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View these tools to help your business make smarter energy decisions and save money:
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Peak Day Pricing may help your bottom line
Peak Day Pricing is an optional rate that offers businesses a discount on regular summer electricity rates in exchange for higher prices during Peak Day Pricing Event Days.*
Peak Day Pricing Event Days are usually called on especially hot days when electricity demand peaks.
Customers are not eligible for Peak Day Pricing if they are enrolled in:
*Effective summer rates are lower after Peak Day Pricing credits have been applied, but effective rates are higher during Peak Day Pricing event hours.
View these tools to help your business make smarter energy decisions and save money:
We'll send you an alert the day before an Event Day so you can plan ahead to conserve or shift your energy usage. Visit your online account.
How can I come out ahead with Peak Day Pricing?
Prepare a conservation plan for your business by following these steps:
Find more tips below.
What are the main drivers of energy use?
For most businesses, energy use falls into several categories that can help you focus your efforts.
Knowing the biggest sources of energy use in your workplace is the first step in preparing an effective conservation plan. Read on for tips targeted at each of these energy categories.
How can I reduce energy use from air conditioning?
Many of these tips cost nothing to implement and will lower your energy bills year-round:
How can I reduce energy from lighting?
There are many ways to reduce the electricity use from lighting:
How can I reduce energy use from plug load?
A lot of electricity is used to power appliances: computers, monitors, printers, phone chargers, and other gadgets you use to get your work done. Shut off anything that isn’t in use, especially equipment like copiers that spend much of their time sitting idle. Some equipment draws power even when in standby mode, so turn it off or consider putting it on a power strip that can be used to fully disconnect it from power.
How can I reduce energy use from special equipment?
Many businesses require specialized equipment. Restaurants have walk-in refrigerators. Manufacturers have fabrication tools. Often this type of equipment draws a lot of electricity, and therefore represents a savings opportunity:
As a solar customer, you're eligible to participate in Peak Day Pricing.
Solar customers can participate risk-free for the first 12 months with Bill Protection. If you pay more during your first year on Peak Day Pricing, we credit you the difference. After Bill Protection has ended, solar customers can use Net Energy Metering (NEM) credits to offset Event Day charges. Note: NEM True-Up statements are separate from Peak Day Pricing Bill Protection credit statements.
Contact your Business Energy Solutions representative if you have questions about rate plans, energy assessments or our programs. You can also contact the Solar Customer Service Center weekdays, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., at 1-877-743-4112.
If you have any additional questions about your rate plan options, energy assessments or our programs, contact us:
Business customers
Peak Day Pricing Hotline at 1-800-987-4923
Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. PT
Agricultural customers
Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. PT
Solar customers
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. PT
This forecast averages temperatures in PG&E's territory, showing the probability of a Peak Day Pricing Event Day. The trigger temperature is currently set at 98°.
February 12
Event Unlikely
February 13
Event Unlikely
February 14
Event Unlikely
February 15
Event Unlikely
February 16
Event Unlikely
PG&E calls Peak Day Pricing Event Days on especially hot days when the demand for electricity can reach an extreme level.
*An Event Day for June 17, 2021 was cancelled. No event charges were applied. The cancelled event will count towards the 15 Event Day per year limit.
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Learn typical energy-related terms to help you better understand your energy statement.
©2025 Pacific Gas and Electric Company
©2025 Pacific Gas and Electric Company