Transportation Rates

By Path

Mission Path On System

An On-System delivery point, PG&E's Storage or Third Party Storage in PG&E's Service Territory Reservation Rate ($/Dth/month)


Usage Rate ($/Dth)


Total* ($/Dth @ full contract)

($/DTH @ Full Contract)

Rate Schedule (PDF)

Annual Firm

One year minimum term

Rates (MFV)
Rates (SFV)

Seasonal Firm

Three consecutive months in one season minimum term
Two consecutive years maximum term
Winter season: November through March
Summer season: April through October

Rates (MFV)
Rates (SFV)

Negotiated Firm

Term, take and rate are negotiable
Rates are capped at 120% of Annual Firm MFV rates in Schedule G-AFT



One day minimum term
Volumetric rates


Negotiated As-Available

Term, take and rate are negotiable
Rates are capped at 120% of As-Available rates in Schedule G-AA


To arrange for the further transportation and delivery of natural gas to an End-Use Customer's meter, one of the following additional rate schedules must be utilized: G-CT, G-NT, G-EG, G-NGV4 or G-WSL.

To arrange for the further transportation and delivery of natural gas to an Off-System Delivery Point, one of the following additional rate schedules must be utilized: G-NFTOFF, G-NAAOFF, G-AFTOFF or G-AAOFF.

* Total rates illustrate the average backbone transmission charge incurred by a firm shipper, using its full contract quantity, at 100% load factor.