
Community renewable programs

Explore Solar Choice and Regional Renewable Choice programs

Solar Choice

Residential and Non-Residential enrollment in Solar Choice is on hold per California Public Utility Commission directive in Decision 21-12-036. All customers attempting to enroll will be placed on a waitlist for future enrollment if capacity becomes available.


In the Solar Choice program, you can elect to purchase solar energy to match either 50% or 100% of your energy use. Joining the waitlist is easy – sign in to your PG&E online account or call us at 1-877-743-8429.


If you were previously enrolled on Solar Choice and feel you have been unenrolled in error, please call us at 1-877-743-8429 to be re-enrolled on the program.

Regional Renewable Choice

PG&E does not have any active Regional Renewable Choice projects. Therefore, enrollments are not being accepted at this time.


In the future, you can enroll by locating a project and contacting the developer. You'll contract directly with the developer for a desired amount of renewable energy that's between 25% and 100% of your annual energy usage.


How the program works


The Regional Renewable Choice program allows customers to subscribe to renewable energy from specific newly developed generation projects sized from 0.5 to 20 MW from which PG&E procures energy within our service territory. 

Diagram of the Regional Renewable Choice program

The program has three components:


Power purchase agreement 

Developers selected through a competitive solicitation sign a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with PG&E. A PPA is a contract under which a developer builds and sells the power generated from their project.


Customer-developer agreement (CDA)

Subscribe to a single renewables project via direct contract with a developer.


Customer energy statement credit

Once you're enrolled and the project becomes operational, the renewable developer will invoice you for your portion of the renewable power the project generates. In turn, you'll receive a credit on your monthly PG&E energy statement for your subscribed power. Your total electric use will be billed as it is billed today, and the bill credit will be applied independently.

Which program is best?

Residential and Non-Residential enrollment in Solar Choice is on hold per California Public Utility Commission directive in Decision 21-12-036. All customers attempting to enroll will be placed on a waitlist for future enrollment if capacity becomes available.


This page includes resources for the Solar Choice program and the Regional Renewable Choice program, as well as documentation that applies to both programs.

DISCLAIMER: This CPUC-approved forecast may result in inaccurate results.

The 20-year forecast of credits and charges shown here are based on a prescribed forecast methodology ordered by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) for use by the state's three large investor-owned utilities and is based on a combination of a rolling five-year escalation rate and an escalation rate using a Consumer Price Index (CPI).* The forecasts are provided to illustrate potential future changes to the credits and charges to help you evaluate your intended participation in PG&E's Solar Choice or Regional Renewable Choice program. As the CPUC acknowledged in D.16-05-006 (PDF), an estimate of GTSR credits and charges for 20 years (or even 5 to 10 years) is challenging and unlikely to be accurate. Moreover, the 20-year forecasts shown here are not necessarily representative of PG&E-specific forecasts of rate components. PG&E can neither predict nor guarantee any actual cost savings or increases due to changes to these credits and charges, and such changes will affect actual costs. Please contact PG&E for more information about this forecast.

* Specifically, a rolling five year rate escalation was applied to the GTSR component rates that had historical values and the CPI index was applied to GTSR component rates where no historical information was available.


Frequently asked questions

Learn about PG&E's Solar Choice and Regional Renewable Choice programs

PG&E's Solar Choice and Regional Renewable Choice programs are a result of Senate Bill 43, which was signed into law on September 28, 2013 by Governor Jerry Brown. The bill enacted the Green Tariff Shared Renewables (GTSR) program, a 600-megawatt statewide program that allows participating utilities' customers— including local governments, businesses, schools, homeowners, municipal customers and renters—to meet up to 100 percent of their energy usage with generation from eligible renewable energy resources.


Approximately half of U.S. households and businesses are unable to install rooftop solar due to space, lack of sun exposure or ownership limitations. The goal of the Green Tariff Shared Renewables program is to overcome those obstacles.

We offer two structures within the Green Tariff Shared Renewables program:

  • PG&E's Solar Choice
  • Regional Renewable Choice

PG&E's Solar Choice is PG&E’s name for the statewide Green Tariff initiative. Regional Renewable Choice is PG&E’s name for the statewide Enhanced Community Renewables initiative.

If you purchase your electricity from PG&E, you’re eligible to participate in PG&E's Solar Choice and Regional Renewable Choice programs.

Following are the only exceptions to eligibility:

  • If you receive your electricity service from a Community Choice Aggregator (CCA) or if you are a Direct Access customer.
  • If you take service on Transitional Bundled Service (TBS), Schedule S, or if you are on a net energy metering (NEM) schedule. To find out if you're on TBS, Schedule S or NEM, see your PG&E energy statement or sign in to Your Account.
  • If you're on non-metered service.
  • Participation per Service Agreement is limited to the equivalent of 2MW of solar resources or approximately 4,730,400 kWh annually. This limitation does not apply to a federal, state or local government, school or school district, or a county office of education.

Find all eligibility requirements in our Solar Choice tariff sheet (PDF) and Regional Renewable Choice tariff sheet (PDF).

Residential and Non-Residential enrollment in Solar Choice is on hold per California Public Utility Commission directive in Decision 21-12-036. All customers attempting to enroll will be placed on a waitlist for future enrollment if capacity becomes available.


In addition, there are no active Regional Renewable Choice projects. Therefore, enrollments are not being accepted at this time.

PG&E's Solar Choice Program

You may enroll 50 percent or 100 percent of your monthly electricity usage under PG&E's Solar Choice program. You may elect to change your enrollment level once in a 12 month period (e.g., changing from 50% to 100% and vice versa). If the program is fully subscribed, existing customers may only reduce their enrollment level (e.g., down from 100% to 50%).


Regional Renewable Choice Program

You may subscribe to renewable energy from a single project within PG&E's service area. These projects must be powered by renewable resources including but not limited to solar, wind or biomass. Customers contract directly with developers for an amount of renewable energy between 25% and 100% of total energy use.

PG&E's Solar Choice Program

When you enroll in PG&E's Solar Choice program, you remain on your existing electric rate schedule. Participation may result in either a bill premium or discount depending on a customer's rate schedule and PCIA vintage. The Solar Choice charges and credits will be listed as separate line items on your monthly PG&E bill.


Regional Renewable Choice Program

You're free to design your own customer-developer agreement regarding renewable energy pricing and terms directly with a Regional Renewable Choice developer. Once projects are live, you'll receive a Regional Renewable Choice credit (currently ranging from about 5 to 7 cents per kilowatt-hour) on your PG&E monthly energy statement for the kilowatt-hour output associated with your subscription every month. You will remain on your regular PG&E rate plan. The Regional Renewable Choice credit will not reflect the charges between the renewable developer and customer. Therefore, you will be invoiced separately by the developer.

PG&E's Solar Choice Program

No, you may leave PG&E's Solar Choice program at any time without any penalties or fees. However, you lose eligibility to re-enroll for one year following your unenrollment. Customers who are defaulted to Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) generation service are exempt from this one-year wait requirement if they elect to receive PG&E's generation service within 60 days of their default to CCA generation service.


Regional Renewable Choice Program

You're free to design your own customer-developer agreement and terms with a Regional Renewable Choice developer.

No, customers are only allowed to sign up for one program per electric service agreement (SAID). Find your SAID(s) on your PG&E bill or when you sign in to Your Account.

Yes, if you move within our service territory, you can continue participating in either program. If you are planning to move and want to remain on Solar Choice or Regional Renewable Choice, we recommend calling our Contact Center at 1-877-743-8429 to ensure your service is properly switched over.

You're allowed to remain on the programs for up to 20 years after enrollment.

If you enroll in PG&E's Solar Choice Program, we’ll provide marketing materials to help communicate your participation in the program. You'll receive a welcome kit in the mail.

Green-e Energy is North America's leading voluntary certification program for renewable energy. Since 1997, Green-e Energy has certified renewable energy that meets environmental and consumer protection standards. Those standards were developed in conjunction with leading environmental, energy and policy organizations. Green-e Energy requires that sellers of certified renewable energy disclose clear and useful information to potential customers, allowing consumers to make informed choices. Learn more at Green-e Energy.

In a community renewables program, you're purchasing solar or other renewable energy for your home and/or business. While PG&E can't deliver "green" electrons to a specific home or business, we purchase the same amount of renewable energy that you use monthly on your behalf. These amounts are above and beyond what PG&E would otherwise have put on the grid, and are allocated accordingly to the subscribing customers. We also make sure that this renewable energy gets attributed to you by retiring Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) on your behalf on an annual basis.


A REC represents the environmental benefits of 1 megawatt hour (MWh) of renewable energy. For every unit of renewable electricity generated, an equivalent amount of RECs is produced. By purchasing and pairing RECs with your electricity service, you are using and receiving the benefits of that renewable electricity. Your REC purchase also helps build a market for renewable electricity. Increased demand for and generation of renewable electricity helps reduce conventional electricity generation in the region where the renewable electricity generator is located. It also has other local and global environmental benefits, which may include emitting little or no regional air pollution or carbon dioxide. The RECs in Solar Choice and Regional Renewable Choice are verified and certified by Green-e Energy, and PG&E is required to disclose the quantity, type and geographic source of each certificate. Download the Solar Choice Prospective Product Content Label (PDF) for this information. Green-e Energy also verifies that the renewable energy certificates are not sold more than once or claimed by more than one party. Learn more at Green-e Energy.

The solar electricity you purchase through the Community Renewables program is delivered to the grid, allowing you to receive reliable electricity both day and night. The renewable energy you buy is attributed to you through Renewable Energy Credits (RECs), and those credits are retired by PG&E on your behalf on an annual basis.

YES! Under both the Solar Choice and the Regional Renewable Choice programs, PG&E procures new, additional solar resources that are separate from and incremental to any mandates we have to fulfill under California's Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS). Therefore, customers' participation supports newly developed renewable clean energy on the electric grid.

  • Solar Choice Program:
  • Regional Renewable Choice Program:
    • There are currently no dedicated solar projects procured under the Regional Renewable Choice program.

For many customers, rooftop solar is a good option. However, almost half of residential and commercial rooftops are unsuitable for solar because of structural, shading or ownership issues. These programs give residential and business customers an easy way to participate in solar without installing or maintaining solar panels.

More solar resources

Low income Green Saver program

You may be eligible to support renewable energy while saving money on your bill

Wholesale electric power procurement

Are you a renewable developer? Find out more about our community solar solicitations.

Rooftop solar and storage

Learn more about the benefits of installing solar or battery storage for your home.