Report It mobile app

Find or report safety concerns

emergency alert icon  If you smell natural gas or suspect an emergency, leave the area now and call 9-1-1. 

emergency alert icon  If you see downed powerlines, stay away. Don’t exit your car or home. Call 9-1-1. Then call PG&E at 1-877-660-6789.

Help keep communities safe


We work hard every day to keep our communities safe. We use drones, helicopters, cameras and more to enhance our efforts. And now, our customers can help us keep our system safe. The PG&E Report It mobile app is a valuable part of our safety toolkit. With PG&E Report It, you can send us photos of possible safety issues with our electric system to help us keep your community safer.


important notice icon Note: The Report It mobile app is only available in English. To report safety issues in another language, call 1-800-743-5000.


Use the PG&E Report It app to:

  • Learn about the types of issues to report
  • Submit photos to our safety team
  • Find submissions made by others
  • Get notified when your submission is in review
  • See PG&E’s findings

Don't have the app yet?


Download on Apple Store    Get it on Google Play

Use the app to report your concerns about:

Trees or vines that are by a powerline and are:

  • Overhanging
  • Dead or dying
  • Causing strain or abrasion to equipment
  • Within 4’ of electrical conductor
Trees causing strain to equipment

Powerline poles that are:

  • Leaning more than 10%
  • Burned
  • Cracked
  • Decayed/rotten
  • Vandalized
Pole leaning more than 10% into trees
Pole that was hit by a car
Pole that is burnt
Pole that faced woodpecker damage

Powerlines that are:

  • Frayed
  • Low or sagging
  • Buzzing
  • Experiencing an object caught on the line
A birdsnest on top of a powerline

Electrical equipment that is:

  • Leaking
  • Buzzing or making a loud noise
  • Severely corroded
Electrical equipment that is leaking
Electrical equipment that facing corrosion

Call us for concerns that need immediate attention


Some concerns may require immediate attention and should not be reported through the app. If you encounter the following, please call 1-800-743-5000:

  • Mylar® balloon caught in a powerline
  • Broken power pole
  • Broken cross arm on pole
  • Open site enclosure
  • Exposed electrical wires
  • Issues with gas equipment
Broken pole
Case distance
Meter distance
Close up of fallen debris
Broken lid enclosure
One tree falling on another tree

How to tell the difference between lines

If you see a pole with three sets of wires, the top two are powerlines. The lowest line is a communications line. Communications lines are owned by vendors like AT&T and Comcast. Any issues with these lines should be reported to the appropriate vendor.

An image displaying multiple types of powerlines

Report a concern 

Are you interested in reporting a concern? Do you want to track a concern you reported? Or view concerns made by others? Follow these instructions to use the Report It app:

Report It app home screen


From the "Home" screen, select the "Report" button.

Report It app Provide location screen


Enter an address or share your location by moving the target on your map to provide the location of the safety concern.

Report It app Select your concern screen


Select which type of concern you're reporting and then the type of damage.

Report It app Add photos screen


Add up to four photos or a 10-second video of the safety concern. You can select photos and videos you've already taken or use the camera from your phone.

Report It app Provide description screen


Add a brief description of your concern. If the location does not have an address, please describe how or where it can be found.

Report It app Confirmation screen


Review your information and hit "Submit." We'll send emails to keep you updated until your submission is closed.

Track the concerns you report


After your concern has been reviewed by our safety team, we will send you a confirmation email. Each time the status of your concern changes, you will receive an update. When the issue is closed, a final update will be sent to you letting you know what actions were taken. 


You can track the status of your concern through the app. To do this:


Report It app My Reports screen


  1. Start on the "Home" screen and select "More" in the bottom right
  2. Select "My Reports" to see the concern(s)
  3. Click on a concern for details and status


View concerns reported by others


You can review reports submitted by others to see the concerns that have been reported in your area.


To view all concerns reported on the app:


Report It app View concerns screen


  1. On the "Home" screen map, click on any icon 
  2. Review the details and status of the concern
  3. Enter a different address to view another location 




  1. On the "Home" screen, select "Filter" under the map
  2. Narrow your search by selecting "Report Author," "Report Type," "Report Status" and "Report Date" filters 
  3. Select "Submit" to see filtered results 
  4. Select each result to view the details and status of the concern


If interested in a searchable list of all concerns, visit PG&E Report It – All Submissions.


For more information, follow along with our walkthrough of the PG&E Report It mobile app. 


Since launching Report It, we’ve received more than 4,000 submissions. Thank you for working with us to help keep communities even safer.


After a customer in Woodside reported big holes in a pole, we replaced it. This is just one example of how we’re working together to help prevent wildfires.


An image of woodpecker holes on a poleline

Before: Large woodpecker holes


An image of a fixed poleline

After: A new pole was installed


Learn more about how PG&E’s layers of protection reduce wildfire risk from PG&E’s equipment by more than 90%.

Do not use the app to report these emergencies:

  • Downed or sparking powerlines. If you see a downed or sparking powerline, leave the area immediately and call 9-1-1.
  • Natural gas hazards. If you smell natural gas or suspect a leak, leave the area immediately and call 9-1-1.

Do not use the app to report outages:

Do not use the app to report vegetation concerns if they are not related to electrical lines:

Upon receipt, we'll assign a case number to your concern and our Safety Team will review the information. Once it's validated, you can track the progress of your concern in the app under "My Reports." We'll assign the issue to a work team to be repaired or addressed, and when the work is complete, the submission will be closed.


We'll notify you each time the status of your concern is updated. Our goal is to resolve the concern or let you know when the work is scheduled to be complete, within 30 days.

Each submission we receive is reviewed by our Safety Team and evaluated on a case-by-case basis, so the time will vary. Our goal is to resolve the concern or let you know when the work is scheduled to be complete, within 30 days.

PG&E Report It is compatible with iPhones with iOS 13.0 or later and Android phones with Android 9 or later. It is not compatible with tablets at this time. If you are using a compatible device and are having issues with the app, please contact us at 1-877-743-4782. Or, submit your issue with our online form.

Safety is our highest priority. With help from customers like you, we can learn about a hazardous power pole, powerline or other PG&E equipment earlier than a scheduled inspection and make the necessary repairs as soon as possible.

You can also report a safety concern by calling PG&E at 1-800-743-5000. You won’t be able to view or track the status of the concern in the mobile app.

More safety resources

Community Wildfire Safety Program

Continuing to evolve, strengthen and improve our electric system for the safety of customers and communities.

Make sure your contact information is up to date

Keep your contact information current to get a message if a coming outage could impact your home or business,

Outage preparedness and support

Stay prepared for power outages and get support.