PG&E Bill Support Programs Provide Monthly Discounts to Income-eligible Customers

Date: June 25, 2024
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PG&E is connecting customers with important discounts, financial assistance programs and other resources to help manage monthly energy bills. Weekly, we provide updates on the variety of support options available to them.


This week, we’re highlighting two bill assistance programs for income-qualified customers: Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA) and the Arrearage Management Plan (AMP), a debt forgiveness program.


Visit the Savings Center tab each week for additional energy and money-saving solutions.

  1. Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA) program: This is an income-qualified program that provides a monthly discount of 18% on electricity bills for households with three or more people. Eligibility is based on your household income. The discount is applied for two years. If you’re on a fixed income, the discount is applied for four years. Participants are required to renew their eligibility every two years. If you’re on a fixed income, you must renew your eligibility every four years.
  2. Arrearage Management Plan (AMP): The Arrearage Management Plan (AMP) is a debt forgiveness plan for eligible residential customers. With each on-time payment of current charges, AMP forgives 1/12 of the eligible debt owed at the time of enrollment. After 12 on-time payments of the customers’ monthly current charges, the eligible debt will be forgiven up to $8,000. To qualify for this program, you must have been a PG&E customer for at least six consecutive months, made at least one on-time payment, are more than 90 days past due, and owe at least $500 or more on a combined gas and electric bill. For gas-only customers, you must owe at least $250 or more on your gas bill. Qualifying customers must also be enrolled in California Alternative Rates for Energy (CARE) or Family Electric Rate Assistance Program (FERA). Net energy metering (NEM), master-metered customers and master-metered customers with sub-metered tenants are currently not eligible to participate in AMP.


For more ways to manage your monthly bills, visit: