"PG&E" refers to Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation. © 2025 Pacific Gas and Electric Company. All rights reserved.
California gas producers provide gas to the market here in California and beyond. Pacific Gas and Electric Company's California Gas Transmission can transport California produced gas within the state, south to Topock, Arizona, or north to markets in Oregon and Canada.
What is a CPBA?
A California Production Balancing Agreement establishes the terms and conditions for the resolution of imbalances on PG&E's gas transportation system when gas delivered from California gas wells into the gas system exceeds or is insufficient to match the nominations made. There are two positions that require attention:
- Overdelivered - When production exceeds nominations
- Underdelivered - When nominations exceed production
CPBA holders that resolve their imbalances on a monthly basis avoid potential noncompliance and cash-out charges.
How Can I Become a CPBA Holder?
To become a CBPA holder on PG&E's system, please complete the CPBA preliminary information form. CGT will enter this information into a CPBA agreement which will be sent to you for your signature.
CPBA Forms
To access the most recent CPBA related forms, go to our Forms page on Pipe Ranger.
For more assistance, please contact a CGT Account Services Representative.