©2025 Pacific Gas and Electric Company
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Program overview
If your health or safety would be at risk if your electric or gas service were disconnected, we’re here to help. You can receive support by self-certifying for Vulnerable Customer Status. This may include:
- Additional Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) notifications
- Doorbell rings or a doorhanger from PG&E if you do not respond to previous PSPS notifications
How to apply
To apply, call 1-800-743-5000. Once you are enrolled, Vulnerable Customer Status remains on your account for 90 days. You can resubmit a program application to apply for a one-year extension beyond the 90 days.
Related programs
Medical Baseline Program
If you rely on power for medical needs, you may be eligible to receive help through the Medical Baseline Program. The program includes:
- An additional allotment of energy at the lowest price on your current rate.
- Notifications by call, text and email before a PSPS. If you do not respond to these alerts, we will make more attempts to notify you hourly. Or, we will contact you in person until we reach you.
Find out if you're eligible for the Medical Baseline Program
Financial support
Utility bill assistance
We’re committed to providing solutions for those who may have fallen behind on their bills. The following support is available:
If you have fallen behind on your bills, the following support is available:
- Find payment arrangements to help you avoid loss of service. Visit make a payment arrangement.
- Help loved ones who might overlook paying their PG&E bill due to illness or financial hardship. Visit third-party alerts.
- Get help making your bills more predictable and budget friendly. Visit Budget Billing.
- Learn how rates are set and understand your plan options. Visit Understanding Rate Plans.
Financial assistance programs
The programs below may help you save money.
- Receive an energy credit if you are unable to pay your bill due to an unforeseen hardship. Learn about Relief for Energy Assistance through Community Help (REACH).
- Explore home weatherization help or financial aid to heat or cool a home. Learn about the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).
- Get a monthly discount on your energy statement. Learn about the California Alternate Rates for Energy Program (CARE).
- Obtain a monthly discount on your electric bill if you live in a household of three or more people. Learn about the Family Electric Rate Assistance Program (FERA).
- Find help making improvements to your house, apartment or mobile home. Learn about the Energy Savings Assistance Program (ESA).
Additional resources
General outage resources
We’re here to support you before, during and after outages.
Medical Baseline Program
Help for residential customers who depend on power for certain medical needs.
©2025 Pacific Gas and Electric Company