©2025 Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Pacific Gas and Electric Company ("PG&E") is issuing this Fall 2023 Distribution Investment Deferral Framework (DIDF) Request For Offers ("RFO" or "Solicitation") in compliance with California Public Utilities Commission ("CPUC") Decision 21-02-006. The Fall 2023 DIDF RFO is designed to procure Distributed Energy Resources (DER) to avoid or defer utility distribution investments
DIDF RFO Protocol and appendices
Register and download all solicitation documents at the Power Advocate link below.
- Updated Protocol - 12/8/2023 Fall 2023 DIDF RFO
- Appendix A: Offer Form (XLSB) (Corral 1101, Lemoore 1101, Lemoore 1105, Storey 1107, Storey Bank 2)
- Appendix B: Supplemental Information (DOCX)
- Appendix C: NOT USED
- Appendix D: Confidentiality Agreement (DOCX)
- Appendix E: Technology Neutral Pro Forma (TNPF) Agreement (DOCX)
- Appendix F: Load Forecast and Customer Data (PDF)
- Sample Introductory Letter (DOCX)
Additional documents and materials
- Grid Needs Assessment Map to help developers find potential project sites. It is not a gurantee that developers can interconnect at any particular time and place. Details of the Fall 2023 DIDF RFO were recently published in PG&E's 2023 Distribution Deferral Opportunity Report (DDOR) and Grid Needs Assessment (GNA).
Interconnection information
- The PG&E website for applying to either the Rule 21 or the WDT GIP interconnection processes is: Electric Generation Interconnection and Rule 21 applications.
For Generator Interconnection Procedures (GIP):
- Additional information on wholesale generator interconnections under the Wholesale Distribution Tariff (WDT) can be found at: Wholesale Distribution Fast Track Interconnection Process
- The WDT GIP Link is: /content/dam/pge/docs/about/doing-business-with-pge/wd-tariff.pdf
- The WDT GIP / Additional Resources Link is: Additional Resources
For the R1 Tariff:
Power Advocate instructions, registration information and offer submittal
All Participants interested in submitting a bid package into PG&E's Fall 2023 DIDF RFO will need to pre-register with Power Advocate before submitting an offer using the appropriate link below:
- Corral 1101, Lemoore 1101, Lemoore 1105, Storey 1107 and Storey Bank 2: https://www.poweradvocate.com/pR.do?okey=190865&pubEvent=true
Only those participants that have been accepted through the Power Advocate platform will be permitted to submit an offer into this RFO. We encourage you to register now.
Participants' Webinar
PG&E hosted a Participants' Webinar for the Fall 2023 DIDF RFO on Wednesday, October 25, 2023.
Download Webinar Presentation (PDF)
Questions and answers
Posted on 9/26/2023: Questions and Answers
Contact information
To ensure the accuracy and consistency of information provided to all Participants. PG&E requests that Participants communicate by email to both DIDFRFO@pge.com with a copy to the IE at pge_ie@paconsulting.com
All correspondence to and from the Participant will be monitored by the IE, who the CPUC has selected to oversee this Solicitation. The IE is an independent, third-party evaluator who will be monitoring and evaluating this Solicitation.
To receive notices about this solicitation and to be added to PG&E's RFO Distribution List, visit Distribution List Form.
If you encounter any digital or disability access issues, or you would like to provide PG&E with feedback or suggestions regarding such access, please email our team at solicitationaccessibility@pge.com. This mailbox is monitored during regular business hours (M-F; 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.). We will respond to your inquiry within 2 business days.
More resources
Wholesale electric power procurement
PG&E purchases wholesale electric energy and capacity from generators and suppliers.