"PG&E" refers to Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation. © 2025 Pacific Gas and Electric Company. All rights reserved.
The INSIDEtracc Imbalance Trading Tool provides a number of features to help minimize your time and maximize your efficiency when trading imbalances. If, however, you choose to continue to submit your imbalance trades by eMail, please keep in mind the following processing guidelines:
- Be aware of the time schedule
- Make sure you are authorized
- Submit completed forms
Be aware of the time schedule
For trades submitted to Pacific Gas and Electric Company any day prior to the imbalance trade deadline day:
- If your trade is submitted by noon (PT), Pacific Gas and Electric Company will email you a confirmation by 5:00 PM (PT)
- If your trade is submitted after noon, Pacific Gas and Electric Company will email you a confirmation by noon the next business day.
For trades submitted to Pacific Gas and Electric Company by 5:00 PM (PT) on the imbalance trade deadline day:
- Pacific Gas and Electric Company will email you a confirmation by the close of business on the next business day.
Make sure you are authorized
Please remember that Pacific Gas and Electric Company can accept cumulative imbalance trades only from the following authorized parties:
- The noncore end-user at whose meter the cumulative imbalance was created;
- The core transport agent responsible for the cumulative imbalance of a core aggregation group;
- A balancing agent who has executed a Noncore Balancing Aggregation Agreement with Pacific Gas and Electric Company and has submitted signed Exhibit A's for a group of noncore customers; or
- A nominating marketer who has been designated on the Exhibit C to a noncore end-use customer's Natural Gas Service Agreement as having the right to trade imbalances for that customer.
Submit completed forms
Pacific Gas and Electric Company will accept only fully completed trades with both sides of the trade reflected on the trade form. Each trade should reflect the original source and the ultimate destination of the trade: please do not submit trade forms showing intermediate trades.
eMail completed forms to our Contracts Inbox