"PG&E" refers to Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation. © 2025 Pacific Gas and Electric Company. All rights reserved.
Plan 1
Posted on Pipe Ranger at approximately 8:00 a.m. Pacific time, and is based on:
- Actual beginning inventory position for the day
- New temperature and weather forecasts
- Output from CGT's demand forecast models
- Storage forecasts based on storage operation input (when provided)
Note: Please be aware that Intraday for current day, Timely and Evening cycle volumes for next day are not available when this plan is prepared. Additionally, Plan 1 does not reflect the anticipated results of an OFO that may be called as a result of the forecasts contained in this plan.
Plan 2
Posted on Pipe Ranger at approximately 1:00 p.m. Pacific time, and is based on:
- Plan 1 information
- Updated temperature and weather forecasts
- Updated forecasts of demands based on models and observed trends
- Intraday 1 cycle nominations (scheduled volumes)
- Timely cycle nominations (confirmed volumes)
Note: If an OFO was called today for tomorrow's gas day, this plan will reflect actual and anticipated customer adjustments in supply. At this point, CGT determines if it is necessary to hold nominations to a previous cycle due to high inventory.
Plan 3
Posted on Pipe Ranger at approximately 4:30 p.m. Pacific time, and is based on:
- Plan 2 information
- Updated temperature and weather forecasts
- Updated forecasts of demands based on models and observed trends
- Intraday 2 cycle nominations (scheduled volumes)
- Timely cycle nominations (scheduled volumes)
Plan 4
Posted on Pipe Ranger at approximately 11:00 p.m. Pacific time, and is based on:
- Plan 3 information
- Updated forecasts of demands based on models and observed trends
- Intraday 3 cycle nominations (scheduled volumes)
- Evening cycle nominations (scheduled volumes)
Plan 5
Posted on Pipe Ranger at approximately 5:30 a.m. Pacific time, and is based on prior plans and observed trends during the night.
- Plan 4 information
- Demand forecasts are updated based on new weather information and storage estimates
- This plan provides the best forecast of beginning inventory of new gas day
Note: PG&E can experience significant changes in supply after Plan 5 that may trigger calling an OFO in Plan 1.