Bioenergy Market Adjusting Tariff (Senate Bill 1122)

Long-term wholesale electric energy contracts to eligible generators



Senate Bill 1122 was signed by Governor Brown on September 27, 2012. It amends Section 399.20 of the Public Utilities Code and adds an additional 250 MW of capacity for investor owned utilities (IOUs) to offer feed-in tariff Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) for eligible bioenergy projects. To implement SB 1122, the California Public Utilities Commission ("CPUC") established the Bioenergy Market Adjusting Tariff ("BioMAT Tariff") through Decisions (D.) 14-12-081 (PDF) and (D.) 15-09-004 (PDF).


Tariff & PPA



BioMAT Capacity Allocation, Categories & Pricing


Per CPUC Decision (D.) 14-12-081 (PDF), PG&E's Program Allocation is 111 MW, divided among three bioenergy Fuel Resource Categories ("categories") as follows:


  • 30.5 MW: Biogas from wastewater treatment, municipal organic waste diversion, food processing, and codigestion
  • 33.5 MW: Biogas from dairy and other agricultural bioenergy
  • 47 MW: Biogas or biomass using byproducts of sustainable forest management


At the commencement of the BioMAT program, the available Contract Price for each of the four Fuel Resource Pricing Categories was set at $127.72/MWh. Thereafter, the Contract Price for each category adjusts independently for each bi-monthly program Period based on market acceptance and market depth.




Key BioMAT eligibility criteria include:


  • Project must be located in PG&E's service territory and be connected on the distribution or transmission system.
  • Project nameplate may be sized 5 MW or smaller, provided that no more than 3 MW is delivered to the grid at any time. 
  • Project must commence operations after June 1, 2013.
  • Project must have passed the interconnection Fast Track screens, passed Supplemental Review, completed a System Impact Study in the Independent Study Process, completed a Distribution Group Study Phase 1 Interconnection Study in the Distribution Group Study Process, or completed a Phase 1 Study in the Cluster Study Process. 
  • For more detail about eligibility requirements, pricing, terms and the application process, please refer to PG&E's E-BioMAT Tariff and BioMAT Power Purchase Agreement (PPA).


How to apply


PG&E has made available its online platform, hosted by Accion Power, to register applicants, process applications, adminster Program Periods (auctions), and provide further information.


Visit PG&E's Biomat Participant Platform


Frequently asked questions


For BioMAT pricing, queue information and a list of executed BioMAT contracts, please go to the Program Documents page on PG&E's BioMAT Platform hosted by Accion Power: PG&E's BioMAT Participant Platform


Download BioMAT FAQS (PDF)




PG&E jointly hosted a webinar with Southern California Edison and San Diego Gas & Electric on November 20, 2015. A copy of the presentation and corresponding audio file can be found below.



Interconnection information


For information on the interconnection process, please visit Wholesale Electric Generator Distribution Interconnection (EGI). Here you can find Fast Track and Independent/Cluster Study interconnection process overviews, FAQs, and a link to the EGI’s online application form. Interested applicants can apply to interconnect through the Wholesale Distribution Tariff (WDT) or Electric Rule 21. Please review the website to determine which is best suited to your project. You may also send an email to EGI at for WDT or for Electric Rule 21 questions.


Contact information


For questions about PG&E's Renewable Feed-in-Tariffs email

To receive regular updates on PG&E's Renewable FIT programs, you may also sign up for our email distribution list.




If you encounter any digital or disability access issues, or you would like to provide PG&E with feedback or suggestions regarding such access, please e-mail our team at  This mailbox is monitored during regular business hours (M-F; 8am-5pm).  We will respond to your inquiry within 2 business days.

More resources

Wholesale electric power procurement

PG&E purchases wholesale electric energy and capacity from generators and suppliers.