©2025 Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Economic development rate
Get 12%, 18%, or 25% discounts on most of your business’ electric costs for five years.
Business energy savings tool
Use this self-assessment tool to analyze energy usage. Get custom recommendations that can lower your operating costs.
Rate plan comparison tool
Choose the best one for your business via your online account. Register or log in to get started.
Bill payment and management options
Pay your energy bills online, set up recurring payments or enroll in programs that offer more flexible or predictable monthly payments.
Budget Billing
Predictable monthly energy costs help keep your budget on track. Budget Billing helps offset peak bills that result from:
- High winter heating
- Summer air conditioning
Additional resources for business customers
No-cost training through PG&E Energy Centers
Gain new skills and fuel your future with online courses and a robust learning library, all at no cost.
Federal Small Business Assistance (SBA) Loans
The SBA is offering limited eligibility relief programs including low-interest federal disaster loans to California small businesses.
Resources for residential customers
Financial resources are also available for residential customers.