©2025 Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Faj Seeb: Lub computer txhais lus no. Yog koj muaj lus nug, hu rau cov kev pab ntawm 1-877-660-6789.
- Cov chaw muab kev pab rau lwm tus neeg. Mus xyuas PG&E tus supplier nplooj ntawv.
- Ua kom paub koj lub tuam txhab rau PG&E los tsim ib profile. Tsim ib PG& E supplier Profile.
- Ua paub PG&E tus cwjpwm rua cov miv nyuas. Ceeb toom koj PG&E ua hauj lwm hu los yog hu rau PG&E compliance thiab Ethics Helpline ntawm 1-888-231-2310 kom qhia tej teeb meem los yog kev txhawj xeeb thaum ua hauj lwm. Download Tus CwjPwm Ntawm Tus Cwjpwm (PDF).
- To taub qhov tsawg kawg nkaus uas prospective lwm tus neeg yuav tsum tau ntsib. Download "ua ib PG& prospective supplier" (PDF).
- Kawm ntxiv txog muas khoom. Mus xyuas PG& E Purchasing Department hu.
- Xyuas kom paub txog tej kev kawm tej miv nyuas kev kawm. Download PG&E tus supplier Environmental Management Standards (PDF).
Xyuas kom paub txog muag rau peb
Saib yavtom ntej twv txuj.
Kawm txog muas ntawm peb
Xyuas kom tseeb txog qhov tseeb Offerings—siv tsheb thiab khoom siv rau tej khoom tsim nuj thiab ntau dua.
Nrhiav mov saw hlau lub luag hauj lwm
Kawm txog peb tus cwjpwm ntawm tus cwjpwm, tej sustainability thiab lwm yam ntaub ntawv.
PG& E purchasing department hu rau
Yuav kom nug txog muas khoom, hu rau lub pab (team) muas khoom uas zoo tshaj plaws ntawm koj hom lag luam los yog kev pab cuam.
- Neeg
- Zog tus me nyuam khoom*
- Cov kev pab zog tus me nyuam
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- Lwm haiv neeg lus
- Khoom Siv Zoo Tshaj Plaws
- Supplier Profile pab neeg no
- Kev siv tsheb thauj xa neeg mus los
Qhov chaw nyob kev xa ntawv:
Roj Pacific thiab hluav taws xob tuam txhab
Sourcing/Purchasing Department
300 Lakeside Drive, Suite 210
Oakland, CA 94612
*Zog tus me nyuam yog lub PG&E ua hauj lwm rau roj thiab hluav taws xob transmission thiab tis chaw.
PG&E pom zoo shipping/freight lus
Zoo tswj peb mov saw hlau thiab logistics txheej txheem, tag nrho shipments rau PG&E uas yog shipped hauv FOB Shipping taw tes Freight Collect cov ntsiab lus yuav tsum tau routed los ntawm Agistix.com.
Puas tseem muaj lus nug ntxiv? Hu rau pgefreighttransportation@pge.com.
Ntxiv txog kev ua lag ua luam nrog PG&E
Distribution Resource Planning Data Portal
Tshawb cov Distributed Resource Planning (DRP) cov ntaub ntawv thiab maps.
Tau tam sim no roj thiab hluav taws xob npaum li cas. Nrhiav cov nqe lus ua ntej thiab cov ntaub ntawv.
Muab koj cov ntaub ntawv zog
Muab kev tso cai rau ob tog mus saib tau koj cov ntaub ntawv zog thiab lwm cov ntaub ntawv.