Firm Capacity Commitments

The table below shows committed firm capacities on the Baja and Redwood Paths. In order to get a rough estimate of an individual customer's firm cut level on any day, one can look at the relevant path capacity on the Pipeline Maintenance News page and compare it to the committed firm capacity for that month.


For example: If the posted capacity for the Baja Path is 740 MMcf/day on November 1, and the committed firm capacity for November is 779.7 MDth/day, then a rough estimation for firm volumes to flow would be 95%. Inversely, the rough estimate of levels of firm cuts would be 5%.

Last updated: Jul 26, 2024
Year / Month Committed Capacity - Baja Path (MDth/day) Committed Capacity - Redwood Path (MDth/day)
07 354.2 1916.5
08 354.2 1916.5
09 354.2 1916.5
10 354.2 1816.5
11 444.2 1735.5
12 497.6 1835.5
Year / Month Committed Capacity - Baja Path (MDth/day) Committed Capacity - Redwood Path (MDth/day)
01 462.6 1860.5
02 462.6 1757.7
03 489.2 1637.7
04 479.2 1891.5
05 479.2 1911.5
06 479.2 1911.5

Enhanced Outlook - Firm Capacity Commitments

Last revised: July 1, 2024


Download this document to see an enhanced outlook of Firm Capacity Commitments. This document shows a further outlook than the information listed above and is revised monthly.


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