"PG&E" refers to Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation. © 2025 Pacific Gas and Electric Company. All rights reserved.
Balancing service accommodates imbalances between actual customer usage and gas delivered to Pacific Gas and Electric Company for that customer's use. If you use Gold Coast Transportation (backbone transmission) and/or Golden Gate Market Center (storage, parking and lending), you need to know Pacific Gas and Electric Company's rules for gas supply usage and balancing under Schedule G-BAL. Here are the basics of Pacific Gas and Electric Company's balancing service.
- Pacific Gas and Electric Company's gas balancing services applies to all customers
Four Types of Imbalances
- Cumulative Imbalances apply to noncore customers and Core Procurement Groups*
- Operating Imbalances apply only to Core Procurement Groups
- Golden Gate Market Center Imbalances apply to market center customers
- Transmission Imbalances apply to backbone transmission custome
Accounting Adjustments
- Customers will not have the option of cashing out accounting adjustments
- Accounting adjustments will be considered the first transactions of the month following notification
* Core Procurement Groups include Pacific Gas and Electric Company's Core Procurement Department and Core Transport Groups as defined in Schedule G-CT.