Urgent Alert

Solicitations for the Energy Savings Assistance programs

Your source for all ESA programs solicitation announcements

We plan to conduct competitive solicitations starting in the Fall of 2021 and continuing throughout 2022 to select implementer(s) for the Energy Savings Assistance (ESA) programs. These programs were approved in a recent California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) decision (D.21-06-015).

Learn more about the CPUC decision

We will apply an open, fair and competitive process to select the best implementers for our customers and to provide potential implementers the opportunity to create high quality proposals to participate and be successful.


This page is your source for all ESA programs solicitation announcements. This page contains general information about:


  • Our solicitation planned schedules
  • Program information and requirements
  • Resources and FAQs


Do you have questions related to Request for Proposals (RFPs)? You can ask them using PowerAdvocate.


Schedule of upcoming solicitations


IOU solicitation schedules are updated monthly. Each solicitation schedule may vary and is subject to change. The following solicitation schedule contains a broad overview schedule containing each IOU's current and planned solicitations, including major milestones.

 Download Solicitation Schedule (XLSX)


important notice icon Note: PG&E's solicitation schedule was updated on July 1, 2024.


The solicitation process


Available contract opportunities will be posted to the PG&E bid opportunities website. Interested bidders should review the solicitations schedule regularly. They should also check the bid opportunities website for details on specific opportunities, including: 


  • How to register
  • Relevant deadlines
  • Scope and scale of opportunity
  • Other information


Visit the PG&E bid opportunities website

This overview of the approach generally applies to ESA solicitations listed on this page. Any exceptions to the process will be detailed in the specific solicitations. Per D.21-06-015, we will utilize a single-stage RFP, followed by a two-step selection process. RFPs will be released through PowerAdvocate.


In addition, we plan to use several channels to notify the public, participants and interested stakeholders about the ESA programs solicitations. These channels may include:


  • The CPUC service lists for relevant proceedings
  • Proposal Evaluation & Proposal Management Application (PEPMA)
  • The California Energy Efficiency Coordinating Committee (CAEECC) website

PG&E intends to provide RFP bidders with data to enable them to design and propose the highest quality and cost-effective programs as possible. Potential bidders may be required to prepare a full program proposal and respond to a RFP questionnaire. *


* Per CPUC D.21-05-015 at 355 and Section 1 of Attachment 4

Step 1: Bidder Shortlisting

Proposals will be evaluated by means of qualitative and quantitative criteria. After review of the RFP response submissions and bidder's proposal, a smaller selected pool of these bidders will be invited to advance to Step 2.


Step 2: Shortlisted Bidder Interviews

Selected bidders will be invited to answer specific questions and provide presentations during in-person and/or video/teleconferenced interviews.

After Stage 1 RFP and two-step selection, the final bidder(s) will be selected for contract negotiations.

PG&E prepared a solicitation plan in 2021 highlighting the various solicitations planned for the ESA Program from 2022-2026. The plan contains an overview of the solicitation process, platforms used by PG&E and prospective bidders, and any contract scope or bidder eligibility information available at the time of publishing on September 7, 2021. Subsequent changes will be incorporated throughout this website.

View our September 7, 2021 solicitation plan (PDF)

important notice icon Note: Solicitation timelines are subject to change. Find the latest solicitation timeline in Schedule of Upcoming Solicitations above. The schedule will be updated monthly for the Main ESA (Basic/Plus), ESA Bulk Materials Purchasing, ESA Plus/Deep Pilot, ESA Multifamily Central Portal and ESA Multifamily Whole Building (MFWB) programs between Q4 2021 and Q1 2023.

Interested bidders should register with the statewide Proposal Evaluation & Proposal Management Application (PEPMA). They should also monitor this website to stay informed on the latest developments for each solicitation. Any official alerts will be provided through PowerAdvocate.




None at this time.








Learn about upcoming ESA opportunities


PEPMA (Proposal Evaluation & Proposal Management Application) is a California Statewide Investor-Owned Utilities (IOU) and Energy Savings Assistance Solicitation website. This site serves as a resource for bidders to learn about:


  • Upcoming energy savings assistance opportunities
  • Solicitations
  • Energy-saving solicitations information and resources



Learn when solicitations become available

When the solicitations are available for registration, they are posted on our website. Bidders interested in working with us can respond to RFP opportunities posted on our website.


How to register for solicitations

PowerAdvocate is our sourcing platform where interested bidders will need to register for access to all solicitations (Request for Proposals). Bidders can review activities including:

  • Communications
  • Document download and upload
  • Information regarding solicitation milestones

Information on requirements

Interested bidders can visit our webpage to access information on supply chain responsibility, contractor safety, supplier quality requirements for materials and more.

Contract safety information can be found on the PG&E Enterprise Contractor Safety website. Visit the Enterprise Contractor Safety site

Download the Solicitations Platforms Training (PDF)

Download the Third-Party Security Review FAQ (PDF)

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