"PG&E" refers to Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation. © 2025 Pacific Gas and Electric Company. All rights reserved.
California Gas Transmission has identified some of the common nomination problems that occur when using INSIDEtracc. Here are some tips to help customers avoid nomination problems
- Pools must balance in each nomination cycle (what goes in must equal what goes out).
- Gas transported to a pool on an As-available transportation exhibit cannot be nominated into a firm delivery pool, only into a normal delivery pool. A firm delivery pool is identified by the "F" as a last digit of the pool code, a normal delivery pool ends in "N". If you're moving gas from one pool to another, gas from a normal pool can only be nominated into another normal pool. Gas from a firm pool can move to either a firm or normal pool. If gas is moved from a firm pool to a normal pool, it will lose the "firm" designation of the gas. Gas from a normal pool cannot go to a firm pool.
- When buying or selling gas each party must submit matching nominations. This includes buying or selling gas from an upstream TSA to a PG&E Receipt pool.
- Citygate (CG) and Citygate Market Center (CGMC) receipt points are not interchangeable. Citygate (CG) is the receipt point for gas nominated to an end-use customer, a Citygate pool or PG&E storage. Citygate Market Center (CGMC) is the receipt point for gas nominated to a Golden Gate Market Center parking/lending account.
- If you want to move gas from storage to an end-use customer, you must hold Mission-On transportation capacity. There's no charge for Mission-On As-available transportation.
- When transporting gas to a cogenerator using a cogeneration backbone transportation contract you cannot go through a delivery pool. You must deliver directly to the cogenerator end-use customer from the upstream TSA or from your receipt pool.
- 100 Reports will normally be available one hour after the nomination deadline for each cycle. Please wait at least one hour after the nomination deadline before attempting to access your 100 Report.
- To see notifications in INSIDEtracc v3.0:
- Click on Navigate on the tool bar
- Select Notifications
- Select View Notifications
- To print a screen when you're in INSIDEtracc v3.0 hold down the Alt key and press the Print Screen button on your keyboard. This is a Windows function that will copy the information to the clipboard. You can then go into another application (such as Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel) and click on Edit, Paste to copy the information into that application, from which it can be printed.
- You will be automatically logged out of INSIDEtracc v3.0 after 15 minutes of inactivity.
- If you'd like to receive INSIDEtracc v3.0 notifications through e-mail, please make that request through your CGT Account Services Representative and provide your e-mail address.
You may also wish to consult the Frequently Asked Questions: INSIDEtracc v3.0 page, where we address some of the frequently asked questions about nominations. And, of course, your CGT Account Services Representative is available to answer questions.