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Tariff Name | Title | |
G-1 | Residential Service | |
G-10 | Service to Company Employees | |
G1-NGV | Residential Natural Gas Service for Compression on Customers' Premises | |
G-AA | As Available Transportation On-System | |
G-AAOFF | As-Available Transportation Off-System | |
G-AFT | Annual Firm Transportation On-System | |
G-AFTOFF | Annual Firm Transportation Off-System | |
G-AMDS | Experimental Access to Meter Data Services | |
G-BAL | Gas Balancing Service for Intrastate Transportation Customers | |
G-CARE | CARE Program Service For Qualified Facilities | |
G-CFS | Core Firm Storage | |
G-CP | Gas Procurement Service to Core End-Use Customers | |
G-CPX | Crossover Gas Procurement Service to Core End-Use Customers | |
G-CRED | Billing Credits for CTA-Consolidated Billing | |
G-CT | Core Gas Aggregation Service | |
G-EFLIC | Energy Financing Line Item Charge (EFLIC) Pilot | |
G-EG | Gas Transportation Service to Electric Generation | |
G-ESISP | Exchange Service Through ISP Facilities | |
G-ESP | Consolidated PG&E Billing Services to Core Transport Agents | |
GL-1 | Residential CARE Program Service | |
GL1-NGV | Residential CARE Program Natural Gas Service for Compression on Customers' Premises | |
G-LEND | Market Center Lending Services | |
G-LNG | Experimental Liquefied Natural Gas Service | |
GM | Master-Metered Multifamily Service | |
G-MHPS | Master-Metered Mobilehome Park Safety Surcharge | |
GML | Master-Metered Multifamily CARE Program Service | |
G-NAA | Negotiated As-Available Transportation On-System | |
G-NAAOFF | Negotiated As-Available Transportation Off-System | |
G-NAS | Negotiated As-Available Storage Service | |
G-NFS | Negotiated Firm Storage Service | |
G-NFT | Negotiated Firm Transportation On-System | |
G-NFTOFF | Negotiated Firm Transportation Off-System | |
G-NGV1 | Core Gas Service to Gas Vehicle Fueling Stations | |
G-NGV2 | Core Compressed Natural Gas Service on PG&E's Premises | |
G-NGV4 | Noncore Gas Service to Gas Vehicle Fueling Stations | |
G-NR1 | Gas Service to Small Commercial Customers | |
G-NR2 | Gas Service to Large Commercial Customers | |
G-NT | Gas Transportation Service to Noncore End-Use Customers | |
G-OBF | On Bill Financing Loan Program | |
G-OBR | On-Bill Repayment (OBR) Pilots | |
G-OEC | Gas Delivery to Off-System End-Use Customers | |
G-PARK | Market Center Parking Services | |
G-PIPP | Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP) Pilot | |
G-PPPS | Gas Public Purpose Program Surcharge | |
GS | Multifamily Service | |
G-SFS | Standard Firm Storage Service | |
G-SFT | Seasonal Firm Transportation On-System Only | |
GSL | Multifamily CARE Program Service | |
G-SOP | Residential Gas SmartMeter(TM) Opt-Out Program | |
G-SUR | Customer-Procured Gas Franchise Fee Surcharge | |
GT | Mobilehome Park Service | |
GTL | Mobilehome Park CARE Program Service | |
G-WSL | Gas Transportation Service to Wholesale/Resale Customers | |
G-XF | Pipeline Expansion Firm Intrastate Transportation Service |
Tariff Name | Title | |
A-1 | Small General Service | |
A-10 | Medium General Demand-Metered Service | |
A-15 | Direct-Current General Service | |
A-6 | Small General Time-of-Use Service | |
AG | Time-of-Use Agricultural Power | |
AG-1 | Agricultural Power | |
AG-4 | Time-of-Use Agricultural Power | |
AG-5 | Large Time-of-Use Agricultural Power | |
AG-F | Flexible Off-Peak Time-Of-Use Agricultural Power | |
AG-R | Split-Week Time-of-Use Agricultural Power | |
AG-V | Short-Peak Time-of-Use Agricultural Power | |
B-1 | Small General Service | |
B-10 | Medium General Demand Metered Service | |
B-19 | Medium General Demand-Metered TOU Service | |
B-20 | Service to Customers with Maximum Demands of 1000 Kilowatts or More | |
B-6 | Small General Time-of-Use Service | |
BEV | Business Electric Vehicle | |
CCA-CRS | Community Choice Aggregation Cost Responsibility Surcharge | |
DAC-GT | Disadvantaged Community Green Tariff Program | |
DA-CRS | Direct Access Cost Responsibility Surcharge | |
D-CARE | Line-Item Discount For California Alternate Rates For Energy (Care) Customers | |
D-MEDICAL | Line-Item Discount for Medical Customers | |
E-1 | Residential Services | |
E-19 | Medium General Demand-Metered TOU Service | |
E-20 | Service to Customers with Maximum Demands of 1000 Kilowatts or More | |
E-AMDS | Experimental Access to Meter Data Services | |
E-ART | Automated Response Technology Program | |
E-BioMAT | Bioenergy Market Adjusting Tariff | |
E-BIP | Base Interruptible Program | |
E-BTMM | Behind-the-Meter Microgrids | |
E-CARE | Care Prog Serv For Qualif Nonprof Grp-Liv & Qualif Agri Empl Housing Facils | |
E-CBP | Capacity Bidding Program | |
E-CCA | Services to Community Choice Aggregators | |
E-CCAINFO | Information Release To Community Choice Aggregators | |
E-CHP | Combined Heat and Power PPA | |
E-CHPS | Combined Heat and Power Simplified PPA | |
E-CHPSA | Combined Heat and Power Simplified Under 500 kW PPA | |
E-CMET | Community Microgrid Enablement Tariff | |
E-CREDIT | Revenue Cycle Services Credits | |
E-DASR | Direct Access Services Request Fees | |
E-DCG | Departing Customer Generation | |
E-DEPART | Departing Customers | |
EDR | Economic Development Rate | |
E-DRP | Demand Response Provider Services | |
EE | Service to Company Employees | |
E-EFLIC | Energy Financing Line Item Charge (EFLIC) Pilot | |
E-ELEC | Residential Time-of-Use (Electric Home) Service for Customers with Quaifying Electric Technologies | |
E-ERA | Energy Rate Adjustments | |
E-ESP | Services to Electric Service Providers | |
E-ESPNDSF | Electric Service Provider Non-Discretionary Service Fees | |
E-EUS | End User Service | |
E-FBD | Service for Qualified Food Banks | |
E-FERA | Family Electric Rate Assistance | |
E-FFS | Franchise Fee Surcharge | |
E-GT | Green Tariff Program | |
EITE | Emissions-Intensive and Trade-Exposed Customer Greenhouse Gas Allowance Revenue Provisions | |
E-LORMS | Limited Optional Remote Metering Service | |
EM (Sch) | Master-Metered Multifamily Service | |
EM-TOU | Residential Time of Use Service | |
E-NMDL | New Municipal Departing Load | |
E-NWDL | New WAPA Departing Load | |
E-OBF | On Bill Financing Loan Program | |
E-OBMC | Optional Binding Mandatory Curtailment Plan | |
E-OBR | On-Bill Repayment (OBR) Pilots | |
E-PIPP | Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP) Pilot | |
E-PWF | Section 399.20 PPA | |
E-ReMAT | Renewable Market Adjusting Tariff (ReMAT) | |
E-RSAC | Residential Smart A/C Program | |
E-RSMART | Residential Smartrate Program | |
ES (Sch) | Multifamily Service | |
E-SDL | Split-Wheeling Departing Load | |
E-SLRP | Scheduled Load Reduction Program | |
E-SOP | Residential Electric SmartMeter(TM) Opt-Out Program | |
ESR | Residential RV Park and Residential Marina Service | |
E-SRG | Small Renewable Generator PPA | |
E-STORE | Station Service For Storage Devices | |
ET (Sch) | Mobilehome Park Service | |
E-TMDL | Transferred Municipal Departing Load | |
E-TOU-B | Residential Time-of-Use Service | |
E-TOU-C | Residential Time-Of-Use | |
EV (Sch) | Residential Time-Of-Use Service for Plug-In Electric Vehicle Customers | |
EV2 (Sch) | Residential Time-Of-Use Service for Plug-In Electric Vehicle Customers | |
LS-1 | PG&E-Owned Street and Highway Lighting | |
LS-2 | Customer-Owned Street and Highway Lighting | |
LS-3 | Customer-Owned Street and Highway Lighting Electrolier Meter Rate | |
NBT | Net Billing Tariff (NBT) Service | |
NEM | Net Energy Metering Service | |
NEM2 | Net Energy Metering Service | |
NEM2V | Virtual Net Energy Metering Service | |
NEM2VMSH | Virtual Net Energy Metering For Multifamily Affordable Housing (MASH/NSHP) With Solar Generator(s) | |
NEM2VSOM | Virtual Net Energy Metering Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing (SOMAH) Properties | |
NEMBIO | Net Energy Metering Service for Biogas Customer-Generator | |
NEMCCSF | Net Energy Metering Service For City And County Of San Francisco Municipal Load Served By Hetch Hetchy At-Site Photovoltaic Generating Facilities | |
NEMFC | Net Energy Metering Service for Fuel Cell Customer-Generators | |
NEMV | Virtual Net Metering For A Multi-Tenant Or Multi-Meter Property Served At The Same Service Delivery Point | |
NEMVMASH | Virtual Net Energy Metering For Multifamily Affordable Housing (MASH/NSHP) With Solar Generator(s) | |
OL-1 | Outdoor Area Lighting Service | |
RES-BCT | Schedule For Local Government Renewable Energy Self-Generation Bill Credit Transfer | |
S (Sch) | Standby Service | |
SB | Standby Electric | |
TBCC | Transitional Bundled Commodity Cost | |
TC-1 | Traffic Control Service |
Tariff Name | Title | |
A | Description of Service Area & General Requirements | |
AC | Catastrophic Event Memorandum Account | |
AE | Core Pipeline Demand Charge Account | |
AG | Core Firm Storage Account | |
AN | Hazardous Substance Mechanism | |
AW | Self-Generation Program Memorandum Account | |
B | Default Tariff Rate Components | |
BA | Public Purpose Program Surcharge-Energy Efficiency | |
BB | Public Purpose Program Surcharge Memorandum Account | |
BH | Public Purpose Program Surcharge-Low Income Energy Efficiency | |
BI | Public Purpose Program Surcharge-Research Development and Demonstration | |
BQ | Pension Contribution Balancing Account | |
BT | Non-Tariffed Products and Services Balancing Account | |
C | Gas Accounting Terms & Definitions | |
CA | California Solar Initiative Solar Thermal Program Memorandum Account | |
CL | Transmission Integrity Management Program Balancing Account | |
CO | Adjustment Mechanism For Costs Determined In Other Proceedings | |
CP | Gas Transmission And Storage Revenue Sharing Mechanism | |
CS | Tax Act Memorandum Account - Gas | |
CW | Gas Pipeline Expense and Capital Balancing Account | |
D | Purchased Gas Account | |
DA | Statewide Marketing, Education and Outreach Balancing Account | |
DB | Mobile Home Park Balancing Account - Gas | |
DD | General Rate Case Gas Transmission & Storage Memorandum Account (GRCGTSMA) | |
DH | Gas Programs Balancing Account (GPBA) | |
DJ | Energy Efficiency Financing Balancing Account - Gas (EEFBA-G) | |
DK | Shareholder-Funded Gas Transmission Safety Account (SFGTSA) | |
DN | Line 407 Memorandum Account (L407MA) | |
DP | Transmission Integrity Management Program Memorandum Account (TIMPMA) | |
DU | Z-Factor Memorandum Account | |
DX | Tax Memorandum Account (TMA-G) | |
DZ | New Environmental Regulations Balancing Account | |
EC | Emergency Consumer Protections Memorandum Account - Gas (ECPMA-G) | |
EE | Wildfire Expense Memorandum Account (WEMA-G) | |
EF | Statewide Energy Efficiency Balancing Account (SWEEBA-G) | |
EG | Dairy Biomethane Pilots Balancing Account (DBPBA) | |
EH | Dairy Biomethane Pilots Memorandum Account (DBPMA) | |
EI | Officer Compensation Memorandum Account (OCMA-G) | |
EJ (Prelim) | Gas Storage Balancing Account (GSBA) | |
EL | Gas Statutes Regulations and Rules Memorandum Account (GSRRMA) | |
ER | Internal Corrosion Balancing Account (ICBA) | |
ET | Measurement and Control Over-Pressure Protection Memorandum Account (MCOPPMA) | |
EU | In-line Inspection Memorandum Account (ILIMA) | |
EV | Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment Memorandum Account (ICDAMA) | |
F | Core Fixed Cost Account | |
FA | In-Line Inspection Balancing Account (ILIBA) | |
FD | California Consumer Privacy Act Memorandum Account - Gas | |
FE | General Rate Case Memorandum Account - Gas (GRCMA) | |
FF | COVID-19 Pandemic Protections Memorandum Account (CPPMA) | |
FH | Disconnections Memorandum Account - Gas (DMA-G) | |
FI | Climate Adaptation Vulnerability Assessment Memorandum Account - Gas (CAVAMA-G) | |
FJ | Residential Uncollectibles Balancing Account - Gas (RUBA-G) | |
FK | Risk Transfer Balancing Account - Gas (RTBA-G) | |
FL | Wildfire Mitigation Balancing Account (WMBA-G) | |
FM | AB841 School Energy Efficiency Stimulus Program Balancing Account - Gas | |
FN | Regional Memorandum Account - Gas (RPMA-G) | |
FP | Medium-Large Commercial and Industrial COVID-19 Disconnection Moratorium Memorandum Account - Gas (ML-CDMMA-G) | |
FQ | General Office Sale Memorandum Account | |
FR | General Office Balancing Account | |
FS | Cost of Capital Memorandum Account - Gas (COCMA-G) | |
FT | Percentage of Income Payment Plan Balancing Account - Gas (PIPPBA-G) | |
FU | Percentage of Income Payment Plan Memorandum Account - Gas (PIPPMA-G) | |
FV | Biomethane Procurement Program and Pilots Administrative Balancing Account (BPPPABA) | |
FX | Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Memorandum Account - Gas (IIJAMA - G) | |
FY | Santa Nella Balancing Account - Gas | |
FZ | Concurrent Application System Balancing Account - Gas (CASBA - G) | |
GA | Gas Research and Development (R&D) and Deployment Balancing Account (GRDDBA) | |
GB | Alternative Energy Program Balancing Account (AEPBA) | |
GC | Gas Distribution New Business Balancing Account (GDNBBA) | |
GD | Gas Transmission New Business Balancing Account (GTNBBA) | |
GE | Hydrogen Compendium Report Memorandum Account (HCRMA) | |
GF | Comprehensive Gas Advanced Metering Infrastructure Memorandum Account - Gas (GAMIMA - G) | |
J | Noncore Customer Class Charge Account | |
L | Balancing Charge Account | |
O | CPUC Reimbursement Fee | |
P | Income Tax Component of Contributions Provision | |
S | Interest | |
T | Tax Reform Act of 1986 | |
U | Core Brokerage Fee Balancing Account | |
V | California Alternate Rates for Energy Account | |
Y | Customer Energy Efficiency Adjustment |
Tariff Name | Title | |
A | Description of Service Area & General Requirements | |
BB | Competition Transition Charge Responsibility for All Customers and CTC Procedure for Departing Loads | |
BK | Transmission Revenue Requirement Reclassification Memo Account | |
BU | Vegetation Management Balancing Account | |
BY | Self-Generation Program Memorandum Account | |
CP | Energy Resource Recovery Account | |
CQ | Modified Transition Cost Balancing Account | |
CZ | Distribution Revenue Adjustment Mechanism | |
DA | Public Purpose Programs Revenue Adjustment Mechanism | |
DB | Nuclear Decommissioning Adjustment Mechanism | |
DG | Power Charge Collection Balancing Account | |
DI | Procurement Energy Efficiency Balancing Account | |
DN | Municipal Surcharges on Dept of Water Resources Sales | |
DT | Energy Recovery Bond Balancing Account | |
DX | Family Electric Rate Assistance Balancing Account | |
DZ | Department of Energy Litigation Balancing Account | |
E | CPUC Reimbursement Fee | |
EC | Demand Response Expenditures Balancing Account | |
EF | Procurement Energy Efficiency Revenue Adjustment Mechanism | |
EJ | Pension Contribution Balancing Account | |
EK | Land Conservation Plan Implementation Account | |
EL | Renewables Portfolio Standard Cost Memorandum Account | |
EO | California Solar Initiative Balancing Account | |
ET (Prelim) | Non-Tariffed Products and Services Balancing Account | |
EW | Long-Term Procurement Plan Technical Assistance Memorandum Account (LTAMA) | |
EZ | Land Conservation Plan Environmental Remediation Memorandum Account | |
FB | Fire Hazard Prevention Memorandum Account | |
FD | Smart Grid Project Memorandum Account | |
FR | Tax Act Memorandum Account - Electric(TAMA-E) | |
FS | New System Generation Balancing Account | |
FU | Electric Program Investment Charge Revenue Adjustment Mechanism Balancing Account | |
FY | Electric Program Investment Charge (EPIC) Balancing Account | |
G | Catastrophic Event Memorandum Account | |
GA | Greenhouse Gas Expense Memorandum Account | |
GB | Greenhouse Gas Revenue Balancing Account | |
GE | Statewide Marketing, Education and Outreach Balancing Account | |
GH | Mobile Home Park Balancing Account - Electric | |
GJ | Major Emergency Balancing Account (MEBA) | |
GL | Hydro Licensing Balancing Account (HLBA) | |
GM | Nuclear Regulatory Commission Rulemaking Balancing Account (NRCRBA) | |
GP | Green Tariff Shared Renewables Memorandum Account (GTSRMA) | |
GQ | Energy Efficiency Financing Balancing Account - Electric (EEFBA-E) | |
GR | Green Tariff Shared Renewables Balancing Account (GTSRBA) | |
GU | Z-Factor Memorandum Account | |
GV | Distribution Interconnection Memorandum Account (DIMA) | |
GZ | Distributed Energy Resources Distribution Deferral Account | |
H | Interest | |
HA | Avoided Cost Calculator Memorandum Account | |
HC | Rule 20 Balancing Account | |
HD | Tax Memorandum Account (TMA-E) | |
HF | Distribution Resources Plan Tools Memorandum Account (DRPTMA) | |
HG | Emergency Consumer Protections Memorandum Account - Electric (ECPMA-E) | |
HH | Transportation Electrification Balancing Account (TEBA) | |
HI | Solar On Multifamily Affordable Housing Balancing Account | |
HJ | Integrated Resource Planning Cost Memorandum Account | |
HK | Diablo Canyon Retirement Balancing Account | |
HL | Wildfire Expense Memorandum Account (WEMA-E) | |
HM | Public Policy Charge Balancing Account (PPCBA) | |
HN | Disadvantaged Communities Single-family Solar Homes Program Memorandum Account (DACSASHMA) | |
HO | Statewide Energy Efficiency Balancing Account (SWEEBA-E) | |
HQ | Fire Risk Mitigation Memorandum Account (FRMMA) | |
HR | Net Energy Metering (NEM) Balancing Account | |
HS | Portfolio Allocation Balancing Account | |
HT | Officer Compensation Memorandum Account (OCMA-E) | |
HU | San Joaquin Valley Disadvantaged Communities Pilot Balancing Account | |
HW | Tree Mortality Non-Bypassable Charge Balancing account | |
HX | Wildfire Mitigation Plan Memorandum Account (WMPMA) | |
HY | Rule 21 Balancing Account (R21 BA) | |
HZ | PCIA Undercollection Balancing Account (PUBA) | |
I | Rate Schedule Summary | |
IA | California Consumer Privacy Act Memorandum Account - Electric (CCPAMA-E) | |
IB | General Rate Case Memorandum Account - Electric (GRCMA-E) | |
ID | COVID-19 Pandemic Protections Memorandum Account (CPPMA) | |
IF | Incremental Resource Adequacy Procurement Memorandum Account | |
IG | Microgrids Memorandum Account (MGMA) | |
IH | Disconnections Memorandum Account - Electric (DMA-E) | |
II | Climate Adaptation Vulnerability Assessment Memorandum Account - Electric (CAVAMA-E) | |
IJ | BioMAT Non-bypassable Charge Balancing Account | |
IK | Power Charge Indifference Adjustment Prepayment Balancing Account | |
IL | Essential usage Study Experience Balancing Account (EUSEBA) | |
IM | Residential Uncollectibles Balancing Account - Electric (RUBA-G) | |
IN | Risk Transfer Balancing Account - Electric (RTBA-E) | |
IO | Wildfire Mitigation Balancing Account (WMBA-E) | |
IP | Dimmable Streetlight Implementation Memo Account (DSIMA) | |
IQ | Electric Reliability Memorandum Account (ERMA) | |
IR | AB841 School Energy Efficiency Stimulus Program Balancing Account - Electric | |
IS | Regional Plan Memorandum Account - Electric (RPMA-E) | |
IT | Microgrids Balancing Account (MGBA) | |
IU | AB 841 Memorandum Account | |
IW | Medium-Large Commercial and Industrial COVID-19 Disconnection Moratorium Memorandum Account - Electric (ML-CDMMA-E) | |
IX | Fixed Recovery Charge | |
IY | Fixed Recovery Charge Balancing Account | |
IZ | Recovery Bond Tracking Account | |
J | Income Tax Component of Contributions Provision | |
JA | Customer Credit for Fixed Recovery Charge | |
JB | General Office Sale Memorandum Account | |
JC | Voluntary Allocation and Market Offer Memorandum Account (WAMOMA-E) | |
JD | Microgrid Reservation Capacity Component - Standby Charge Suspension Account | |
JE | General Office Sale Balancing Account | |
JF | Wildfire Hardening Fixed Recovery Charge (WHFRC) | |
JG | Wildfire Hardening Fixed Recovery Charge Balancing Account (WHFRCBA) | |
JH | Wildfire And Natural Disaster Resiliency Rebuild Program - Electric | |
JI | Dynamic and Real-Time Pricing Memorandum Account Dynamic And Real-Time Pricing Memorandum Account (DRTPMA) | |
JJ | AB 1X Refund Balancing Account (AB1XBA) | |
JK | Cost of Capital Memorandum Account - Electric (COCMA-E) | |
JL | Percentage of Income Payment Plan Balancing Account - Electric (PIPPBA-E) | |
JM | Percentage of Income Payment Plan Memorandum Account - Electric (PIPPMA-E) | |
JN | Modified Cost Allocation Mechanism Balancing Account | |
JO | California Distributed Generation Statistics Website Memorandum Account - 2 (CDGSWMA-2) | |
JQ | Diablo Canyon Transition and Relicensing Memorandum Account (DCTRMA) | |
JR | Diablo Canyon Extended Operations Balancing Account (DCEOBA) | |
JS | Interruption Cost Estimate Memorandum Account (ICEMA) | |
JT | Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Memorandum Account - Electric (IIJAMA - E), | |
JU | Santa Nella Balancing Account - Electric | |
JV | Concurrent Application System Balancing Account - Electric (CASBA - E) | |
JW | High DER Consulting Funds Balancing Account (HDERCFBA) | |
JX | Tariff On-Bill Memorandum Account (TOBMA) | |
JY | Click-Through Process Memorandum Account (CTPMA) | |
JZ | Overhead and Underground Maintenance Balancing Account (OUMBA) | |
K | Energy Commission Tax | |
KA | Critical Operating Equipment Cable Replacement Balancing Account (COECRBA) | |
KB | Diablo Canyon Extended Operations Memorandum Account (DCEOMA) | |
KC | Non-Tariffed Products and Services Memorandum Account (NTPSMA) | |
KD | Income-Graduated Fixed Charge Memorandum Account (IGFCMA) | |
KE | Income-Graduated Fixed Charge Balancing Account (IGFCBA) | |
KF | Community Renewable Energy Program Balancing Account (CREPBA) | |
KH | Electric Capacity and New Business Interim Memorandum Account (ECNBIMA) | |
KI | Comprehensive Gas Advanced Metering Infrastructure Memorandum Account - Electric (GAMIMA - E) | |
M | California Alternate Rates for Energy Account | |
P | Customer Energy Efficiency Adjustment | |
S (Prelim) | Hazardous Substance Mechanism | |
Y | Electric and Magnetic Field Measurement Policy |
Tariff Name | Title | |
1 | Definitions | |
2 | Description of Service | |
3 | Application for Service | |
4 | Contracts | |
5 | Special Information Required on Forms | |
6 | Establishment and Reestablishment of Credit | |
7 | Deposits | |
8 | Notices | |
9 | Rendering and Payment of Bills | |
10 | Disputed Bills | |
11 | Discontinuance and Restoration of Service | |
12 | Rates and Optional Rates | |
13 | Temporary Service | |
14 | Capacity Allocation and Constraint of Gas Service | |
15 | Gas Main Extensions | |
16 | Gas Service Extensions | |
17 | Meter Tests and Adjustment of Bills for Meter Error | |
17.1 | Adjustment of Bills for Billing Error | |
17.2 | Adjustment of Bills for Unauthorized Use | |
18 | Supply to Separate Premises and Submetering of Gas | |
19 | Medical Baseline Quantities | |
19.1 | California Alternate Rates for Energy for Individual Customers and Submetered Tenants of Master-Metered Customers | |
19.2 | California Alternate Rates for Energy for Nonprofit Group-Living Facilities | |
19.3 | California Alternate Rates for Energy for Qualified Agricultural Employee Housing Facilities | |
19.4 | California Alternate Rates for Energy for Qualified Food Bank Facilities | |
19.5 | Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP) Pilot Program Eligibility and Certification Rules for Individually Metered Gas Customers | |
21 | Transportation of Gas | |
23 | Gas Aggregation Service for Core Transport Customers | |
25 | Gas Services-Customer Creditworthiness and Payment Terms | |
26 | Standards of Conduct and Procedures Related to Transactions, Etc. | |
27 | Privacy and Security Protections for Energy Usage Data | |
27.1 | Access to Energy Usage and Usage-Related Data While Protecting Privacy of Personal Data | |
28 | Mobilehome Park Utility Conversion Program | |
29 | Renewable Gas Interconnections to PG&E's Pipeline System |
Tariff Name | Title | |
1 | Definitions | |
2 | Description of Service | |
3 | Application for Service | |
4 | Contracts | |
5 | Special Information Required on Forms | |
6 | Establishment and Reestablishment of Credit | |
7 | Deposits | |
8 | Notices | |
9 | Rendering and Payment of Bills | |
10 | Disputed Bills | |
11 | Discontinuance and Restoration of Service | |
12 | Rates and Optional Rates | |
13 | Temporary Service | |
14 | Shortage of Supply and Interruption of Delivery | |
15 | Distribution Line Extensions | |
16 | Service Extensions | |
17 | Meter Tests and Adjustment of Bills for Meter Error | |
17.1 | Adjustment of Bills for Billing Error | |
17.2 | Adjustment of Bills for Unauthorized Use | |
18 | Supply to Separate Premises and Submetering of Electric Energy | |
19 | Medical Baseline Quantities | |
19.1 | California Alternate Rates for Energy for Individual Customers and Submetered Tenants of Master-Metered Customers | |
19.2 | California Alternate Rates for Energy for Nonprofit Group-Living Facilities | |
19.3 | California Alternate Rates for Energy for Qualified Agricultural Employee Housing Facilities | |
19.5 | Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP) Pilot Program Eligibility and Certification Rules for Individually Metered Electric Customers | |
20 | Replacement of Overhead with Underground Electric Facilities | |
21 | Generating Facility Interconnections | |
22 | Direct Access | |
22.1 | Direct Access Service Switching Exemption Rules | |
23 | Community Choice Aggregation Service | |
23.2 | Community Choice Aggregation Open Season | |
24 | Direct Participation Demand Response | |
25 | Release Of Customer Data To Third Parties | |
27 | Privacy and Security Protections for Energy Usage Data | |
27.1 | Access to Energy Usage and Usage-Related Data While Protecting Privacy of Personal Data | |
28 | Mobilehome Park Utility Conversion Program | |
29 | Electric Distribution Infrastructure for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations |
Tariff Name | Title | |
Service Area Map | Gas Service Area Maps |
Tariff Name | Title | |
Service Area Map | Electric Service Area Maps |
Tariff Name | Title | |
List Of Contracts And Deviations | List Of Contracts And Deviations |
Tariff Name | Title | |
List Of Contracts And Deviations | List Of Contracts And Deviations |
Tariff Name | Title | |
01-6630 | Energy Statement -- Central Mailing | |
01-9077 | CARE/FERA Program Application for Residential Customers | |
01-9285 | CARE/FERA Program Application for Sub-Metered Residential Customers | |
02-2590 | Interim Service Agreement | |
61-0502 | Medical Baseline Allowance Self-Certification Request Form | |
61-0535 | CARE Program Application for Migrant Farm Worker Housing Centers | |
61-4019 | Energy Statement -- Summary Bill | |
62-0156 | CARE Program Application for Nonprofit Group Living Facilities | |
62-0401 | Notice Form | |
62-0562 | Gas & Electric Facilities Transfer Agreement - Declaration | |
62-0579 | Design/Construction Change Order Request | |
62-0672 | CARE/FERA Program Application for Sub-Metered Residential Customers (English/Chinese) | |
62-0673 | CARE/FERA Program Application for Sub-Metered Residential Customers (English/Vietnamese) | |
62-0683 | Application for Service -- Residential Single Family Dwelling | |
62-0684 | Application for Service -- Residential Subdivision/Development | |
62-0685 | Application for Service -- Commercial/Industrial Development | |
62-0686 | Application for Service -- Agricultural Service | |
62-0687 | Application for Service -- Existing Service Relocate/Change Service | |
62-0919 | CARE/FERA Program Application for Residential Customers (Pre-Printed Application) | |
62-0939 | CARE/FERA Program Application for Residential Customers (Pre-Printed Application Instruction) | |
62-0940 | CARE Program Renewal Instructions - Residential Customers | |
62-0972 | CARE/FERA Program Application for Residential Customers (English/Chinese) | |
62-0973 | CARE/FERA Program Application for Residential Customers (English/Vietnamese) | |
62-0980 | Distribution Service and Extension Agreement Declarations | |
62-0982 | Distribution and Service Extension Agreement - Provisions | |
62-1198 | CARE Program Application for Agricultural Employee Housing Facilities | |
62-1477 | CARE/FERA Program Income Guidelines | |
62-1509 | CARE Program Renewal Application -- Residential Customers | |
62-3010 | Hazard Notice -- English | |
62-3481 | Medical Baseline Allowance Application | |
62-3531 | Service Report | |
62-4042 | Surety Bond/Bill Guaranty | |
62-4501 | Absolving Service Agreement | |
62-4527 | Agreement to Perform Tariff Schedule Related Work | |
62-4778 | Cancellation of Contract | |
79-1003 | Statement of Applicant's Contract Anticipated Costs | |
79-1004 | Distribution and Service Extension Agreement Exhibit A Cost Summary | |
79-1018 | Residential Rule 16 Electric/Gas Single Service Extensions | |
79-1025 | Third Party Notification Service Bill Insert | |
79-1026 | Authorization to Revise Nominating Marketer on Exhibits C and D of Form 79-756--Natural Gas Service Agreement | |
79-1027 | Third-Party Notification Letter of Unpaid Charges (15-Day Notice) | |
79-1028 | Third-Party Notification Letter of Unpaid Charges (48 Hour Notice) | |
79-1031 | Community Choice Aggregator Non-Disclosure Agreement | |
79-1039 | Rate Schedule Selection Customer Agreement | |
79-1040 | Non-Disclosure and Use of Information Agreement | |
79-1041 | Notice of Bill Guarantee Termination | |
79-1042 | APS/Auto Pay Customer Application | |
79-1043 | Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit | |
79-1047 | Authorization to Change Residential Rate NGV Home Refueling | |
79-1049 | Agreement to Install Applicant Requested Common Special Facilities - Gas and Electric Rule 2 | |
79-1051 | CARE/FERA Program Application for Residential Customers (English) - Large Print Application | |
79-1052 | CARE/FERA Program Application for Residential Customers (Spanish) - Large Print Application | |
79-1053 | CARE/FERA Program Application for Residential Customers (Chinese) - Large Print Application | |
79-1054 | CARE/FERA Program Application for Residential Customers (Vietnamese) - Large Print Application | |
79-1055 | CARE/FERA Program Application for Sub-Metered Residential Customers (English) - Large Print Application | |
79-1056 | CARE/FERA Program Application for Sub-Metered Residential Customers (Spanish) - Large Print Application | |
79-1057 | CARE/FERA Program Application Sub-Metered Residential Customers (Chinese) - Large Print Application | |
79-1058 | CARE/FERA Program Application for Sub-Metered Residential Customers (Vietnamese) - Large Print Application | |
79-1059 | CARE/FERA Program Income Guidelines - Large Print | |
79-1088 | Supplemental Agreement for Limited Gas Transmission Capacity | |
79-1089 | Independent Storage Providers (ISP) -PG&E Exchange Agreement | |
79-1090 | G-ESISP Service Agreement | |
79-1091 | G-ESISP Service Relocation Agreement | |
79-1095 | Authorization to Receive Customer Information or Act Upon a Customer's Behalf | |
79-1096 | Authorization to Receive Customer Information or Act Upon a Customer's Behalf (Spanish) | |
79-1097 | Request Change of Mailing Address to a Third Party Change of Address | |
79-1099 | Property Management Authorization Agreement | |
79-1104 | Billing Calculation Service Agreement | |
79-1118 | General Off-Bill and On-Bill Financing Loan Agreement | |
79-1119 | Tenant Rights Letter | |
79-1126 | Off-Bill and On-Bill Financing Loan Agreement for Self-Installed Projects | |
79-1128 | Affidavit in Support of Customer Claim as Qualifying as a Small Business Customer Under Government Code Section 14837 | |
79-1139 | Notice of Payment Default | |
79-1143 | California State Government Customers On-Bill Financing Loan Agreement | |
79-1156 | Authorization to Add Loan Charges to Utility Bill (Residential) | |
79-1157 | Authorization to Add Loan Charges to Utility Bill (Non-Residential) | |
79-1164 | Mobilehome Park Utility Conversion Program Application | |
79-1165 | Mobilehome Park Utility Conversion Program Agreement | |
79-1166 | Non-Disclosure Agreement | |
79-1167 | Local Governments Terms of Service Acceptance Agreement | |
79-1169 | Gas and Electric Extension Agreement | |
79-1173 | Energy Efficiency Financing Pilot Programs Authorization or Revocation of Authorization to Release Customer Information | |
79-1186 | Share My Data Customer Authorization or Revocation of Authorization Form | |
79-1194 | Local Agency And District Customers On-Bill Financing Loan Agreement | |
79-1201 | Butte County Mobilehome Park (MHP) Rebuild Program Agreement | |
79-1205 | PG&E Gift Payment Form | |
79-1206 | Standard Renewable Gas Interconnection Agreement | |
79-1206A | Standard Renewable Gas Interconnection Agreement Exhibit A | |
79-1206B | Standard Renewable Gas Interconnection Agreement Exhibit B | |
79-1206C | Standard Renewable Gas Interconnection Agreement Exhibit C | |
79-1206D | Standard Renewable Gas Interconnection Agreement Exhibit D | |
79-1206E | Standard Renewable Gas Interconnection Agreement Exhibit E | |
79-1206F | Standard Renewable Gas Interconnection Agreement Exhibit F | |
79-1207 | Interconnector Measurement Data Access Device Agreement | |
79-1208 | Agreement for Transfer of Ownership of Renewable Gas Self-Build Facilities | |
79-1209 | Services Agreement | |
79-1209A | Attachment A - Interconnection Screening Study | |
79-1209A-1 | Preliminary Engineering Study - Attachment A-1 | |
79-1209A-2 | Detailed Engineering Study With Optional Long Lead Material Procurement - Attachment A-2 | |
79-1209A-3 | Pipeline Blending Exception Study - Attachment A3 | |
79-1209B | Attachment B - To Services Agreement Confidentiality Agreement | |
79-1210 | Renewable Gas Interconnect Fact Sheet | |
79-1216 | Application For New Service or Project | |
79-1222 | Dixie Fire Mobilehome Park (MHP) Rebuild Agreement | |
79-255 | Agreement for Installation or Allocation of Special Facilities | |
79-716 | General Terms and Conditions for Gas and Electric Extension and Service Construction by Applicant | |
79-753 | Compressed Natural Gas Fueling Agreement | |
79-755 | Agreement for Schedule G-NGV1 Core Gas Service | |
79-756 | Natural Gas Service Agreement | |
79-757 | Natural Gas Service Agreement Modification Revised Exhibits | |
79-759 | Supplemental Agreement for As-Available Capacity | |
79-762 | Imbalance Trading Form for Schedule G-BAL Service | |
79-788 | Agreement for Adjustment for Natural Gas Energy Efficiency Measures | |
79-796 | Notice of Gas Storage Inventory Transfer | |
79-800 | Discontinuance of Service Notice | |
79-845 | Core Gas Aggregation Service Agreement | |
79-845A | Core Gas Aggregation Service Agreement -- ATTACHMENT A - Customer Authorization for Core Gas Aggregation Service | |
79-845C | Core Gas Aggregation Service Agreement -- ATTACHMENT C - Assignment of Firm Pipeline Capacity | |
79-845D | Core Gas Aggregation Service Agreement -- ATTACHMENT D - Core Firm Storage Allocation | |
79-845F | Core Gas Aggregation Service Agreement -- ATTACHMENT F - Formal Communications Between Parties | |
79-845H | Core Gas Aggregation Service Agreement -- ATTACHMENT H - Authorization for Early Termination | |
79-845I | Core Gas Aggregation Service Agreement -- ATTACHMENT I - Certification of Alternate Resources for Rejected Storage Withdrawal Capacity | |
79-845J | Core Gas Aggregation Service Agreement -- ATTACHMENT J - Declaration of Alternate Firm Winter Capacity | |
79-845K | Core Gas Aggregation Service Agreement -- ATTACHMENT K - Core Transport Agent Billing Agreement | |
79-845L | Core Gas Aggregation Service Agreement -- ATTACHMENT L - Consolidated PG&E Billing | |
79-845M | Core Gas Aggregation Service Agreement -- ATTACHMENT M - Certification of Storage Resources | |
79-858 | ID Theft Affidavit | |
79-861 | Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) - Trading Partner Agreement | |
79-866 | Gas Transmission Service Agreement | |
79-866A | Gas Transmission Service Agreement -- EXHIBIT A - Gold Coast Firm or As-Available Transportation Service | |
79-866B | Gas Transmission Service Agreement -- EXHIBIT B - Negotiated Gold Coast Transportation Service | |
79-866C | Gas Transmission Service Agreement -- EXHIBIT C - Golden Gate Market Center Parking/Lending Service | |
79-866E | Gas Transmission Service Agreement -- EXHIBIT E - Golden Gate Market Center Negotiated Firm Storage Service | |
79-866F | Gas Transmission Service Agreement -- EXHIBIT F - Golden Gate Market Center Negotiated As-Available Storage Service | |
79-866J | Gas Transmission Service Agreement - EXHIBIT J - Golden Gate Market Center Standard Firm Storage Service | |
79-866K | Gas Transmission Service Agreement -- EXHIBIT K - Negotiated Gold Coast Delivery Service to Off-System End-Use Customers | |
79-866L | Gas Transmission Service Agreement - EXHIBIT L - Golden Gate Market Center Core Firm Storage Service | |
79-867 | Assignment of California Gas Transmission Services | |
79-868 | California Gas Transmission Credit Application | |
79-869 | Noncore Balancing Aggregation Agreement | |
79-869A | Noncore Balancing Aggregation Agreement -- EXHIBIT A - Customer Balancing Agent Service Authorization | |
79-869B | Noncore Balancing Aggregation Agreement -- EXHIBIT B - Termination of Balancing Agent Service Authorization | |
79-875 | Application and Agreement for Electric and/or Natural Gas Facilities Where Full Advance Payment is Required -- Rule 13 - Temporary Service | |
79-936 | Deed of Conveyance | |
79-937 | Assignment Agreement | |
79-941 | Nomination Authorization Form | |
79-944 | California Production Balancing Agreement | |
79-946 | California Production Cumulative Imbalance Trading Form | |
79-947 | Request for California Gas Transmission Market Center Balance Transfer | |
79-971 | Election for Self-Balancing Option | |
79-982 | Electronic Commerce System User Agreement | |
79-982B | Electronic Commerce System User Agreement Exhibit B Access Request Form | |
79-983 | Request for Reclassification From Noncore Service to Core Service | |
BackofBill | Energy Statement -- Central Mailing--Back of Bill |
Tariff Name | Title | |
01-6630 | Energy Statement -- Central Mailing | |
01-9077 | CARE/FERA Program Application for Residential Customers | |
01-9285 | CARE/FERA Program Application for Sub-Metered Residential Customers | |
02-2590 | Interim Service Agreement | |
61-0502 | Medical Baseline Allowance Self-Certification Request Form | |
61-0535 | CARE Program Application for Migrant Farm Worker Housing Centers | |
61-4019 | Energy Statement -- Summary Bill | |
62-0156 | CARE Program Application for Nonprofit Group Living Facilities | |
62-0401 | Notice Form | |
62-0562 | Gas & Electric Facilities Transfer Agreement - Declaration | |
62-0579 | Design/Construction Change Order Request | |
62-0672 | CARE/FERA Program Application for Sub-Metered Residential Customers (English/Chinese) | |
62-0673 | CARE/FERA Program Application for Sub-Metered Residential Customers (English/Vietnamese) | |
62-0683 | Application for Service -- Residential Single Family Dwelling | |
62-0684 | Application for Service -- Residential Subdivision/Development | |
62-0685 | Application for Service -- Commercial/Industrial Development | |
62-0686 | Application for Service -- Agricultural Service | |
62-0687 | Application for Service -- Existing Service Relocate/Change Service | |
62-0919 | CARE/FERA Program Application for Residential Customers (Pre-Printed Application) | |
62-0939 | CARE/FERA Program Application for Residential Customers (Pre-Printed Application Instruction) | |
62-0940 | CARE Program Renewal Instructions - Residential Customers | |
62-0972 | CARE/FERA Program Application for Residential Customers (English/Chinese) | |
62-0973 | CARE/FERA Program Application for Residential Customers (English/Vietnamese) | |
62-0980 | Distribution Service And Extension Agreement Declarations | |
62-0982 | Distribution and Service Extension Agreement - Provisions | |
62-1198 | CARE Program Application for Agricultural Employee Housing Facilities | |
62-1477 | CARE/FERA Program Income Guidelines | |
62-1509 | CARE Program Renewal Application -- Residential Customers | |
62-3010 | Hazard Notice -- English | |
62-3481 | Medical Baseline Allowance Application | |
62-3531 | Service Report | |
62-4042 | Surety Bond/Bill Guaranty | |
62-4501 | Absolving Service Agreement | |
62-4527 | Agreement to Perform Tariff Schedule Related Work | |
62-4778 | Cancellation of Contract | |
79-1002 | Customer Generation Departing Nonbypassable Charge | |
79-1003 | Statement of Applicant's Contract Anticipated Costs | |
79-1004 | Distribution and Service Extension Agreement Exhibit A Cost Summary | |
79-1006 | Transferred Municipal Departing Load Nonbypassable Charge Statement | |
79-1007 | Request to Install or Energize Street Light Schedules: LS-1, LS-2 and OL-1. Energy Billing Information for Initial and Subsequent Installations. | |
79-1008 | Request to De-energize or Remove Street Light Schedules: LS-1, LS-2 and OL-1 Energy Billing Information | |
79-1010 | Interconnection Agreement for Net Energy Metering of Existing Fuel Cell Generating Facilities | |
79-1011 | Notice to Return to PG&E Bundled Service | |
79-1013 | New Municipal Departing Load Nonbypassable Charge Statement | |
79-1014 | Direct Access Customer Relocation Declaration | |
79-1018 | Residential Rule 16 Electric/Gas Single Service Extensions | |
79-1024 | Dual Supply Customer Authorizing Agreement | |
79-1025 | Third Party Notification Service Bill Insert | |
79-1027 | Third-Party Notification Letter of Unpaid Charges (15-Day Notice) | |
79-1028 | Third-Party Notification Letter Of Unpaid Charges (48 Hour Notice) | |
79-1029 | Community Choice Aggregator (CCA) Service Agreement | |
79-1030 | Declaration by Mayor or Chief County Administrator Regarding Investigation Pursuit or Implementation of Community Choice Aggregation | |
79-1031 | Community Choice Aggregator Non-Disclosure Agreement | |
79-1038 | Application for Essential Use Customer Status | |
79-1039 | Rate Schedule Selection Customer Agreement | |
79-1040 | Non-Disclosure and Use of Information Agreement | |
79-1041 | Notice of Bill Guarantee Termination | |
79-1042 | APS/Auto Pay Customer Application | |
79-1043 | Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit | |
79-1048 | Agreement for Unmetered Low Wattage Equipment Connected to Customer-Owned Street Light Facilities | |
79-1048A | Attachment A to Agreement for Unmetered Low Wattage Equipment Connected to Customer-Owned Street Light Facilities | |
79-1048B | Attachment B To Agreement for Unmetered Low Wattage Equipment Connected to Customer-Owned Street Light Facilities (Form 79-1048) | |
79-1049 | Agreement to Install Applicant Requested Common Special Facilities - Gas and Electric Rule 2 | |
79-1050 | Contract for Customer Provision of Physically Assured Load Reduction | |
79-1051 | CARE/FERA Program Application for Residential Customers (English) - Large Print Application | |
79-1052 | CARE/FERA Program Application for Residential Customers (Spanish) - Large Print Application | |
79-1053 | CARE/FERA Program Application for Residential Customers (Chinese) - Large Print Application | |
79-1054 | CARE/FERA Program Application for Residential Customers (Vietnamese) - Large Print Application | |
79-1055 | CARE/FERA Program Application for Sub-Metered Residential Customers (English) - Large Print Application | |
79-1056 | CARE/FERA Program Application for Sub-Metered Residential Customers (Spanish) - Large Print Application | |
79-1057 | CARE/FERA Program Application Sub-Metered Residential Customers (Chinese) - Large Print Application | |
79-1058 | CARE/FERA Program Application for Sub-Metered Residential Customers (Vietnamese) - Large Print Application | |
79-1059 | CARE/FERA Program Income Guidelines - Large Print | |
79-1069 | Generating Facility Interconnection Agreement (Multiple Tariff) | |
79-1069-02 | Generating Facility Interconnection Agreement (Multiple Tariff NEM2MT) | |
79-1069-03 | Generating Facility Interconnection Agreement (Multiple Tariff NBT-MT) | |
79-1070 | Export Addendum to Generating Facility Interconnection Agreement For Non-Export Generating Facilities (Form 79-973) | |
79-1072 | FERA Program Renewal Instructions -- Residential Customers | |
79-1073 | FERA Program Renewal Application -- Residential Customers | |
79-1075 | Notice to Add or Delete Customers Participating in the Capacity Bidding Program | |
79-1076 | Agreement for Aggregators Participating in the Capacity Bidding Program | |
79-1078 | Agreement for Unmetered Electric Service to Devices Connected to Pacific Gas and Electric Company's Street Light Facilities | |
79-1079 | Agreement for Aggregators Participating in the Base Interruptible Program | |
79-1080 | Notice to Add or Delete Customers Participating in the Base Interruptible Program | |
79-1095 | Authorization to Receive Customer Information or Act Upon a Customer's Behalf | |
79-1096 | Authorization to Receive Customer Information or Act Upon a Customer's Behalf (Spanish) | |
79-1097 | Request Change of Mailing Address to a Third Party Change of Address | |
79-1099 | Property Management Authorization Agreement | |
79-1100 | Electric Rule 21 - Agreement to Install Applicant Requested NGOM Special Facilities for Solar Performance Metering | |
79-1102 | Section 399.20 Power Purchase Agreement | |
79-1103 | Small Renewable Generator Power Purchase Agreement | |
79-1104 | Bill Calculation Service Agreement | |
79-1105 | Agreement for Unmetered Electric Service to Seasonal Lighting Loads Connected to Festoon Outlets on Pacific Gas And Electric Company's Street Light Facilities | |
79-1107 | Streetlight Application for Service | |
79-1110 | Reactive Demand Charge Exemption Form | |
79-1111 | Optimal Billing Period Service Election Form | |
79-1113 | Agreement to Perform Tariff Schedule Related Work - Rule 20A Electric Panel Service Conversion | |
79-1114 | NEM 2010 Early True-up Request Form | |
79-1116 | Customer Assignment Notification | |
79-1117 | Six Month Notice to Transfer to Direct Access Service | |
79-1118 | General Off-Bill and On-Bill Financing Loan Agreement | |
79-1119 | Tenant Rights Letter | |
79-1120 | Standard Contract for Eligible CHP Facilities | |
79-1121 | Power Purchase and Sale Agreement - Contract for Eligible CHP Facilities With Net Output of Not Greater Than 5 MW | |
79-1125 | NEM / NEMV / NEMVMASH Inspection Report | |
79-1126 | Off-Bill and On-Bill Financing Loan Agreement for Self-Installed Projects | |
79-1127 | Agreement to Perform Tariff Scheduled Related Work,Rule 20A General Conditions | |
79-1128 | Affidavit in Support of Customer Claim as Qualifying as a Small Business Customer Under Government Code Section 14837* | |
79-1130 | Request to Opt-out of / Opt-in to Compensation for Surplus Electricity | |
79-1136 | PG&E Interconnection Agreement For An Existing Small Generating Facility Interconnecting to the Distribution System Under Rule 21 | |
79-1138 | Power Purchase and Sale Agreement - Contract for Eligible CHP Facilities With a Power Rating of Less Than 500 kW | |
79-1141 | Agreement for Schedule A-15 Fixed Usage Estimate | |
79-1143 | California State Government Customers On-Bill Financing Loan Agreement | |
79-1145 | Rule 21 Exporting Generator Interconnection Request | |
79-1148 | Direct Access Customer Replacement Declaration | |
79-1149 | Election to Withdraw from the Capacity Bidding Program Form | |
79-1150 | Renewable Market Adjusting Tariff Power Purchase Agreement | |
79-1151A | Agreement And Customer Authorization Net Energy Metering For Solar And/Or Wind Electric Generating Facilities Of 30 Kilowatts Or Less | |
79-1151A-02 | Agreement And Customer Authorization Net Energy Metering (NEM2) Interconnection For Solar And/Or Wind Electric Generating Facilities Of 30 Kilowatts Or Less | |
79-1151A-03 | Agreement and Customer Authorization Net Billing Tariff (NBT), also known as Solar Billing Plan (SBP), Interconnection For Solar And/Or Wind Electric Generating Facilities Of 30 Kilowatts Or Less | |
79-1151B-03 | Application Net Energy Metering (NEM/NEM2) and Net Billing Tariff (NBT), also known as Solar Billing Plan (SBP), Interconnection For Solar And/Or Wind Electric Generating Facilities Of 30 Kilowatt... | |
79-1152 | Customer Information Service Request For DRP (CISR-DRP) | |
79-1154 | Agreement for Economic Development Incentive on Electric Service | |
79-1155-03 | Schedules NEM/NEM2/NBT, NEMV/NEM2V/NBTV, NEMVMSH/ NEM2VMSH, NEM2VSOM Net Surplus Electricity (NSE) Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) Compensation Form | |
79-1156 | Authorization to Add Loan Charges to Utility Bill (Residential) | |
79-1157 | Authorization to Add Loan Charges to Utility Bill (Non-Residential) | |
79-1158 | Electric Vehicle Submetering Meter Data Management Agent (MDMA) Registration Agreement | |
79-1159 | Electric Vehicle Submetering Pilot (Phase 1) Customer Enrollment Agreement | |
79-1160 | Demand Response Provider (DRP) Service Agreement | |
79-1162 | Rule 21 Detailed Study Agreement | |
79-1164 | Mobilehome Park Utility Conversion Program Application | |
79-1165 | Mobilehome Park Utility Conversion Program Agreement | |
79-1166 | Non-Disclosure Agreement | |
79-1167 | Local Governments Terms of Service Acceptance Agreement | |
79-1169 | Gas and Electric Extension Agreement | |
79-1170 | Authorization to Add MCE Loan Charges to Utility Bill | |
79-1171 | Authorization to Add MCE Storage Charges to Utility Bill | |
79-1172 | Bioenergy Market Adjusting Tariff Power Purchase Agreement | |
79-1173 | Energy Efficiency Financing Pilot Programs Authorization or Revocation of Authorization to Release Customer Information | |
79-1174-03 | Rule 21 Generator Interconnection Application | |
79-1174-03A | Interconnection Application, Attachment A, Customer and Project Information | |
79-1174-03B | Interconnection Application, Attachment B, Non-Export | |
79-1174-03C | Interconnection Application, Attachment C, Export | |
79-1174-03D | Interconnection Application, Attachment D, Solar (PV) Technology | |
79-1174-03E | Interconnection Application, Attachment E, Wind Turbine Technology | |
79-1174-03F | Interconnection Application, Attachment F, Machine-Based Technology | |
79-1174-03G | Interconnection Application, Attachment G, Fuel Cell Technology | |
79-1174-03H | Interconnection Application, Attachment H, Energy Storage Technology | |
79-1174-03I | Interconnection Application, Attachment I, RES-BCT | |
79-1174-03J | Interconnection Application, Attachment J, NEM/NEM2 Load Aggregation | |
79-1174-03K | Interconnection Application, Attachment K, NEMFC Load Aggregation | |
79-1174-03L | Interconnection Application, Attachment L, NEMV/NEM2V | |
79-1174-03M | Interconnection Application, Attachment M, NEMVMASH Single Service Delivery Point | |
79-1174-03N | Interconnection Application, Attachment M, NEMVMASH Development | |
79-1175 | Rule 21 Consent to Assignment Form for Non-NEM Projects | |
79-1177 | Special Contract for Unmetered Service Agreement for Energy Use Adjustments for Network Controlled Dimmable Streetlights - 2014 Pilot Program | |
79-1178 | Plug-In Electric Vehicle Submetering Pilot Phase 2 Submeter MDMA Registration Agreement | |
79-1179 | Plug-In Electric Vehicle Submetering Pilot Phase 2 Single Customer-of-Record Enrollment Agreement | |
79-1180 | Plug-In Electric Vehicle Submetering Pilot Phase 2 Multiple Customer-of-Record Enrollment Agreement | |
79-1181 | Rule 21 Pre-Application Report Request | |
79-1182 | Cost Envelope Option Non-NEM Request | |
79-1183 | Cost Envelope Option Non-NEM Agreement Appendix | |
79-1184 | Cost Envelope Option NEM Request | |
79-1185 | Cost Envelope Option NEM Agreement Appendix | |
79-1186 | Share My Data Customer Authorization or Revocation of Authorization Form | |
79-1187 | Bioenergy Market Adjusting Tariff Program (BioMAT Program) - Fuel Resource Attestation | |
79-1188 | Special Agreement for Retail Storage Station Service for In Front of the Meter Applications | |
79-1189 | Eligible Low Income Development Virtual Net Energy Metering (NEM2VMSH) Interconnection Agreement for Multifamily Affordable Housing with Solar Generation Totaling 1 MW or Less | |
79-1191 | Interconnection Agreement for Renewable Energy Self-Generation Bill Credit Transfer (RES-BCT) Generating Facility | |
79-1192 | Interconnection Agreement for Non-Export Storage Generating Facilities 500KW or Less | |
79-1193 | Agreement and Customer Authorization Net Energy Metering (NEM) Interconnection for Solar and/or Wind Electric Generating Facilities of 30 Kilowatts or Less: with Energy Storage of 10 Kilowatts or Less | |
79-1193-02 | Agreement and Customer Authorization Net Energy Metering (NEM2) Interconnection for Solar and/or Wind Electric Generating Facilities of 30 Kilowatts or Less: with Energy Storage of 10 Kilowatts or Les | |
79-1193-03 | Agreement and Customer Authorization Net Billing Tariff (NBT), also known as Solar Billing Plan (SBP), Interconnection for Solar and/or Wind Electric Generating Facilities of 30 Kilowatts or Less... | |
79-1194 | Local Agency And District Customers On-Bill Financing Loan Agreement | |
79-1195 | Eligible Low Income Development Virtual Net Energy Metering (NEMVMASH) Interconnection Agreement for Multifamily Affordable Housing with Solar Generation Totaling 1 MW or Less | |
79-1198-02 | Interconnection Agreement for Net Energy Metering (NEM2) and Renewable Electrical Generating Facility Sized Greater than 1,000 kW | |
79-1198-03 | Interconnection Agreement for Net Billing Tariff (NBT) and Renewable Electrical Generating Facility Sized Greater Than 1,000 kW | |
79-1199 | Agreement and Customer Authorization, Non-Export Standalone Energy Storage of 30 Kilowatts or Less | |
79-1200 | Rule 21 Generator Interconnection Agreement for Exporting Generating Facilities | |
79-1201 | Butte County Mobilehome Park (MHP) Rebuild Program Agreement | |
79-1202 | Load Aggregation Appendix | |
79-1202-03 | Load Aggregation Appendix | |
79-1204 | Pilot Pedestal Program Application | |
79-1205 | PG&E Gift Payment Form | |
79-1206-02 | Eligible Low-Income Development Virtual Net Energy Metering(NEM2VSOM) Interconnection Agreement For The Solar On Multifamily Affordable Housing(SOMAH) Program w/ Solar Generation Totaling 1 Mw Or Less | |
79-1208 | Standalone Power System Supplemental Provisions | |
79-1211 | Generating Facility Material Modification Notification Worksheet | |
79-1212 | Rule 21 Non-Export Generator Interconnection Notification | |
79-1213 | Agreement and Customer Authorization Non-Export Generating Facility Sized 30 Kilowatts or Less | |
79-1214 | Notification-Only Pilot Program Developer Eligibility Application | |
79-1215-03 | Net Energy Metering and Net Billing Tariff Application Addendum for Consumer Protection | |
79-1216 | Application For New Service or Project | |
79-1217 | Agreement And Customer Authorization Net Energy Metering (NEM2) Interconnection For Solar And/Or Wind Electric Generating Facilities Of 30 Kilowatts Or Less With Energy Storage Of 10 Kilowatts Or Less | |
79-1217-03 | Agreement and Customer Authorization Net Billing Tariff (NBT), also known as Solar Billing Plan (SBP), Interconnection For Solar And/Or Wind Electric Generating Facilities Of 30 Kilowatts Or Less... | |
79-1218 | Agreement And Customer Authorization Net Energy Metering (NEM2) Interconnection For Solar And/Or Wind Electric Generating Facilities Of 30 Kilowatts Or Less For New Residential Construction | |
79-1218-03 | Agreement and Customer Authorization Net Billing Tariff (NBT), also known as Solar Billing Plan (SBP), Interconnection For Solar And/Or Wind Electric Generating Facilities Of 30 Kilowatts Or Less... | |
79-1219 | Low Variability Microgrid Standby Customer Application for Standby Waiver Per Special Condition 16 of Sch S and Special Condition 15 of Sch SB | |
79-1220 | Interconnection Agreement for Net Energy Metering (NEM) of a Renewable Electric Generating Facility of 1,000 kW or Less, Except Solar or Wind Facilities of 30 kW or Less, and Virtual Net Energy Meteri | |
79-1220-02 | Interconnection Agreement for Net Energy Metering 2 (NEM2) of a Renewable Electric Generating Facility of 1,000 kW or Less, Except NEM2 Solar or Wind Facilities of 30 kW or Less | |
79-1220-03 | Interconnection Agreement for Net Billing Tariff (NBT), Also Known as Solar Billing Plan (SBP), of A Renewable Electrical Generating Facility of 1,000 kW or Less, Except NBT Solar or Wind facilities.. | |
79-1221 | Agreement To Perform Electric Rule 29 Tariff Schedule Related Work | |
79-1222 | Dixie Fire Mobilehome Park (MHP) Rebuild Agreement | |
79-1223 | Agreement for Economic Development Rate on Electric Service | |
79-1224 | Prevailing Wage Disclosure Form | |
79-255 | Agreement for Installation or Allocation of Special Facilities | |
79-280 | Agreement for Installation or Allocation of Special Facilities for Parallel Operation of Nonutility-Owned Generation and/or Electrical Standby Service (Electric Rules 2 and 21) | |
79-285 | Special Agreement for Electrical Standby Service | |
79-702 | Agreement for Installation or Allocation of Special Facilities for Parallel Operation of Nonutility-Owned Generation and/or Electrical Standby Service -- APPENDIX A - Detail of Special Facilities Char | |
79-716 | General Terms & Conditions for Gas and Electric Extension & Service Construction by Applicant | |
79-726 | Electric Standby Service Log Sheet Schedule S or SB | |
79-759 | Supplemental Agreement for As-Available Capacity | |
79-800 | Discontinuance of Service Notice | |
79-847 | Transmission Load Operating Agreement | |
79-858 | ID Theft Affidavit | |
79-861 | Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) - Trading Partner Agreement | |
79-875 | Application And Agreement For Electric And/Or Natural Gas Facilities Where Full Advance Payment Is Required Rule 13 - Temporary Service | |
79-936 | Deed of Conveyance | |
79-937 | Assignment Agreement | |
79-938 | Customer-Owned Streetlights PG&E Pole Contact Agreement | |
79-948 | Electric Service Provider (ESP) Service Agreement | |
79-954 | Departing Load Competition Transition Charge Agreement | |
79-955 | Amendment to PG&E's Departing Load Competition Transition Charge Agreement for Subsequently Obtained CTC Exemption | |
79-957 | Electric Distribution Service Line Lease Agreement | |
79-961 | Dual Socket Metering Agreement | |
79-966 | Agreement for Schedule E-OBMC | |
79-972 | Agreement for Unmetered Electrical Service | |
79-972A | Attachment A to Agreement for Unmetered Services, Form 79-972 | |
79-972B | Attachment B to Unmetered Agreement for Electric Service, Form 79-972 | |
79-973 | Generating Facility Interconnection Agreement For Non-Export Generating Facilities | |
79-988 | Generating Facility Interconnection Agreement (Third Party Non-Exporting) | |
79-992 | Customer Generation Agreement (Third Party Generator on Premises Non-Exporting) | |
79-995 | Agreement for Customers Taking Service on Schedule E-31 | |
79-999 | Agreement for Limited Optional Remote Metering Service | |
BackofBill | Energy Statement -- Back of Bill |
Tariff Name | Title | |
TITLE | Gas Tariff Book Title Page |
Tariff Name | Title | |
TITLE | Electric Tariff Book Title Page |
For further information or questions, please email