Prepare for Potential Extreme Cold Weather Events 2023

Date: November 17, 2023

Although PG&E's pipeline system is robust, extreme cold temperatures may impact deliveries to customers. With winter near, it is definitely time to ensure you are ready. To help you do this, please refer to CGT’s Getting Ready for Winter document.


Getting Ready for Winter outlines CGT's procedures during an Operational Flow Order (OFO), Emergency Flow Order (EFO), Involuntary Diversion, or Local Curtailment. It is advantageous you establish a protocol in advance, outlining the actions you should take if any of the listed situations occur. We recommend that all CGT customers, balancing agents, core procurement groups, and noncore end-use customers be familiar with this information to help keep gas supply and usage in balance.


Additionally, all of PG&E's noncore end-use customers were recently sent information on how to prepare for a cold weather event. All noncore end-use customers were also recently sent additional communication containing their allowed burns (i.e., usage) in the event of a Local Curtailment. As designated gas suppliers, if you haven't already done so, now is a good time to contact your noncore end-use customers and discuss with them their plan of action in the event of a Local Curtailment. Also, please encourage your noncore end-use customers to sign up for Pipe Ranger E-XPRESS so they get advance warnings of pending cold weather events.


As the season unfolds, Pipe Ranger will bring you timely news regarding winter and its impacts on PG&E's pipeline system. Your CGT Account Manager is also available to answer your questions about Getting Ready for Winter.


So please take a few moments to review the Getting Ready for Winter document. We also recommend you download and watch our Winter Preparation overview video for additional information. Educating yourself on preparing for winter will be worth the time you invest!

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