
Interruption Cost Estimator (ICE) 2.0 Survey

Consumer power-outage costs

What is the ICE 2.0 survey?


PG&E is working with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) and Resource Innovations to conduct this research survey. The purpose is to understand the costs customers could experience due to power outages. The study will help researchers understand:


  • How much PG&E customers value their electricity service during outages
  • How valuable it is to customers to avoid outages in the future


For more information, visit Berkeley Lab ICE Calculator 2.0.

PG&E will use the survey results to better understand the financial impact of power outages on our customers. This will inform decisions on grid improvements for customers, such as:

  • Upgrading transmission lines
  • Increasing renewable hosting capacity
  • Preparing for electric vehicle charging
  • Introducing new rate options

A small, random sample of customers has been selected by Resource Innovations for the survey.

Resource Innovations will minimize the risk for others to access your private or sensitive information. This will include anonymizing and removing information such as your name and contact information. They’ll take those steps before transferring the data to the researchers for analysis.


The study has been approved by LBNL’s Internal Review Board (Pro00023294). If you have questions about your legal rights as a survey participant, contact LBL’s Human Subjects Committee:
Phone: 1-510-486-5399


For more information about how PG&E manages your personal information, visit the PG&E Privacy Policy.

PG&E, in partnership with Resource Innovations and LBNL, is providing financial incentives to customers who participate in the survey. See the PG&E CCPA Financial Incentive Notice (PDF) for more information about the incentive and your rights in participating in the survey.

LBNL is a multi-program science lab in the national laboratory system supported by the U.S. Department of Energy through its Office of Science. The Lab is managed by the University of California. It is charged with conducting unclassified research across a wide range of scientific disciplines. For more information, visit the Lawrence Berkeley Lab website.

Please contact Resource Innovations at

Call PG&E customer service at 1-877-660-6789. For more information about PG&E’s use of ICE 2.0, email