BCT PDF Schedule For Local Government Renewable Energy Self-Generation Bill Credit Transfer
S (Sch) PDF Standby Service
SB PDF Standby Electric
TBCC PDF Transitional Bundled Commodity Cost
TC-1 PDF Traffic Control Service


Tariff Name PDF Title
A PDF Description of Service Area & General Requirements
AC PDF Catastrophic Event Memorandum Account
AE PDF Core Pipeline Demand Charge Account
AG PDF Core Firm Storage Account
AN PDF Hazardous Substance Mechanism
AW PDF Self-Generation Program Memorandum Account
B PDF Default Tariff Rate Components
BA PDF Public Purpose Program Surcharge-Energy Efficiency
BB PDF Public Purpose Program Surcharge Memorandum Account
BH PDF Public Purpose Program Surcharge-Low Income Energy Efficiency
BI PDF Public Purpose Program Surcharge-Research Development and Demonstration
BQ PDF Pension Contribution Balancing Account
BT PDF Non-Tariffed Products and Services Balancing Account
C PDF Gas Accounting Terms & Definitions
CA PDF California Solar Initiative Solar Thermal Program Memorandum Account
CL PDF Transmission Integrity Management Program Balancing Account
CO PDF Adjustment Mechanism For Costs Determined In Other Proceedings
CP PDF Gas Transmission And Storage Revenue Sharing Mechanism
CS PDF Tax Act Memorandum Account - Gas
CW PDF Gas Pipeline Expense and Capital Balancing Account
D PDF Purchased Gas Account
DA PDF Statewide Marketing, Education and Outreach Balancing Account
DB PDF Mobile Home Park Balancing Account - Gas
DD PDF General Rate Case Gas Transmission & Storage Memorandum Account (GRCGTSMA)
DH PDF Gas Programs Balancing Account (GPBA)
DJ PDF Energy Efficiency Financing Balancing Account - Gas (EEFBA-G)
DK PDF Shareholder-Funded Gas Transmission Safety Account (SFGTSA)
DN PDF Line 407 Memorandum Account (L407MA)
DP PDF Transmission Integrity Management Program Memorandum Account (TIMPMA)
DU PDF Z-Factor Memorandum Account
DX PDF Tax Memorandum Account (TMA-G)
DZ PDF New Environmental Regulations Balancing Account
EC PDF Emergency Consumer Protections Memorandum Account - Gas (ECPMA-G)
EE PDF Wildfire Expense Memorandum Account (WEMA-G)
EF PDF Statewide Energy Efficiency Balancing Account (SWEEBA-G)
EG PDF Dairy Biomethane Pilots Balancing Account (DBPBA)
EH PDF Dairy Biomethane Pilots Memorandum Account (DBPMA)
EI PDF Officer Compensation Memorandum Account (OCMA-G)
EJ (Prelim) PDF Gas Storage Balancing Account (GSBA)
EL PDF Gas Statutes Regulations and Rules Memorandum Account (GSRRMA)
ER PDF Internal Corrosion Balancing Account (ICBA)
ET PDF Measurement and Control Over-Pressure Protection Memorandum Account (MCOPPMA)
EU PDF In-line Inspection Memorandum Account (ILIMA)
EV PDF Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment Memorandum Account (ICDAMA)
F PDF Core Fixed Cost Account
FA PDF In-Line Inspection Balancing Account (ILIBA)
FD PDF California Consumer Privacy Act Memorandum Account - Gas
FE PDF General Rate Case Memorandum Account - Gas (GRCMA)
FF PDF COVID-19 Pandemic Protections Memorandum Account (CPPMA)
FH PDF Disconnections Memorandum Account - Gas (DMA-G)
FI PDF Climate Adaptation Vulnerability Assessment Memorandum Account - Gas (CAVAMA-G)
FJ PDF Residential Uncollectibles Balancing Account - Gas (RUBA-G)
FK PDF Risk Transfer Balancing Account - Gas (RTBA-G)
FL PDF Wildfire Mitigation Balancing Account (WMBA-G)
FM PDF AB841 School Energy Efficiency Stimulus Program Balancing Account - Gas
FN PDF Regional Memorandum Account - Gas (RPMA-G)
FP PDF Medium-Large Commercial and Industrial COVID-19 Disconnection Moratorium Memorandum Account - Gas (ML-CDMMA-G)
FQ PDF General Office Sale Memorandum Account
FR PDF General Office Balancing Account
FS PDF Cost of Capital Memorandum Account - Gas (COCMA-G)
FT PDF Percentage of Income Payment Plan Balancing Account - Gas (PIPPBA-G)
FU PDF Percentage of Income Payment Plan Memorandum Account - Gas (PIPPMA-G)
FV PDF Biomethane Procurement Program and Pilots Administrative Balancing Account (BPPPABA)
FW PDF Yield Spread Adjustment Memorandum Account - Gas (YSAMA-G)
FX PDF Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Memorandum Account - Gas (IIJAMA - G)
FY PDF Santa Nella Balancing Account - Gas
FZ PDF Concurrent Application System Balancing Account - Gas (CASBA - G)
GA PDF Gas Research and Development (R&D) and Deployment Balancing Account (GRDDBA)
GB PDF Alternative Energy Program Balancing Account (AEPBA)
GC PDF Gas Distribution New Business Balancing Account (GDNBBA)
GD PDF Gas Transmission New Business Balancing Account (GTNBBA)
J PDF Noncore Customer Class Charge Account
L PDF Balancing Charge Account
O PDF CPUC Reimbursement Fee
P PDF Income Tax Component of Contributions Provision
S PDF Interest
T PDF Tax Reform Act of 1986
U PDF Core Brokerage Fee Balancing Account
V PDF California Alternate Rates for Energy Account
Y PDF Customer Energy Efficiency Adjustment


Tariff Name PDF Title
A PDF Description of Service Area & General Requirements
BB PDF Competition Transition Charge Responsibility for All Customers and CTC Procedure for Departing Loads
BK PDF Transmission Revenue Requirement Reclassification Memo Account
BU PDF Vegetation Management Balancing Account
BY PDF Self-Generation Program Memorandum Account
CJ PDF Negative Ongoing Competition Transition Charge Memorandum Account
CP PDF Energy Resource Recovery Account
CQ PDF Modified Transition Cost Balancing Account
CZ PDF Distribution Revenue Adjustment Mechanism
DA PDF Public Purpose Programs Revenue Adjustment Mechanism
DB PDF Nuclear Decommissioning Adjustment Mechanism
DG PDF Power Charge Collection Balancing Account
DI PDF Procurement Energy Efficiency Balancing Account
DN PDF Municipal Surcharges on Dept of Water Resources Sales
DT PDF Energy Recovery Bond Balancing Account
DX PDF Family Electric Rate Assistance Balancing Account
DZ PDF Department of Energy Litigation Balancing Account
E PDF CPUC Reimbursement Fee
EC PDF Demand Response Expenditures Balancing Account
EF PDF Procurement Energy Efficiency Revenue Adjustment Mechanism
EH PDF Negative Indifference Amount Memorandum Account
EJ PDF Pension Contribution Balancing Account
EK PDF Land Conservation Plan Implementation Account
EL PDF Renewables Portfolio Standard Cost Memorandum Account
EO PDF California Solar Initiative Balancing Account
ET (Prelim) PDF Non-Tariffed Products and Services Balancing Account
EW PDF Long-Term Procurement Plan Technical Assistance Memorandum Account (LTAMA)
EZ PDF Land Conservation Plan Environmental Remediation Memorandum Account
FB PDF Fire Hazard Prevention Memorandum Account
FD PDF Smart Grid Project Memorandum Account
FR PDF Tax Act Memorandum Account - Electric(TAMA-E)
FS PDF New System Generation Balancing Account
FU PDF Electric Program Investment Charge Revenue Adjustment Mechanism Balancing Account
FY PDF Electric Program Investment Charge (EPIC) Balancing Account
G PDF Catastrophic Event Memorandum Account
GA PDF Greenhouse Gas Expense Memorandum Account
GB PDF Greenhouse Gas Revenue Balancing Account
GE PDF Statewide Marketing, Education and Outreach Balancing Account
GH PDF Mobile Home Park Balancing Account - Electric
GJ PDF Major Emergency Balancing Account (MEBA)
GL PDF Hydro Licensing Balancing Account (HLBA)
GM PDF Nuclear Regulatory Commission Rulemaking Balancing Account (NRCRBA)
GP PDF Green Tariff Shared Renewables Memorandum Account (GTSRMA)
GQ PDF Energy Efficiency Financing Balancing Account - Electric (EEFBA-E)
GR PDF Green Tariff Shared Renewables Balancing Account (GTSRBA)
GU PDF Z-Factor Memorandum Account
GV PDF Distribution Interconnection Memorandum Account (DIMA)
GZ PDF Distributed Energy Resources Distribution Deferral Account
H PDF Interest
HA PDF Avoided Cost Calculator Memorandum Account
HC PDF Rule 20 Balancing Account
HD PDF Tax Memorandum Account (TMA-E)
HF PDF Distribution Resources Plan Tools Memorandum Account (DRPTMA)
HG PDF Emergency Consumer Protections Memorandum Account - Electric (ECPMA-E)
HH PDF Transportation Electrification Balancing Account (TEBA)
HI PDF Solar On Multifamily Affordable Housing Balancing Account
HJ PDF Integrated Resource Planning Cost Memorandum Account
HK PDF Diablo Canyon Retirement Balancing Account
HL PDF Wildfire Expense Memorandum Account (WEMA-E)
HM PDF Public Policy Charge Balancing Account (PPCBA)
HN PDF Disadvantaged Communities Single-family Solar Homes Program Memorandum Account (DACSASHMA)
HO PDF Statewide Energy Efficiency Balancing Account (SWEEBA-E)
HQ PDF Fire Risk Mitigation Memorandum Account (FRMMA)
HR PDF Net Energy Metering (NEM) Balancing Account
HS PDF Portfolio Allocation Balancing Account
HT PDF Officer Compensation Memorandum Account (OCMA-E)
HU PDF San Joaquin Valley Disadvantaged Communities Pilot Balancing Account
HW PDF Tree Mortality Non-Bypassable Charge Balancing account
HX PDF Wildfire Mitigation Plan Memorandum Account (WMPMA)
HY PDF Rule 21 Balancing Account (R21 BA)
HZ PDF PCIA Undercollection Balancing Account (PUBA)
I PDF Rate Schedule Summary
IA PDF California Consumer Privacy Act Memorandum Account - Electric (CCPAMA-E)
IB PDF General Rate Case Memorandum Account - Electric (GRCMA-E)
ID PDF COVID-19 Pandemic Protections Memorandum Account (CPPMA)
IF PDF Incremental Resource Adequacy Procurement Memorandum Account
IG PDF Microgrids Memorandum Account (MGMA)
IH PDF Disconnections Memorandum Account - Electric (DMA-E)
II PDF Climate Adaptation Vulnerability Assessment Memorandum Account - Electric (CAVAMA-E)
IJ PDF BioMAT Non-bypassable Charge Balancing Account
IK PDF Power Charge Indifference Adjustment Prepayment Balancing Account
IL PDF Essential usage Study Experience Balancing Account (EUSEBA)
IM PDF Residential Uncollectibles Balancing Account - Electric (RUBA-G)
IN PDF Risk Transfer Balancing Account - Electric (RTBA-E)
IO PDF Wildfire Mitigation Balancing Account (WMBA-E)
IP PDF Dimmable Streetlight Implementation Memo Account (DSIMA)
IQ PDF Electric Reliability Memorandum Account (ERMA)
IR PDF AB841 School Energy Efficiency Stimulus Program Balancing Account - Electric
IS PDF Regional Plan Memorandum Account - Electric (RPMA-E)
IT PDF Microgrids Balancing Account (MGBA)
IU PDF AB 841 Memorandum Account
IW PDF Medium-Large Commercial and Industrial COVID-19 Disconnection Moratorium Memorandum Account - Electric (ML-CDMMA-E)
IX PDF Fixed Recovery Charge
IY PDF Fixed Recovery Charge Balancing Account
IZ PDF Recovery Bond Tracking Account
J PDF Income Tax Component of Contributions Provision
JA PDF Customer Credit for Fixed Recovery Charge
JB PDF General Office Sale Memorandum Account
JC PDF Voluntary Allocation and Market Offer Memorandum Account (WAMOMA-E)
JD PDF Microgrid Reservation Capacity Component - Standby Charge Suspension Account
JE PDF General Office Sale Balancing Account
JF PDF Wildfire Hardening Fixed Recovery Charge (WHFRC)
JG PDF Wildfire Hardening Fixed Recovery Charge Balancing Account (WHFRCBA)
JH PDF Wildfire And Natural Disaster Resiliency Rebuild Program - Electric
JI PDF Dynamic and Real-Time Pricing Memorandum Account Dynamic And Real-Time Pricing Memorandum Account (DRTPMA)
JJ PDF AB 1X Refund Balancing Account (AB1XBA)
JK PDF Cost of Capital Memorandum Account - Electric (COCMA-E)
JL PDF Percentage of Income Payment Plan Balancing Account - Electric (PIPPBA-E)
JM PDF Percentage of Income Payment Plan Memorandum Account - Electric (PIPPMA-E)
JN PDF Modified Cost Allocation Mechanism Balancing Account
JO PDF California Distributed Generation Statistics Website Memorandum Account - 2 (CDGSWMA-2)
JP PDF Yield Spread Adjustment Memorandum Account - Electric (YSAMA-E)
JQ PDF Diablo Canyon Transition and Relicensing Memorandum Account (DCTRMA)
JR PDF Diablo Canyon Extended Operations Balancing Account (DCEOBA)
JS PDF Interruption Cost Estimate Memorandum Account (ICEMA)
JT PDF Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Memorandum Account - Electric (IIJAMA - E),
JU PDF Santa Nella Balancing Account - Electric
JV PDF Concurrent Application System Balancing Account - Electric (CASBA - E)
JW PDF High DER Consulting Funds Balancing Account (HDERCFBA)
JX PDF Tariff On-Bill Memorandum Account (TOBMA)
JY PDF Click-Through Process Memorandum Account (CTPMA)
JZ PDF Overhead and Underground Maintenance Balancing Account (OUMBA)
K PDF Energy Commission Tax
KA PDF Critical Operating Equipment Cable Replacement Balancing Account (COECRBA)
KB PDF Diablo Canyon Extended Operations Memorandum Account (DCEOMA)
KC PDF Non-Tariffed Products and Services Memorandum Account (NTPSMA)
KD PDF Income-Graduated Fixed Charge Memorandum Account (IGFCMA)
KE PDF Income-Graduated Fixed Charge Balancing Account (IGFCBA)
KF PDF Community Renewable Energy Program Balancing Account (CREPBA)
KH PDF Electric Capacity and New Business Interim Memorandum Account (ECNBIMA)
M PDF California Alternate Rates for Energy Account
P PDF Customer Energy Efficiency Adjustment
S (Prelim) PDF Hazardous Substance Mechanism
Y PDF Electric and Magnetic Field Measurement Policy


Tariff Name PDF Title
1 PDF Definitions
2 PDF Description of Service
3 PDF Application for Service
4 PDF Contracts
5 PDF Special Information Required on Forms
6 PDF Establishment and Reestablishment of Credit
7 PDF Deposits
8 PDF Notices
9 PDF Rendering and Payment of Bills
10 PDF Disputed Bills
11 PDF Discontinuance and Restoration of Service
12 PDF Rates and Optional Rates
13 PDF Temporary Service
14 PDF Capacity Allocation and Constraint of Gas Service
15 PDF Gas Main Extensions
16 PDF Gas Service Extensions
17 PDF Meter Tests and Adjustment of Bills for Meter Error
17.1 PDF Adjustment of Bills for Billing Error
17.2 PDF Adjustment of Bills for Unauthorized Use
18 PDF Supply to Separate Premises and Submetering of Gas
19 PDF Medical Baseline Quantities
19.1 PDF California Alternate Rates for Energy for Individual Customers and Submetered Tenants of Master-Metered Customers
19.2 PDF California Alternate Rates for Energy for Nonprofit Group-Living Facilities
19.3 PDF California Alternate Rates for Energy for Qualified Agricultural Employee Housing Facilities
19.4 PDF California Alternate Rates for Energy for Qualified Food Bank Facilities
19.5 PDF Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP) Pilot Program Eligibility and Certification Rules for Individually Metered Gas Customers
21 PDF Transportation of Gas
23 PDF Gas Aggregation Service for Core Transport Customers
25 PDF Gas Services-Customer Creditworthiness and Payment Terms
26 PDF Standards of Conduct and Procedures Related to Transactions, Etc.
27 PDF Privacy and Security Protections for Energy Usage Data
27.1 PDF Access to Energy Usage and Usage-Related Data While Protecting Privacy of Personal Data
28 PDF Mobilehome Park Utility Conversion Program
29 PDF Renewable Gas Interconnections to PG&E's Pipeline System


Tariff Name PDF Title
1 PDF Definitions
2 PDF Description of Service
3 PDF Application for Service
4 PDF Contracts
5 PDF Special Information Required on Forms
6 PDF Establishment and Reestablishment of Credit
7 PDF Deposits
8 PDF Notices
9 PDF Rendering and Payment of Bills
10 PDF Disputed Bills
11 PDF Discontinuance and Restoration of Service
12 PDF Rates and Optional Rates
13 PDF Temporary Service
14 PDF Shortage of Supply and Interruption of Delivery
15 PDF Distribution Line Extensions
16 PDF Service Extensions
17 PDF Meter Tests and Adjustment of Bills for Meter Error
17.1 PDF Adjustment of Bills for Billing Error
17.2 PDF Adjustment of Bills for Unauthorized Use
18 PDF Supply to Separate Premises and Submetering of Electric Energy
19 PDF Medical Baseline Quantities
19.1 PDF California Alternate Rates for Energy for Individual Customers and Submetered Tenants of Master-Metered Customers
19.2 PDF California Alternate Rates for Energy for Nonprofit Group-Living Facilities
19.3 PDF California Alternate Rates for Energy for Qualified Agricultural Employee Housing Facilities
19.5 PDF Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP) Pilot Program Eligibility and Certification Rules for Individually Metered Electric Customers
20 PDF Replacement of Overhead with Underground Electric Facilities
21 PDF Generating Facility Interconnections
22 PDF Direct Access
22.1 PDF Direct Access Service Switching Exemption Rules
23 PDF Community Choice Aggregation Service
23.2 PDF Community Choice Aggregation Open Season
24 PDF Direct Participation Demand Response
25 PDF Release Of Customer Data To Third Parties
27 PDF Privacy and Security Protections for Energy Usage Data
27.1 PDF Access to Energy Usage and Usage-Related Data While Protecting Privacy of Personal Data
28 PDF Mobilehome Park Utility Conversion Program
29 PDF Electric Distribution Infrastructure for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations


Tariff Name PDF Title
Service Area Map PDF Gas Service Area Maps


Tariff Name PDF Title
Service Area Map PDF Electric Service Area Maps


Tariff Name PDF Title
List Of Contracts And Deviations PDF List Of Contracts And Deviations


Tariff Name PDF Title
List Of Contracts And Deviations PDF List Of Contracts And Deviations


Tariff Name PDF Title
01-6630 PDF Energy Statement -- Central Mailing
01-9077 PDF CARE/FERA Program Application for Residential Customers
01-9285 PDF CARE/FERA Program Application for Sub-Metered Residential Customers
02-2590 PDF Interim Service Agreement
61-0502 PDF Medical Baseline Allowance Self-Certification Request Form
61-0535 PDF CARE Program Application for Migrant Farm Worker Housing Centers
61-4019 PDF Energy Statement -- Summary Bill
62-0156 PDF CARE Program Application for Nonprofit Group Living Facilities
62-0401 PDF Notice Form
62-0562 PDF Gas & Electric Facilities Transfer Agreement - Declaration
62-0579 PDF Design/Construction Change Order Request
62-0672 PDF CARE/FERA Program Application for Sub-Metered Residential Customers (English/Chinese)
62-0673 PDF CARE/FERA Program Application for Sub-Metered Residential Customers (English/Vietnamese)
62-0683 PDF Application for Service -- Residential Single Family Dwelling
62-0684 PDF Application for Service -- Residential Subdivision/Development
62-0685 PDF Application for Service -- Commercial/Industrial Development
62-0686 PDF Application for Service -- Agricultural Service
62-0687 PDF Application for Service -- Existing Service Relocate/Change Service
62-0919 PDF CARE/FERA Program Application for Residential Customers (Pre-Printed Application)
62-0939 PDF CARE/FERA Program Application for Residential Customers (Pre-Printed Application Instruction)
62-0940 PDF CARE Program Renewal Instructions - Residential Customers
62-0972 PDF CARE/FERA Program Application for Residential Customers (English/Chinese)
62-0973 PDF CARE/FERA Program Application for Residential Customers (English/Vietnamese)
62-0980 PDF Distribution Service and Extension Agreement Declarations
62-0982 PDF Distribution and Service Extension Agreement - Provisions
62-1198 PDF CARE Program Application for Agricultural Employee Housing Facilities
62-1477 PDF CARE/FERA Program Income Guidelines
62-1509 PDF CARE Program Renewal Application -- Residential Customers
62-3010 PDF Hazard Notice -- English
62-3481 PDF Medical Baseline Allowance Application
62-3531 PDF Service Report
62-4042 PDF Surety Bond/Bill Guaranty
62-4501 PDF Absolving Service Agreement
62-4527 PDF Agreement to Perform Tariff Schedule Related Work
62-4778 PDF Cancellation of Contract
79-1003 PDF Statement of Applicant's Contract Anticipated Costs
79-1004 PDF Distribution and Service Extension Agreement Exhibit A Cost Summary
79-1018 PDF Residential Rule 16 Electric/Gas Single Service Extensions
79-1025 PDF Third Party Notification Service Bill Insert
79-1026 PDF Authorization to Revise Nominating Marketer on Exhibits C and D of Form 79-756--Natural Gas Service Agreement
79-1027 PDF Third-Party Notification Letter of Unpaid Charges (15-Day Notice)
79-1028 PDF Third-Party Notification Letter of Unpaid Charges (48 Hour Notice)
79-1031 PDF Community Choice Aggregator Non-Disclosure Agreement
79-1039 PDF Rate Schedule Selection Customer Agreement
79-1040 PDF Non-Disclosure and Use of Information Agreement
79-1041 PDF Notice of Bill Guarantee Termination
79-1042 PDF APS/Auto Pay Customer Application
79-1043 PDF Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit
79-1047 PDF Authorization to Change Residential Rate NGV Home Refueling
79-1049 PDF Agreement to Install Applicant Requested Common Special Facilities - Gas and Electric Rule 2
79-1051 PDF CARE/FERA Program Application for Residential Customers (English) - Large Print Application
79-1052 PDF CARE/FERA Program Application for Residential Customers (Spanish) - Large Print Application
79-1053 PDF CARE/FERA Program Application for Residential Customers (Chinese) - Large Print Application
79-1054 PDF CARE/FERA Program Application for Residential Customers (Vietnamese) - Large Print Application
79-1055 PDF CARE/FERA Program Application for Sub-Metered Residential Customers (English) - Large Print Application
79-1056 PDF CARE/FERA Program Application for Sub-Metered Residential Customers (Spanish) - Large Print Application
79-1057 PDF CARE/FERA Program Application Sub-Metered Residential Customers (Chinese) - Large Print Application
79-1058 PDF CARE/FERA Program Application for Sub-Metered Residential Customers (Vietnamese) - Large Print Application
79-1059 PDF CARE/FERA Program Income Guidelines - Large Print
79-1088 PDF Supplemental Agreement for Limited Gas Transmission Capacity
79-1089 PDF Independent Storage Providers (ISP) -PG&E Exchange Agreement
79-1090 PDF G-ESISP Service Agreement
79-1091 PDF G-ESISP Service Relocation Agreement
79-1095 PDF Authorization to Receive Customer Information or Act Upon a Customer's Behalf
79-1096 PDF Authorization to Receive Customer Information or Act Upon a Customer's Behalf (Spanish)
79-1097 PDF Request Change of Mailing Address to a Third Party Change of Address
79-1099 PDF Property Management Authorization Agreement
79-1104 PDF Billing Calculation Service Agreement
79-1118 PDF General Off-Bill and On-Bill Financing Loan Agreement
79-1119 PDF Tenant Rights Letter
79-1126 PDF Off-Bill and On-Bill Financing Loan Agreement for Self-Installed Projects
79-1128 PDF Affidavit in Support of Customer Claim as Qualifying as a Small Business Customer Under Government Code Section 14837
79-1139 PDF Notice of Payment Default
79-1143 PDF California State Government Customers On-Bill Financing Loan Agreement
79-1156 PDF Authorization to Add Loan Charges to Utility Bill (Residential)
79-1157 PDF Authorization to Add Loan Charges to Utility Bill (Non-Residential)
79-1164 PDF Mobilehome Park Utility Conversion Program Application
79-1165 PDF Mobilehome Park Utility Conversion Program Agreement
79-1166 PDF Non-Disclosure Agreement
79-1167 PDF Local Governments Terms of Service Acceptance Agreement
79-1169 PDF Gas and Electric Extension Agreement
79-1173 PDF Energy Efficiency Financing Pilot Programs Authorization or Revocation of Authorization to Release Customer Information
79-1186 PDF Share My Data Customer Authorization or Revocation of Authorization Form
79-1194 PDF Local Agency And District Customers On-Bill Financing Loan Agreement
79-1201 PDF Butte County Mobilehome Park (MHP) Rebuild Program Agreement
79-1205 PDF PG&E Gift Payment Form
79-1206 PDF Standard Renewable Gas Interconnection Agreement
79-1206A PDF Standard Renewable Gas Interconnection Agreement Exhibit A
79-1206B PDF Standard Renewable Gas Interconnection Agreement Exhibit B
79-1206C PDF Standard Renewable Gas Interconnection Agreement Exhibit C
79-1206D PDF Standard Renewable Gas Interconnection Agreement Exhibit D
79-1206E PDF Standard Renewable Gas Interconnection Agreement Exhibit E
79-1206F PDF Standard Renewable Gas Interconnection Agreement Exhibit F
79-1207 PDF Interconnector Measurement Data Access Device Agreement
79-1208 PDF Agreement for Transfer of Ownership of Renewable Gas Self-Build Facilities
79-1209 PDF Services Agreement
79-1209A PDF Attachment A - Interconnection Screening Study
79-1209A-1 PDF Preliminary Engineering Study - Attachment A-1
79-1209A-2 PDF Detailed Engineering Study With Optional Long Lead Material Procurement - Attachment A-2
79-1209A-3 PDF Pipeline Blending Exception Study - Attachment A3
79-1209B PDF Attachment B - To Services Agreement Confidentiality Agreement
79-1210 PDF Renewable Gas Interconnect Fact Sheet
79-1216 PDF Application For New Service or Project
79-1222 PDF Dixie Fire Mobilehome Park (MHP) Rebuild Agreement
79-255 PDF Agreement for Installation or Allocation of Special Facilities
79-716 PDF General Terms and Conditions for Gas and Electric Extension and Service Construction by Applicant
79-753 PDF Compressed Natural Gas Fueling Agreement
79-755 PDF Agreement for Schedule G-NGV1 Core Gas Service
79-756 PDF Natural Gas Service Agreement
79-757 PDF Natural Gas Service Agreement Modification Revised Exhibits
79-759 PDF Supplemental Agreement for As-Available Capacity
79-762 PDF Imbalance Trading Form for Schedule G-BAL Service
79-788 PDF Agreement for Adjustment for Natural Gas Energy Efficiency Measures
79-796 PDF Notice of Gas Storage Inventory Transfer
79-800 PDF Discontinuance of Service Notice
79-845 PDF Core Gas Aggregation Service Agreement
79-845A PDF Core Gas Aggregation Service Agreement -- ATTACHMENT A - Customer Authorization for Core Gas Aggregation Service
79-845C PDF Core Gas Aggregation Service Agreement -- ATTACHMENT C - Assignment of Firm Pipeline Capacity
79-845D PDF Core Gas Aggregation Service Agreement -- ATTACHMENT D - Core Firm Storage Allocation
79-845F PDF Core Gas Aggregation Service Agreement -- ATTACHMENT F - Formal Communications Between Parties
79-845H PDF Core Gas Aggregation Service Agreement -- ATTACHMENT H - Authorization for Early Termination
79-845I PDF Core Gas Aggregation Service Agreement -- ATTACHMENT I - Certification of Alternate Resources for Rejected Storage Withdrawal Capacity
79-845J PDF Core Gas Aggregation Service Agreement -- ATTACHMENT J - Declaration of Alternate Firm Winter Capacity
79-845K PDF Core Gas Aggregation Service Agreement -- ATTACHMENT K - Core Transport Agent Billing Agreement
79-845L PDF Core Gas Aggregation Service Agreement -- ATTACHMENT L - Consolidated PG&E Billing
79-845M PDF Core Gas Aggregation Service Agreement -- ATTACHMENT M - Certification of Storage Resources
79-858 PDF ID Theft Affidavit
79-861 PDF Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) - Trading Partner Agreement
79-866 PDF Gas Transmission Service Agreement
79-866A PDF Gas Transmission Service Agreement -- EXHIBIT A - Gold Coast Firm or As-Available Transportation Service
79-866B PDF Gas Transmission Service Agreement -- EXHIBIT B - Negotiated Gold Coast Transportation Service
79-866C PDF Gas Transmission Service Agreement -- EXHIBIT C - Golden Gate Market Center Parking/Lending Service
79-866E PDF Gas Transmission Service Agreement -- EXHIBIT E - Golden Gate Market Center Negotiated Firm Storage Service
79-866F PDF Gas Transmission Service Agreement -- EXHIBIT F - Golden Gate Market Center Negotiated As-Available Storage Service
79-866J PDF Gas Transmission Service Agreement - EXHIBIT J - Golden Gate Market Center Standard Firm Storage Service
79-866K PDF Gas Transmission Service Agreement -- EXHIBIT K - Negotiated Gold Coast Delivery Service to Off-System End-Use Customers
79-866L PDF Gas Transmission Service Agreement - EXHIBIT L - Golden Gate Market Center Core Firm Storage Service
79-867 PDF Assignment of California Gas Transmission Services
79-868 PDF California Gas Transmission Credit Application
79-869 PDF Noncore Balancing Aggregation Agreement
79-869A PDF Noncore Balancing Aggregation Agreement -- EXHIBIT A - Customer Balancing Agent Service Authorization
79-869B PDF Noncore Balancing Aggregation Agreement -- EXHIBIT B - Termination of Balancing Agent Service Authorization
79-875 PDF Application and Agreement for Electric and/or Natural Gas Facilities Where Full Advance Payment is Required -- Rule 13 - Temporary Service
79-936 PDF Deed of Conveyance
79-937 PDF Assignment Agreement
79-941 PDF Nomination Authorization Form
79-944 PDF California Production Balancing Agreement
79-946 PDF California Production Cumulative Imbalance Trading Form
79-947 PDF Request for California Gas Transmission Market Center Balance Transfer
79-971 PDF Election for Self-Balancing Option
79-982 PDF Electronic Commerce System User Agreement
79-982B PDF Electronic Commerce System User Agreement Exhibit B Access Request Form
79-983 PDF Request for Reclassification From Noncore Service to Core Service
BackofBill PDF Energy Statement -- Central Mailing--Back of Bill


Tariff Name PDF Title
01-6630 PDF Energy Statement -- Central Mailing
01-9077 PDF CARE/FERA Program Application for Residential Customers
01-9285 PDF CARE/FERA Program Application for Sub-Metered Residential Customers
02-2590 PDF Interim Service Agreement
61-0502 PDF Medical Baseline Allowance Self-Certification Request Form
61-0535 PDF CARE Program Application for Migrant Farm Worker Housing Centers
61-4019 PDF Energy Statement -- Summary Bill
62-0156 PDF CARE Program Application for Nonprofit Group Living Facilities
62-0401 PDF Notice Form
62-0562 PDF Gas & Electric Facilities Transfer Agreement - Declaration
62-0579 PDF Design/Construction Change Order Request
62-0672 PDF CARE/FERA Program Application for Sub-Metered Residential Customers (English/Chinese)
62-0673 PDF CARE/FERA Program Application for Sub-Metered Residential Customers (English/Vietnamese)
62-0683 PDF Application for Service -- Residential Single Family Dwelling
62-0684 PDF Application for Service -- Residential Subdivision/Development
62-0685 PDF Application for Service -- Commercial/Industrial Development
62-0686 PDF Application for Service -- Agricultural Service
62-0687 PDF Application for Service -- Existing Service Relocate/Change Service
62-0919 PDF CARE/FERA Program Application for Residential Customers (Pre-Printed Application)
62-0939 PDF CARE/FERA Program Application for Residential Customers (Pre-Printed Application Instruction)
62-0940 PDF CARE Program Renewal Instructions - Residential Customers
62-0972 PDF CARE/FERA Program Application for Residential Customers (English/Chinese)
62-0973 PDF CARE/FERA Program Application for Residential Customers (English/Vietnamese)
62-0980 PDF Distribution Service And Extension Agreement Declarations
62-0982 PDF Distribution and Service Extension Agreement - Provisions
62-1198 PDF CARE Program Application for Agricultural Employee Housing Facilities
62-1477 PDF CARE/FERA Program Income Guidelines
62-1509 PDF CARE Program Renewal Application -- Residential Customers
62-3010 PDF Hazard Notice -- English
62-3481 PDF Medical Baseline Allowance Application
62-3531 PDF Service Report
62-4042 PDF Surety Bond/Bill Guaranty
62-4501 PDF Absolving Service Agreement
62-4527 PDF Agreement to Perform Tariff Schedule Related Work
62-4778 PDF Cancellation of Contract
79-1002 PDF Customer Generation Departing Nonbypassable Charge
79-1003 PDF Statement of Applicant's Contract Anticipated Costs
79-1004 PDF Distribution and Service Extension Agreement Exhibit A Cost Summary
79-1006 PDF Transferred Municipal Departing Load Nonbypassable Charge Statement
79-1007 PDF Request to Install or Energize Street Light Schedules: LS-1, LS-2 and OL-1. Energy Billing Information for Initial and Subsequent Installations.
79-1008 PDF Request to De-energize or Remove Street Light Schedules: LS-1, LS-2 and OL-1 Energy Billing Information
79-1010 PDF Interconnection Agreement for Net Energy Metering of Existing Fuel Cell Generating Facilities
79-1011 PDF Notice to Return to PG&E Bundled Service
79-1013 PDF New Municipal Departing Load Nonbypassable Charge Statement
79-1014 PDF Direct Access Customer Relocation Declaration
79-1018 PDF Residential Rule 16 Electric/Gas Single Service Extensions
79-1024 PDF Dual Supply Customer Authorizing Agreement
79-1025 PDF Third Party Notification Service Bill Insert
79-1027 PDF Third-Party Notification Letter of Unpaid Charges (15-Day Notice)
79-1028 PDF Third-Party Notification Letter Of Unpaid Charges (48 Hour Notice)
79-1029 PDF Community Choice Aggregator (CCA) Service Agreement
79-1030 PDF Declaration by Mayor or Chief County Administrator Regarding Investigation Pursuit or Implementation of Community Choice Aggregation
79-1031 PDF Community Choice Aggregator Non-Disclosure Agreement
79-1038 PDF Application for Essential Use Customer Status
79-1039 PDF Rate Schedule Selection Customer Agreement
79-1040 PDF Non-Disclosure and Use of Information Agreement
79-1041 PDF Notice of Bill Guarantee Termination
79-1042 PDF APS/Auto Pay Customer Application
79-1043 PDF Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit
79-1048 PDF Agreement for Unmetered Low Wattage Equipment Connected to Customer-Owned Street Light Facilities
79-1048A PDF Attachment A to Agreement for Unmetered Low Wattage Equipment Connected to Customer-Owned Street Light Facilities
79-1048B PDF Attachment B To Agreement for Unmetered Low Wattage Equipment Connected to Customer-Owned Street Light Facilities (Form 79-1048)
79-1049 PDF Agreement to Install Applicant Requested Common Special Facilities - Gas and Electric Rule 2
79-1050 PDF Contract for Customer Provision of Physically Assured Load Reduction
79-1051 PDF CARE/FERA Program Application for Residential Customers (English) - Large Print Application
79-1052 PDF CARE/FERA Program Application for Residential Customers (Spanish) - Large Print Application
79-1053 PDF CARE/FERA Program Application for Residential Customers (Chinese) - Large Print Application
79-1054 PDF CARE/FERA Program Application for Residential Customers (Vietnamese) - Large Print Application
79-1055 PDF CARE/FERA Program Application for Sub-Metered Residential Customers (English) - Large Print Application
79-1056 PDF CARE/FERA Program Application for Sub-Metered Residential Customers (Spanish) - Large Print Application
79-1057 PDF CARE/FERA Program Application Sub-Metered Residential Customers (Chinese) - Large Print Application
79-1058 PDF CARE/FERA Program Application for Sub-Metered Residential Customers (Vietnamese) - Large Print Application
79-1059 PDF CARE/FERA Program Income Guidelines - Large Print
79-1069 PDF Generating Facility Interconnection Agreement (Multiple Tariff)
79-1069-02 PDF Generating Facility Interconnection Agreement (Multiple Tariff NEM2MT)
79-1069-03 PDF Generating Facility Interconnection Agreement (Multiple Tariff NBT-MT)
79-1070 PDF Export Addendum to Generating Facility Interconnection Agreement For Non-Export Generating Facilities (Form 79-973)
79-1072 PDF FERA Program Renewal Instructions -- Residential Customers
79-1073 PDF FERA Program Renewal Application -- Residential Customers
79-1075 PDF Notice to Add or Delete Customers Participating in the Capacity Bidding Program
79-1076 PDF Agreement for Aggregators Participating in the Capacity Bidding Program
79-1078 PDF Agreement for Unmetered Electric Service to Devices Connected to Pacific Gas and Electric Company's Street Light Facilities
79-1079 PDF Agreement for Aggregators Participating in the Base Interruptible Program
79-1080 PDF Notice to Add or Delete Customers Participating in the Base Interruptible Program
79-1095 PDF Authorization to Receive Customer Information or Act Upon a Customer's Behalf
79-1096 PDF Authorization to Receive Customer Information or Act Upon a Customer's Behalf (Spanish)
79-1097 PDF Request Change of Mailing Address to a Third Party Change of Address
79-1099 PDF Property Management Authorization Agreement
79-1100 PDF Electric Rule 21 - Agreement to Install Applicant Requested NGOM Special Facilities for Solar Performance Metering
79-1102 PDF Section 399.20 Power Purchase Agreement
79-1103 PDF Small Renewable Generator Power Purchase Agreement
79-1104 PDF Bill Calculation Service Agreement
79-1105 PDF Agreement for Unmetered Electric Service to Seasonal Lighting Loads Connected to Festoon Outlets on Pacific Gas And Electric Company's Street Light Facilities
79-1107 PDF Streetlight Application for Service
79-1110 PDF Reactive Demand Charge Exemption Form
79-1111 PDF Optimal Billing Period Service Election Form
79-1113 PDF Agreement to Perform Tariff Schedule Related Work - Rule 20A Electric Panel Service Conversion
79-1114 PDF NEM 2010 Early True-up Request Form
79-1116 PDF Customer Assignment Notification
79-1117 PDF Six Month Notice to Transfer to Direct Access Service
79-1118 PDF General Off-Bill and On-Bill Financing Loan Agreement
79-1119 PDF Tenant Rights Letter
79-1120 PDF Standard Contract for Eligible CHP Facilities
79-1121 PDF Power Purchase and Sale Agreement - Contract for Eligible CHP Facilities With Net Output of Not Greater Than 5 MW
79-1125 PDF NEM / NEMV / NEMVMASH Inspection Report
79-1126 PDF Off-Bill and On-Bill Financing Loan Agreement for Self-Installed Projects
79-1127 PDF Agreement to Perform Tariff Scheduled Related Work,Rule 20A General Conditions
79-1128 PDF Affidavit in Support of Customer Claim as Qualifying as a Small Business Customer Under Government Code Section 14837*
79-1130 PDF Request to Opt-out of / Opt-in to Compensation for Surplus Electricity
79-1136 PDF PG&E Interconnection Agreement For An Existing Small Generating Facility Interconnecting to the Distribution System Under Rule 21
79-1138 PDF Power Purchase and Sale Agreement - Contract for Eligible CHP Facilities With a Power Rating of Less Than 500 kW
79-1141 PDF Agreement for Schedule A-15 Fixed Usage Estimate
79-1143 PDF California State Government Customers On-Bill Financing Loan Agreement
79-1145 PDF Rule 21 Exporting Generator Interconnection Request
79-1148 PDF Direct Access Customer Replacement Declaration
79-1149 PDF Election to Withdraw from the Capacity Bidding Program Form
79-1150 PDF Renewable Market Adjusting Tariff Power Purchase Agreement
79-1151A PDF Agreement And Customer Authorization Net Energy Metering For Solar And/Or Wind Electric Generating Facilities Of 30 Kilowatts Or Less
79-1151A-02 PDF Agreement And Customer Authorization Net Energy Metering (NEM2) Interconnection For Solar And/Or Wind Electric Generating Facilities Of 30 Kilowatts Or Less
79-1151A-03 PDF Agreement and Customer Authorization Net Billing Tariff (NBT), also known as Solar Billing Plan (SBP), Interconnection For Solar And/Or Wind Electric Generating Facilities Of 30 Kilowatts Or Less
79-1151B-03 PDF Application Net Energy Metering (NEM/NEM2) and Net Billing Tariff (NBT), also known as Solar Billing Plan (SBP), Interconnection For Solar And/Or Wind Electric Generating Facilities Of 30 Kilowatt...
79-1152 PDF Customer Information Service Request For DRP (CISR-DRP)
79-1154 PDF Agreement for Economic Development Incentive on Electric Service
79-1155-03 PDF Schedules NEM/NEM2/NBT, NEMV/NEM2V/NBTV, NEMVMSH/ NEM2VMSH, NEM2VSOM Net Surplus Electricity (NSE) Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) Compensation Form
79-1156 PDF Authorization to Add Loan Charges to Utility Bill (Residential)
79-1157 PDF Authorization to Add Loan Charges to Utility Bill (Non-Residential)
79-1158 PDF Electric Vehicle Submetering Meter Data Management Agent (MDMA) Registration Agreement
79-1159 PDF Electric Vehicle Submetering Pilot (Phase 1) Customer Enrollment Agreement
79-1160 PDF Demand Response Provider (DRP) Service Agreement
79-1162 PDF Rule 21 Detailed Study Agreement
79-1164 PDF Mobilehome Park Utility Conversion Program Application
79-1165 PDF Mobilehome Park Utility Conversion Program Agreement
79-1166 PDF Non-Disclosure Agreement
79-1167 PDF Local Governments Terms of Service Acceptance Agreement
79-1169 PDF Gas and Electric Extension Agreement
79-1170 PDF Authorization to Add MCE Loan Charges to Utility Bill
79-1171 PDF Authorization to Add MCE Storage Charges to Utility Bill
79-1172 PDF Bioenergy Market Adjusting Tariff Power Purchase Agreement
79-1173 PDF Energy Efficiency Financing Pilot Programs Authorization or Revocation of Authorization to Release Customer Information
79-1174-03 PDF Rule 21 Generator Interconnection Application
79-1174-03A PDF Interconnection Application, Attachment A, Customer and Project Information
79-1174-03B PDF Interconnection Application, Attachment B, Non-Export
79-1174-03C PDF Interconnection Application, Attachment C, Export
79-1174-03D PDF Interconnection Application, Attachment D, Solar (PV) Technology
79-1174-03E PDF Interconnection Application, Attachment E, Wind Turbine Technology
79-1174-03F PDF Interconnection Application, Attachment F, Machine-Based Technology
79-1174-03G PDF Interconnection Application, Attachment G, Fuel Cell Technology
79-1174-03H PDF Interconnection Application, Attachment H, Energy Storage Technology
79-1174-03I PDF Interconnection Application, Attachment I, RES-BCT
79-1174-03J PDF Interconnection Application, Attachment J, NEM/NEM2 Load Aggregation
79-1174-03K PDF Interconnection Application, Attachment K, NEMFC Load Aggregation
79-1174-03L PDF Interconnection Application, Attachment L, NEMV/NEM2V
79-1174-03M PDF Interconnection Application, Attachment M, NEMVMASH Single Service Delivery Point
79-1174-03N PDF Interconnection Application, Attachment M, NEMVMASH Development
79-1175 PDF Rule 21 Consent to Assignment Form for Non-NEM Projects
79-1176 PDF Green Tariff Shared Renewables (GTSR) Community Renewables (CR) Program Project Development Tariff Rider and Amendment
79-1177 PDF Special Contract for Unmetered Service Agreement for Energy Use Adjustments for Network Controlled Dimmable Streetlights - 2014 Pilot Program
79-1178 PDF Plug-In Electric Vehicle Submetering Pilot Phase 2 Submeter MDMA Registration Agreement
79-1179 PDF Plug-In Electric Vehicle Submetering Pilot Phase 2 Single Customer-of-Record Enrollment Agreement
79-1180 PDF Plug-In Electric Vehicle Submetering Pilot Phase 2 Multiple Customer-of-Record Enrollment Agreement
79-1181 PDF Rule 21 Pre-Application Report Request
79-1182 PDF Cost Envelope Option Non-NEM Request
79-1183 PDF Cost Envelope Option Non-NEM Agreement Appendix
79-1184 PDF Cost Envelope Option NEM Request
79-1185 PDF Cost Envelope Option NEM Agreement Appendix
79-1186 PDF Share My Data Customer Authorization or Revocation of Authorization Form
79-1187 PDF Bioenergy Market Adjusting Tariff Program (BioMAT Program) - Fuel Resource Attestation
79-1188 PDF Special Agreement for Retail Storage Station Service for In Front of the Meter Applications
79-1189 PDF Eligible Low Income Development Virtual Net Energy Metering (NEM2VMSH) Interconnection Agreement for Multifamily Affordable Housing with Solar Generation Totaling 1 MW or Less
79-1191 PDF Interconnection Agreement for Renewable Energy Self-Generation Bill Credit Transfer (RES-BCT) Generating Facility
79-1192 PDF Interconnection Agreement for Non-Export Storage Generating Facilities 500KW or Less
79-1193 PDF Agreement and Customer Authorization Net Energy Metering (NEM) Interconnection for Solar and/or Wind Electric Generating Facilities of 30 Kilowatts or Less: with Energy Storage of 10 Kilowatts or Less
79-1193-02 PDF Agreement and Customer Authorization Net Energy Metering (NEM2) Interconnection for Solar and/or Wind Electric Generating Facilities of 30 Kilowatts or Less: with Energy Storage of 10 Kilowatts or Les
79-1193-03 PDF Agreement and Customer Authorization Net Billing Tariff (NBT), also known as Solar Billing Plan (SBP), Interconnection for Solar and/or Wind Electric Generating Facilities of 30 Kilowatts or Less...
79-1194 PDF Local Agency And District Customers On-Bill Financing Loan Agreement
79-1195 PDF Eligible Low Income Development Virtual Net Energy Metering (NEMVMASH) Interconnection Agreement for Multifamily Affordable Housing with Solar Generation Totaling 1 MW or Less
79-1198-02 PDF Interconnection Agreement for Net Energy Metering (NEM2) and Renewable Electrical Generating Facility Sized Greater than 1,000 kW
79-1198-03 PDF Interconnection Agreement for Net Billing Tariff (NBT) and Renewable Electrical Generating Facility Sized Greater Than 1,000 kW
79-1199 PDF Agreement and Customer Authorization, Non-Export Standalone Energy Storage of 30 Kilowatts or Less
79-1200 PDF Rule 21 Generator Interconnection Agreement for Exporting Generating Facilities
79-1201 PDF Butte County Mobilehome Park (MHP) Rebuild Program Agreement
79-1202 PDF Load Aggregation Appendix
79-1202-03 PDF Load Aggregation Appendix
79-1204 PDF Pilot Pedestal Program Application
79-1205 PDF PG&E Gift Payment Form
79-1206-02 PDF Eligible Low-Income Development Virtual Net Energy Metering(NEM2VSOM) Interconnection Agreement For The Solar On Multifamily Affordable Housing(SOMAH) Program w/ Solar Generation Totaling 1 Mw Or Less
79-1208 PDF Standalone Power System Supplemental Provisions
79-1211 PDF Generating Facility Material Modification Notification Worksheet
79-1212 PDF Rule 21 Non-Export Generator Interconnection Notification
79-1213 PDF Agreement and Customer Authorization Non-Export Generating Facility Sized 30 Kilowatts or Less
79-1214 PDF Notification-Only Pilot Program Developer Eligibility Application
79-1215-03 PDF Net Energy Metering and Net Billing Tariff Application Addendum for Consumer Protection
79-1216 PDF Application For New Service or Project
79-1217 PDF Agreement And Customer Authorization Net Energy Metering (NEM2) Interconnection For Solar And/Or Wind Electric Generating Facilities Of 30 Kilowatts Or Less With Energy Storage Of 10 Kilowatts Or Less
79-1217-03 PDF Agreement and Customer Authorization Net Billing Tariff (NBT), also known as Solar Billing Plan (SBP), Interconnection For Solar And/Or Wind Electric Generating Facilities Of 30 Kilowatts Or Less...
79-1218 PDF Agreement And Customer Authorization Net Energy Metering (NEM2) Interconnection For Solar And/Or Wind Electric Generating Facilities Of 30 Kilowatts Or Less For New Residential Construction
79-1218-03 PDF Agreement and Customer Authorization Net Billing Tariff (NBT), also known as Solar Billing Plan (SBP), Interconnection For Solar And/Or Wind Electric Generating Facilities Of 30 Kilowatts Or Less...
79-1219 PDF Low Variability Microgrid Standby Customer Application for Standby Waiver Per Special Condition 16 of Sch S and Special Condition 15 of Sch SB
79-1220 PDF Interconnection Agreement for Net Energy Metering (NEM) of a Renewable Electric Generating Facility of 1,000 kW or Less, Except Solar or Wind Facilities of 30 kW or Less, and Virtual Net Energy Meteri
79-1220-02 PDF Interconnection Agreement for Net Energy Metering 2 (NEM2) of a Renewable Electric Generating Facility of 1,000 kW or Less, Except NEM2 Solar or Wind Facilities of 30 kW or Less
79-1220-03 PDF Interconnection Agreement for Net Billing Tariff (NBT), Also Known as Solar Billing Plan (SBP), of A Renewable Electrical Generating Facility of 1,000 kW or Less, Except NBT Solar or Wind facilities..
79-1221 PDF Agreement To Perform Electric Rule 29 Tariff Schedule Related Work
79-1222 PDF Dixie Fire Mobilehome Park (MHP) Rebuild Agreement
79-1223 PDF Agreement for Economic Development Rate on Electric Service
79-1224 PDF Prevailing Wage Disclosure Form
79-255 PDF Agreement for Installation or Allocation of Special Facilities
79-280 PDF Agreement for Installation or Allocation of Special Facilities for Parallel Operation of Nonutility-Owned Generation and/or Electrical Standby Service (Electric Rules 2 and 21)
79-285 PDF Special Agreement for Electrical Standby Service
79-702 PDF Agreement for Installation or Allocation of Special Facilities for Parallel Operation of Nonutility-Owned Generation and/or Electrical Standby Service -- APPENDIX A - Detail of Special Facilities Char
79-716 PDF General Terms & Conditions for Gas and Electric Extension & Service Construction by Applicant
79-726 PDF Electric Standby Service Log Sheet Schedule S or SB
79-759 PDF Supplemental Agreement for As-Available Capacity
79-800 PDF Discontinuance of Service Notice
79-847 PDF Transmission Load Operating Agreement
79-858 PDF ID Theft Affidavit
79-861 PDF Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) - Trading Partner Agreement
79-875 PDF Application And Agreement For Electric And/Or Natural Gas Facilities Where Full Advance Payment Is Required Rule 13 - Temporary Service
79-936 PDF Deed of Conveyance
79-937 PDF Assignment Agreement
79-938 PDF Customer-Owned Streetlights PG&E Pole Contact Agreement
79-948 PDF Electric Service Provider (ESP) Service Agreement
79-954 PDF Departing Load Competition Transition Charge Agreement
79-955 PDF Amendment to PG&E's Departing Load Competition Transition Charge Agreement for Subsequently Obtained CTC Exemption
79-957 PDF Electric Distribution Service Line Lease Agreement
79-961 PDF Dual Socket Metering Agreement
79-966 PDF Agreement for Schedule E-OBMC
79-972 PDF Agreement for Unmetered Electrical Service
79-972A PDF Attachment A to Agreement for Unmetered Services, Form 79-972
79-972B PDF Attachment B to Unmetered Agreement for Electric Service, Form 79-972
79-973 PDF Generating Facility Interconnection Agreement For Non-Export Generating Facilities
79-988 PDF Generating Facility Interconnection Agreement (Third Party Non-Exporting)
79-992 PDF Customer Generation Agreement (Third Party Generator on Premises Non-Exporting)
79-995 PDF Agreement for Customers Taking Service on Schedule E-31
79-999 PDF Agreement for Limited Optional Remote Metering Service
BackofBill PDF Energy Statement -- Back of Bill


Tariff Name PDF Title
TITLE PDF Gas Tariff Book Title Page


Tariff Name PDF Title
TITLE PDF Electric Tariff Book Title Page

For further information or questions, please email PGETariffs@pge.com.