©2025 Pacific Gas and Electric Company
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Go paperless
- Nearly 2 million PG&E customers have already gone paperless
- That number is growing.
- Paperless billing is the easy way to receive your monthly statement.
Step 1: Sign in
- Just sign into your secure online PG&E account.
- If you don't have an account yet, it's easy to sign up.
Step 2: Select the paperless billing option
- Select the "Go Paperless" checkbox.
- It's directly under your Total Balance amount.
Step 3: Set your alert preference
- Choose Edit Profile & Alerts under Profile & Alerts.
- When your bill is ready to view, how would you like to receive a monthly alert? Set your preference.
Manage your budget. Control how you pay.
- Let us help you manage how you budget and pay for energy.
- Learn easy ways to keep your energy costs predictable.
Learn more about paperless billing, budget billing and energy alerts.
©2025 Pacific Gas and Electric Company