"PG&E" refers to Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation. © 2025 Pacific Gas and Electric Company. All rights reserved.
Pacific Gas and Electric Company's California Gas Transmission (CGT) offers backbone transportation service through its Gold Coast Transportation business line. Parking, lending, and storage services are offered through CGT's Golden Gate Market Center.
The following information explains the requirements for doing business with CGT through its Gold Coast Transportation and Golden Gate Market Center business lines.
- All customers requesting natural gas transmission services (e.g. transportation, storage, parking, lending, core aggregation and balancing aggregation) are required to establish creditworthiness with Pacific Gas and Electric Company. Please review our credit procedure Web page.
Service Agreements
- You are required to execute a Gas Transmission Service Agreement (GTSA) in order to receive Gold Coast Transportation and Golden Gate Market Center services. The GTSA is a master agreement which establishes you as a California Gas Transmission customer.
- The information on your credit application will be used by Pacific Gas and Electric Company to complete your GTSA. A signed, executed GTSA is required in order to receive service(s) from CGT.
Choosing Paths and Services
- CGT offers Gold Coast Transportation on a variety of backbone transmission paths. Customers may also choose from a variety of flexible Golden Gate Market Center services, namely storage, parking and lending.
- A separate exhibit to the GTSA is required for each service:
- Exhibit A - Gold Coast Transportation Service
- Exhibit B - Negotiated Gold Coast Transportation Service
- Exhibit C - Golden Gate Market Center Service (Parking and Lending Service)
- Exhibit E - Golden Gate Market Center Service (Negotiated Firm Storage Service)
- Exhibit F - Golden Gate Market Center Service (Negotiated As-Available Storage Service)
- A Natural Gas Service Agreement (NGSA) is required for local transmission and distribution services. This agreement is needed to deliver gas from the Citygate to a Pacific Gas and Electric Company noncore end-use customer
- A Core Transport Agent Request for Gas Aggregation Service (CTA Agreement) is required for core aggregation service.
Balancing Service
- Balancing Service under Schedule G-BAL must be taken in conjunction with backbone transmission.
- Noncore customers decide if they will be responsible for managing monthly imbalances or if they will assign monthly balancing to a balancing agent.
- A Noncore Balancing Aggregation Agreement is required and must be completed by the balancing agent.
- A balancing agent may be a marketer managing many customer imbalances or may be a noncore customer managing imbalances for multiple premises.
- Balancing agents are required to establish creditworthiness with Pacific Gas and Electric Company.
- If you have questions about contracting for business or would like to discuss your Gold Coast Transportation or Golden Gate Market Center needs, please contact a CGT Account Manager.
All services are subject to Pacific Gas and Electric Company's tariffs and applicable contracts. In the event that the descriptions on this page vary from the tariff, the tariff provisions will predominate.