Schedule G-AA and G-AAOFF

Archived Annual Rates

On-System Deliveries (Schedule G-AA)

1998 data reflects rates applicable from April 1 through December 31, 1998. Please call a California Gas Transmission Account Services Representative for rates in effect from March 1-31, 1998.

To arrange for the further transportation and delivery of natural gas to an End-Use Customer's meter, one of the following additional rate schedules must be utilized: G-CT, G-NT, G-EG, G-NGV4 or G-WSL.

All services are subject to PG&E's tariffs and applicable contracts. In the event that the descriptions on this page vary from the tariff, the tariff provisions will predominate.

Off-System Deliveries (Schedule G-AAOFF)

1998 data reflects rates applicable from April 1 through December 31, 1998. Please call a California Gas Transmission Account Services Representative for rates in effect from March 1-31, 1998.

To arrange for the further transportation and delivery of natural gas to an End-Use Customer's meter, one of the following additional rate schedules must be utilized: G-CT, G-NT, G-EG, G-NGV4 or G-WSL.

All services are subject to PG&E's tariffs and applicable contracts. In the event that the descriptions on this page vary from the tariff, the tariff provisions will predominate.