Managing Cumulative Imbalances

Noncore customers have three options for managing cumulative imbalances:


  • Manage their own imbalances:
    • A noncore customer is responsible for trading imbalances, as
      well as paying any applicable imbalance charges*
  • Authorize nominating marketer to trade imbalances:
    • A nominating marketer is responsible for trading imbalances,
      but the noncore customer remains responsible for any applicable
      imbalance charges*
    • A nominating marketer is designated on the customer's Natural
      Gas Service Agreement, Exhibit C
  • Assign imbalances to a balancing agent:
    • A balancing agent may be a marketer managing many customer imbalances
      or may be a noncore customer managing imbalances for multiple
    • A balancing agent is responsible for trading imbalances as well
      as paying any applicable imbalance charges*
    • A balancing agent must meet Pacific Gas and Electric Company's creditworthiness
      requirements (see Gas Rule 25)
    • A noncore Balancing Aggregation Agreement (NBAA) must be executed
      between Pacific Gas and Electric Company, the balancing agent and the customer


Return to Cumulative Imbalances


* Imbalance charges may include balancing, Operational Flow Order (OFO), Emergency Flow Order (EFO) and Involuntary Diversion charges.