Cumulative Imbalance Cycle

Month 1Date 
  • Delivery month
Month 2  
  • Complete Month 1 billing
1st - 5th
  • Create Month 1 cumulative imbalance statement
6th - 14th
  • Mail cumulative imbalance statement
by the 15th
  • Trading deadline*
NYMEX close date
  • Carry forward untraded Month 1 cumulative imbalances within +/-5% tolerance band into Month 3
NYMEX close date to end of month
  • Calculate cashout value for cumulative imbalances >5%
NYMEX close date to end of month
Month 3 
  • Month 1 cashout, if any, included in Month 3 bill
6th - 14th


Return to Cumulative Imbalances


*California Gas Transmission will extend the trading deadline beyond the NYMEX close date if necessary to ensure a trading period of at least five days.