©2025 Pacific Gas and Electric Company
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The Property Management Portal is a web portal designed specifically for landlords, property managers, and energy managers. The portal reflects the way you manage your rental properties. It also allows you to consolidate all your properties into a single view and to perform administrative activities online.
Landlords can perform administrative activities online such as:
- Assigning specified responsibilities for a property to a property management firm or an energy management company
- Ensuring that any vacant units transition smoothly and automatically to billing on your account to prevent interruptions in service
- Reviewing who is responsible for PG&E charges for your units in near real-time
Whether you perform these tasks yourself or hire a property manager, the Property Management Portal is a convenient way to handle energy-related activities online with PG&E.
Landlords using the Property Management Portal
To use the portal, follow these steps:
Step 1: Set up your username and password
Create a landlord username and password.
Visit the registration page or sign in
Step 2: Locate your buildings
Find the buildings you want to manage through the Property Management Portal by entering the addresses. Review all the units for each building to verify the list is complete or add any missing units.
Step 3: Choose a property management firm
Select the firm and complete the property manager authorization if you want a property management firm to manage some buildings on your behalf.
Property Managers
Property managers can perform administrative activities online such as:
- Assigning specified responsibilities for a property to your staff
- Ensuring that vacant units transition smoothly and automatically to billing on the property owner’s account to prevent interruptions in service
- Reviewing who is responsible for PG&E charges for your units in near real-time
The Property Management Portal is a convenient way to handle these tasks online.
Property Managers using the Property Management Portal
To use the portal, follow these steps:
Step 1: Set up your username and password
Create a property management username and password. This is required for property management assignments.
Visit the registration page or sign in
Step 2: Let others know you’ve registered
Notify the owners or landlords that you are registered so they can assign buildings to you. Review all the units for each building and verify the list is complete or add any missing units.
Step 3: Start assigning
Assign buildings to your staff.
Energy Managers
Energy managers can perform administrative activities online such as:
- Assigning specified responsibilities for a property to individuals on your staff
- Reviewing who is responsible for PG&E charges for services you are evaluating in near real time
The Property Management Portal also acts as a gateway to Your Account features, including downloading of usage and billing data, rate analysis, what-if analysis, and suggested ways to save.
Energy Managers using the Property Management Portal
To use the portal, follow these steps:
Step 1: Set up your username and password
Create a username and password for your energy management company. This is required so that a landlord will be able to assign properties to you.
Visit the registration page or sign in
Step 2: Let others know you’ve registered
Notify the owners or landlords that you are registered for the portal so they can assign buildings to you. Review all the units for each building assigned to you and verify the list is complete or add any missing units.
Step 3: Start assigning
Assign buildings to your staff for energy management purposes.
Need help using the Portal?
Get answers to common questions about the Property Management Portal.
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©2025 Pacific Gas and Electric Company