Urgent Alert

General outage resources

We’re here to support you before, during and after outages

View or report current outages.

We do our best to minimize outages, but they can still happen at any time. For example, a car could hit a pole or wildlife may come in contact with a powerline. We know it’s hard to be without power. That’s why we’re here for you before, during and after electric power outages.


Learn more about electric outages

Emergency planning

Make sure you and your family are prepared by creating a plan.

Generator and Battery Rebate Program

Add a backup power system to your home and apply for a $300 rebate.

Backup Power Transfer Meter Program

Access safe, easy and affordable backup power.

Self-Generation Incentive Program

Save money on energy storage systems for your business or home.

Customer Protections

Financial support is available.

Rely on power for health or safety?

We're here to help you stay safe. Learn more about our programs.


During an outage, get local support. This may include food options and transportation or hotel support.

Community Resource Centers

During a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS), find basic supplies and use charging stations in a safe location.

Outage compensation

Get a potential payment for outages longer than 48 hours.

Need PSPS support?

During a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS), we work with our partners to provide hotel discounts and food replacement.

Update your contact information

Receive important alerts to stay safe and informed. Sign in to your account to update your phone number and email address.

Watch our video to learn why it’s important or access the audio descriptive version

More outage resources

Health and accessibility support

Extra outage help for those who rely on power for health or safety. 

Safety Action Center

Learn how to create an emergency plan that could keep you and your family safe.

Residential Storage Initiative

Find out if you qualify to get a home battery storage system installed for free.