©2025 Pacific Gas and Electric Company
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PG&E submitted the project application and Proponent’s Environmental Assessment (PEA) to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Energy Division. View PG&E’s Application and PEA on the CPUC Energy Division CEQA Project Website (PDF).
Project status
PG&E is proposing a series of electrical upgrades in Northern San Joaquin County, known as the Northern San Joaquin 230 kV Transmission Project. This project was formerly called the Lockeford-Lodi Area 230 kV Development or Northern San Joaquin Power Connect. It will help us continue providing safe and reliable electric service. We submitted a permit application for this proposed project to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) on September 1, 2023. The CPUC will conduct an environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and will review the project need and costs before making a decision on the proposed project. Visit the CPUC project website for the latest project news.
Project details
- The project will connect an existing electrical 230 kilovolt (kV) line into our Lockeford Substation.
- We will also rearrange connected portions of our electric 60 kV system in the area.
- A new 230 kV electrical line will connect our Lockeford Substation to a new switching station in Lodi.
- The City of Lodi’s Electric Utility will construct a new substation to connect to the new switching station.
View a map (PDF) of the project.
Our work with the community
To help us identify potential electrical line routes for the project, we gathered information through desktop studies, field studies, and input from the public and agencies. We then assessed each potential route based on three questions:
- Does the route meet the basic project objectives?
- Is it feasible?
- Does it avoid or lessen environmental impacts?
This assessment helped us identify the proposed project that was submitted to the CPUC. The CPUC is responsible for siting and routing this type of project. The CPUC may or may not select the project we are proposing.
Next steps
The project is now in the hands of the CPUC. They will conduct an environmental review process with opportunities for public input before making a final decision. To be sure your voice is heard, we urge you to learn about the CPUC’s process. You can find out when there are opportunities for public input and get more information at the CPUC’s website. For more information about the CPUC’s regulatory and environmental review process, including the CPUC-led public participation program, visit the CPUC website. The CPUC will now serve as the primary point of contact for comments on the project, and you can contact the CPUC by email at: NSJTP@ascent.inc or mail to the CPUC’s Project Manager, Boris Sanchez, California Public Utilities Commission, Energy Division - Infrastructure Permitting & CEQA, 505 Van Ness Avenue, 4th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94102, or by email at: boris.sanchez@cpuc.ca.gov To obtain additional information on the proposed project, please visit the CPUC Energy Division CEQA project website.
For questions to PG&E, please contact us at 1-800-741-7743 or northernsanjoaquin@pge.com.
You can also contact the CPUC Public Advisor at: Telephone: 1-866-849-8390 or Email: public.advisor@cpuc.ca.gov
News and updates
View our fact sheets, open house materials, technical reports and more.
Project fact sheet: An overview of the project and its benefits, as well as details about our planning and outreach process. Download the fact sheet (PDF).
Electric grid fact sheet: An overview of the flow of electricity, from the moment power is generated until it arrives at your home or business. Download the electric grid fact sheet (PDF).
Phase 3 materials from July 2019 open houses: Materials displayed at open houses held in the community on July 31, 2019. Download materials from the Phase 3 open house (PDF).
Phase 2 materials from June 2016 open houses: Materials displayed at the Phase 2 open houses held in the community June 13-15, 2016. Download materials from Phase 2 open houses (PDF).
Phase 1 materials from December 2015 open houses: Materials displayed at the Phase 1 open houses held in the community December 1-3, 2015. Download materials from Phase 1 open houses (PDF).
PG&E Seeks Community Feedback on New Routing Area, Potential Routes for Proposed Transmission Project
Release Date: July 29, 2019
Contact: PG&E Corporate Relations at 415-973-5930
LOCKEFORD, Calif. — Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) will seek community feedback during two public open houses this week, at which an updated routing area and potential transmission line routes will be introduced for the Northern San Joaquin 230 kV Transmission Project.
Additional resources
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©2025 Pacific Gas and Electric Company