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Home Energy Reports frequently asked questions

Answers to common questions about Home Energy Reports

Home Energy Reports offer custom tips and ideas to help you save as much energy as possible. Learn more about the program in the following frequently asked questions.


Learn more about your energy use. Sign into your account to learn more about your energy usage and find tools to help you save energy and money.

Home Energy Report basics

The free Home Energy Reports program:


  • Provides a snapshot of your home’s energy use over time and in different seasons
  • Compares your home’s energy use with similar homes in your area
  • Offers custom tips and updates to help you save energy and costs

We are enrolling customers in the program in phases. Enrollment is finished for the current phase, but you may be chosen for future phases.

Customers are enrolled in phases. At this time, we cannot estimate when other properties or homes in other areas will be enrolled. You will be notified when reports will be available.

You were chosen to participate in the program by random. PG&E only adds customers to the program once or twice a year through a randomized process. Otherwise, enrollment is closed. Your participation:


  • Helps the environment
  • Reduces the need for new power plants
  • Helps avoid power outages

You'll receive a monthly report for the first three months you’re enrolled in the Home Energy Reports program. This will help you become familiar with the reports. After three months, your reports will come less often — either bi-monthly or quarterly. 

We provide the reports to you at no cost. They are learning tools that help you save energy costs. The energy you save:


  • Helps the environment
  • Reduces the need for new power plants
  • Reduces the number of power outages

Your report will vary depending on whether you are a gas customer, an electric customer or both. View a sample report: Download Your Home Energy Report (PDF).

Last Month Household Comparison graph. This graph compares your energy use with similar homes in your area for the current period. It shows:


  • Energy use in energy efficient similar homes
  • Your home's energy use
  • Average energy use in similar homes


Average Day Last Month graph. This graph uses your SmartMeter™ data to show your average electricity use at various times of day for the last 30 days.

Last 12 Months Household Comparison graph. This graph charts your energy use to compare it with similar homes. It’s similar to the Last Month Household Comparison.

Personal Comparison graph. This graph compares your energy use over a specific period to the same period last year.

Personalized tips. Custom ideas to help make your home more energy efficient.

Personalized tips are based on personal data such as:


  • Whether you live in a single or a multi-family residence
  • Household appliance disaggregation data
  • Time of year
  • Previous PG&E program participation
  • Previous energy use


Savings estimates are based on:


  • The average energy use in a typical home in your area
  • Your current energy costs

To view your Home Energy  Reports, sign into your account.

Yes. You can opt out or go paperless via email.


  1. At the bottom of the Home Energy Reports email, select either:
    1. Go Paperless, or
    2. Opt out of Home Energy Reports.
  2. You’ll be directed to your preference settings page.
  3. On the preferences settings page, select "Opt-out."
  4. The page will advise you that you have unsubscribed successfully.

Note: Only those receiving both paper and email Home Energy Reports can use this self-service option. Customers who only receive the print-version of Home Energy Reports must call 1-866-767-6457 to opt out.

Similar homes comparisons in the Home Energy Report

Nearby homes may not include your close neighbors. If they're close to you and are similar in type and size to your home, they may have similar energy needs. If your home is much different from others nearby, we look at a larger area, usually within your ZIP code. Our goal is to provide the closest comparison available.

Your information and personal data are always kept private. Other customers never know what homes are used or see your energy usage data. Our privacy standards follow all regulations, including California Public Utilities Commission regulations.

Square footage is a measurement of the total flat space within a home or room. PG&E averages the square footage of similar homes. This comparison is used an energy usage guide.

Sign into your account and complete a brief Home Energy Checkup to update your information with the correct square footage. You can also call us at 1-866-767-6457 to update the square footage. This will improve the accuracy of future Home Energy Reports.

We only choose homes that appear occupied. We do not include homes with very low energy usage or that we think are vacant.

We compare your home with 100 similar homes in your area. While a few of your neighbors may have solar panels, this large sample size creates an average “typical energy use”. This average is unaffected by a few homes with solar panels.

No, you cannot opt out from the similar home comparison unless you opt out from the program. Many customers believe that the comparisons help them make better decisions about their energy use. If you choose to opt out, call 1-866-767-6457.


Note: If you opt out of the program, you won’t be able to join again.

Learn more about your energy use

Every home's energy use depends on a variety of factors. Typically, air conditioning and heating use the highest amount of energy in a home. Water heaters, refrigerators and freezers, pools and spas also use a lot of energy.

There are many factors that affect energy use and costs. Find out about your energy use in the 12-month Household Comparison chart. It outlines how much energy your home uses in different seasons. You can also compare your home's energy use with the energy used in similar homes.

Energy efficient similar homes may use less energy compared to similar homes in the area. Some of these homes likely reduce their energy use by:


  • Using the thermostat to manage heating and cooling costs
  • Turning off lights and electronics when not in use
  • Running full loads in washing machines and dishwashers

To save energy, review your use of the following systems and appliances:


  • Heating
  • Air conditioning
  • A second refrigerator
  • Freezer
  • Clothes dryer
  • Lighting
  • Television
  • Computer and other electronics
  • Stove or oven

The averages used in the report are a good general indicator of typical energy usage. There are other factors that may affect your energy use that are different from similar homes. These factors include the number of people living in the home and devices that consume a lot of energy.


If you work from home, here are some steps you can take to reduce your energy use:


  • Select energy-efficient, home office equipment.
  • Use an ENERGY STAR® laptop computer instead of a desktop.
  • Install power strips.
  • Turn off electronics when not in use.

Some customers have special medical equipment or living conditions that can increase energy use compared to similar homes. These customers may benefit by applying for the PG&E Medical Baseline program.

This program provides more energy at the lowest baseline price for qualified customers:


  • Who use life-support equipment, or
  • Whose medical conditions require special heating or cooling


Home Energy Report comparisons can help you identify other ways to reduce your energy use and costs.

The Home Energy Report's usage comparison graphs can help you keep track of your energy use.

To view how your energy use changes over time, take the Free Home Energy Checkup.

A glossary of terms related to Home Energy Reports

Kilowatt hours, abbreviated as kWh, is a unit of energy. It represents 1,000 watt hours. Kilowatt hours are often used as a measure of domestic energy consumption.

A lumen is a measure of total light output.

A British thermal unit (BTU) is a common unit of energy measurement. Its definition is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree.

More on Home Energy Reports

Still have questions?

If you still have questions or feedback about the Home Energy Report program, contact us.


Call 1-866-767-6457

How we protect your information

Sign into your account to:

  • Get data online by month, day and hour
  • Take the Home Energy Checkup
  • View your usage

Earn rebates

Get money back with a PG&E rebate when you purchase and install a qualifying product.