Electric upgrades in Sausalito

Part of our commitment to powerline safety

We are upgrading our electric powerlines, poles and other equipment in the City of Sausalito. This work will help meet growing energy demand due to:

  • Electric vehicles
  • Accessory dwelling units
  • Home offices  

Our General Rate Case will fund the work. These upgrades will help us continue providing safe and reliable electric service to you and your neighbors.

What we are doing

PG&E has the legal rights and the responsibility to maintain and improve its equipment along its current alignment. To achieve this, we are conducting the following work:


  • Replacing 96 poles and upgrading an additional 96 poles
  • Performing safety work on underground equipment
  • Increasing the size of some poles to accommodate larger equipment and for safety and reliability
  • Trimming vegetation around poles for safety and reliability in some locations

Work will take place in five separate areas to minimize impacts.


Project map and schedule

Please reference the work area map below to see if you live in or around the neighborhoods we will be working in.


Review the work-area map

*Weather and other factors that affect safe working conditions may change our schedule.

What you can expect

You may hear noise and see trucks during work hours. This work will require temporary lane closures, detours, and closure of on-street parking. Flaggers will safely direct traffic. Driveway access may be affected, but crews can provide access quickly in urgent cases.


Temporary interruptions to your electric service may be necessary for safety. We will provide you with details in advance. This work will not impact your water, gas, phone, internet, trash collection, mail delivery. Nor will it impact access to public transportation.

Some of this work will require the installation of poles that are 5-10 feet taller than existing poles. The taller poles are needed for safety and to accommodate larger equipment. The location of existing poles may also have to be adjusted, which may slightly alter views.

Our crews perform vegetation work to maintain the safe and required clearance around our powerlines.


Prior to beginning the electrical upgrade work, PG&E and our contractors will identify and remove all flammable material, brush, limbs, and foliage around electric poles that are being replaced or upgraded. We will do our best to preserve trees. However, trees that cause a threat to public safety and system reliability must be addressed.


Before conducting any vegetation management work:

  • We will call the property owner
  • Conduct a site visit or leave a doorhanger at the property 

We are committed to minimizing impacts to the community and will be available to answer questions. We will also meet with homeowners and businesses to ensure they are informed and can plan ahead. Our outreach will include:

  • Informational webinars
  • Work notice letters
  • Individual meetings with nearby homeowners 


Today’s electric demand and usage is different from when this electric system was built. Demand for electricity is higher due to the use of electric cars, home offices, accessory dwelling units (ADUs) and other modern technology. Upgrading our electric system will improve reliability, resiliency, and safety for you now and for future generations.

Views from some properties may be altered due to the taller poles and larger transformers. We may also need to slightly relocate poles as part of the replacement process. We do not provide compensation for any impacts to views because electricity is critical infrastructure.

There is limited flexibility where equipment can be placed for design, engineering, construction and safety reasons. Also, it is part of a larger system that needs to be safely interconnected with the larger grid.

The second phase of work will begin in February 2024 and will take about three months in each of the six working areas.

This project is being funded through our General Rate Case to improve safety and reliability for customers.

This project is upgrading the current above-ground electric system. Undergrounding is not in scope for this work.


As part of our 10,000-mile undergrounding program, we are prioritizing undergrounding work in High Fire- Threat Districts, as designated by the CPUC. The work planned for Sausalito is not located in one of the CPUC’s High Fire Threat Districts. View the CPUC High Fire-Threat map on their website.

Please visit the City of Sausalito website for more information on undergrounding.

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