Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) background
Senate Bill (SB) 350, passed by the California Legislature in 2015 and codified as Public Utilities Code sections 454.51 and 454.52, established the 2030 targets for energy efficiency (EE) and the renewable portfolio standard (RPS). In addition, SB 350 requires the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to establish an integrated resource planning process to ensure that load serving entities (LSEs) in the state shape their future energy portfolios to meet California's clean energy goals in a reliable and cost-effective manner.
On September 10, 2018, Governor Brown signed into law SB 100 that accelerates the RPS target to 50 percent by 2026 and increases the RPS target to 60 percent by 2030. SB 100 also creates a separate state policy that requires 100 percent of all retail sales of electricity to serve end-use customers and 100 percent of electricity procured to serve state agencies to come from RPS eligible or zero carbon resources by 2045.
On September 16, 2022, Governor Newsom signed SB 1020 and AB 1279 into law to advance the state’s trajectory to 100 percent clean-electricity retail sales by 2045. SB 1020 establishes interim SB 100 targets by creating clean electricity targets of 90 percent by 2035 and 95 percent by 2040. AB 1279 codifies the 2045 statewide carbon neutrality goal and establishes an 85 percent emissions reduction target as part of that goal. Both SB 1020 and AB 1279 were signed midway through this planning cycle, and therefore are not reflected in the filing requirements prescribed by the CPUC.
CPUC Integrated Resource Planning Process
The CPUC IRP process is the primary venue for the implementation of SB 350. The CPUC is now in its third IRP cycle.
In June 2022, the CPUC issued a decision adopting an optimal resource portfolio, known as the Preferred System Portfolio (PSP), for the 2022 integrated resource planning cycle. The decision is intended to meet California's 2030 climate goals and plans for California’s 2035 climate goals for the electric sector. It also updated the LSE filing requirements for the 2022 Plans.
For additional information regarding the 2022 IRP process at the CPUC, visit the CPUC's IRP Events and Materials page.
PG&E's 2022 Integrated Resource Plan
On November 1, 2022, PG&E and other LSEs filed their 2022 Plans at the CPUC. PG&E's IRP presents our plan to meet the CPUC's 2022 IRP objectives and statewide clean energy goals in a reliable and cost-effective manner. For this IRP cycle, PG&E wants to emphasize how our climate strategy and goals guide supply planning and portfolio optimization. PG&E’s long term climate strategy is rooted in the company’s triple bottom-line framework of serving people, the planet and California prosperity – supported by strong operational performance. PG&E has introduced ambitious emissions reduction goals that include achieving net zero GHG emissions by 2040 and being climate positive by 2050.
PG&E's IRP consists of a narrative describing:
- PG&E's modeling approach across three planning scenarios (the 30 Million Metric Tons (MMT) Conforming and 25 MMT Conforming Scenarios as well as an alternate scenario reflecting higher electric-vehicle adoption);
- Although the Commission’s PSP did not consider the interim targets established by SB 1020, the portfolios that PG&E presents put us on a path to achieve those RPS targets.
- The modeling results across the three planning scenarios;
- PG&E's current and planned procurement activities associated with its 2022 IRP;
- Consistent with state policy and PG&E’s climate goals while supporting reliability and affordability, PG&E’s IRP seeks Commission approval to procure up to 12 terawatt-hours (TWh) of GHG-free generation by 2030.
- Description of activities to minimize air pollution and benefit low-income customers and customers in disadvantaged communities; and
- Lessons PG&E has learned through the previous 2017–18 cycle and the 2019–20 IRP cycles, as well as the current 2022 cycle.
Download the 2022 Plan Narrative(PDF)
CPUC required data templates for the 30 MMT GHG Conforming scenario:
- 2022 Resource Data Template, 30 MMT Conforming (XSLX)
- 2022 Clean Power System Calculator, 30 MMT Conforming (XLSX)
- 2022 Clean Power System Calculator, 30 MMT Alternative (XLSX)
CPUC required data templates for the 25 MMT GHG Conforming scenario:
- 2022 Resource Data Template, 25 MMT Conforming (XLSX)
- 2022 Clean Power System Calculator, 25 MMT Conforming (XLSX)
Previous IRPs
Download the 2020 Plan Narrative (PDF)
CPUC required data template for 2020 IRP Data Request:
CPUC required data templates for the Adopted Conforming 46 MMT GHG scenario:
2020 Resource Data Template, Conforming (XLSX)
2020 Resource Data Template, Conforming - Adjusted (XLSX)
2020 Clean Power System Calculator, Conforming (XLSX)
CPUC required data templates for the Conforming 38 MMT GHG scenario:
2020 Resource Data Template, Conforming (XLSX)
2020 Resource Data Template, Conforming - Adjusted (XLSX)
2020 Clean Power System Calculator, Conforming (XLSX)
Download the 2018 Plan Narrative (PDF)
CPUC required data templates for the Conforming scenario:
2018 Baseline Resource Data Template, Conforming (XLSX)
2018 New Resource Data Template, Conforming (XLSX)
2018 Clean Net Short Calculator, Conforming (PDF)
CPUC required data templates for the Preferred scenario:
2018 Baseline Resource Data Template, Preferred (XLSX)
2018 New Resource Data Template, Preferred (XLSX)
2018 Clean Net Short Calculator, Preferred (PDF)
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