©2025 Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Pacific Gas and Electric Company ("PG&E") is issuing this Distribution Investment Deferral Framework ("DIDF") Standard Offer Contract tariff pilot ("SOC Pilot") in compliance with California Public Utilities Commission ("CPUC") Decision ("D.") 21-02-006, February 2021. The SOC Pilot is designed to procure In-Front-Of-The-Meter resources to avoid or defer utility distribution investments.
What is the DIDF SOC Pilot?
A 3-year tariffed pilot that tests a new framework for procuring Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) to avoid or defer utility distribution investments using a streamlined contracting approach for In-Front-Of-Meter (IFOM) DERs.
DIDF SOC Pilot Offer Package Documents
- Protocol - 2022 DIDF SOC Pilot (Non-Confidential) (PDF)
- Offer Form (Appendix A)
Note: Available after Non-Disclosure Agreement is submitted
- Supplemental SOC Pilot Documents Required for Participation (DOCX) (Appendix B)
- Non-Disclosure Agreement (DOCX) (Appendix C)
Note: Must be signed and emailed to SOCPilotDIDF@pge.com to receive a confidential PowerAdovcate link.
- Technology Neutral Pro Forma (TNPF) Agreement (DOCX) (Appendix E)
Note: Should be populated with project-specific information but does not require a signature as a part of Offer Package.
- Confidential Load Information (Appendix F)
Note: Available after Non-Disclosure Agreement is submitted
Additional Documents and Materials
- Grid Needs Assessment Map to help developers find potential project sites. It is not a guarantee that developers can interconnect at any particular time and place.
Interconnection information:
- To learn about Rule 21 or the WDT GIP interconnection processes, visit Electric Generation Interconnection.
For Generator Interconnection Procedures (GIP):
- For additional information on wholesale generator interconnections under the Wholesale Distribution Tariff (WDT) visit Distributed Resources Planning.
- Wholesale Distribution Tariff (PDF)
- WDT GIP / Additional Resources: Wholesale Generation
- R1 Tariff (PDF)
Power Advocate Registration and Submittal Information
All Participants interested in submitting a bid package into PG&E's 2022 DIDF SOC Pilot will need to pre-register with Power Advocate before submitting an offer using the link below:
Only those participants who have been accepted through the Power Advocate platform will be permitted to submit an offer into this Pilot. We encourage you to register now.
Note: A Non-Disclosure Agreement (Appendix C) must be signed and emailed to SOCPilotDIDF@pge.com in order to receive a confidential PowerAdvocate link.
Participants' Webinar
PG&E hosted a Joint Participants' Webinar for the Fall 2022 DIDF RFO and 2022 SOC Pilot on September 29, 2022, from 10:00 - 11:30 AM (PPT).
Contact Information
To ensure the accuracy and consistency of information provided to all Participants. PG&E requests that Participants communicate by email to SOCPilotDIDF@pge.com with a copy to the IE, Charles Janecek at pge_ie@paconsulting.com.
All correspondence to and from the Participant will be monitored by the IE, who the CPUC has selected to oversee this Solicitation. The IE is an independent, third-party evaluator who will be monitoring and evaluating this Solicitation.
To receive notices about this solicitation and to be added to PG&E's RFO Distribution List, visit Distribution List Form.
If you encounter any digital or disability access issues, or you would like to provide PG&E with feedback or suggestions regarding such access, please email our team at solicitationaccessibility@pge.com. This mailbox is monitored during regular business hours (M-F; 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.). We will respond to your inquiry within 2 business days.
More resources
Wholesale electric power procurement
PG&E purchases wholesale electric energy and capacity from generators and suppliers.