"PG&E" refers to Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation. © 2025 Pacific Gas and Electric Company. All rights reserved.
The Trade Period typically begins no later than the 15th of the month and lasts until the close of NYMEX (the close of Henry Hub Gas Future Contracts). Trade Period dates are posted, along with current cashout rates, on Pipe Ranger.
The CPBA Trade Period closes the last business day of the month.
You can view your imbalance statements within INSIDEtracc, although you can begin trading on the first day of the Trade Period whether or not you have received your Imbalance Statement. You are guaranteed at least five business days for electronic trading.
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2. Imbalance and Balance Accounts
Imbalance Accounts include ...
3. Cumulative Imbalances
A Cumulative Imbalance is the difference between supply and usage ...
4. Operating Imbalances
Operating Imbalances apply only to PG&E's Core and Core ...