Urgent Alert

Meter reading schedule

View the PG&E schedule for reading your meter

Ensure that our monthly meter readers can access your system

PG&E meter readers make every effort to read your meters monthly. You may want to know when we're coming so that you can plan accordingly. Sometimes, you must provide our meter readers access to your system.


Follow these steps to learn the dates that we plan to visit and read your meter:

  1. Locate the Service Information section on the right side of your PG&E monthly statement, and find your corresponding serial letter in first or last column on the table.
  2. Learn the dates that we plan to visit by viewing the row that matches your serial letter in the following table

PG&E's 2024 meter reading schedule

2024 Meter Schedule
  • In the table above, locate your Serial Letter in the Serial column (2).
  • In the same row as your Serial Letter, locate the date we will read your meter(s) each month. (September 30 in the example above)(3).


important notice icon Note: We plan to read your meter on the date shown on the schedule. The date may shift to an earlier or later date, due to business considerations.

More on SmartMeters™

2024 meter reading schedule

View a printable version of 2024 meter schedule.

Third-party companies

Third-party companies offer analysis and tools to help you save money.

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Upgrade to SmartMeter™ for solar and renewable customers.