Urgent Alert

Summer 2023 Disadvantaged Communities (DAC) RFO

Resources for renewable energy developers

Renewable energy developers will find the following information about our:

  • Solar in Disadvantaged Communities (DAC) programs
  • Disadvantaged Communities Green Tariff (DAC-GT)
  • Community Solar Green Tariff (CS-GT)

The customer-facing PG&E-branded program name for DAC-GT is Green Saver and for CS-GT is Local Green Saver. 


PG&E's DAC Programs ensure subscribing residential customers have access to 100% solar power generated in their local community.

important notice icon Note: For the Summer 2023 DAC RFO, PG&E will only be seeking projects that meet the eligibility requirements of the CS-GT program. 

Links and resources

The Disadvantaged Communities (DAC) programs at PG&E are a result of Assembly Bill 327, which directed the IOUs to procure two new programs designed to promote the installation of renewable generation in DACs. This bill enacted the Disadvantaged Communities Green Tariff (DAC-GT) program and the Community Solar Green Tariff (CS-GT) program. For these programs, 199 MW have been allocated statewide allowing eligible participating utilities' residential customers to receive a 20% bill credit while obtaining 100 percent solar power energy from local solar resources.


We offer two structures:  

  1. Disadvantaged Communities Green Tariff (Green Saver)
  2. Community Solar Green Tariff (Local Green Saver)

Participate in Disadvantaged Communities Community Solar Green Tariff Request for Offer



PG&E's Summer 2023 Disadvantaged Communities (DAC) Request for Offer (RFO) solicitation Protocol has a complete list of eligibility criteria in addition to the DAC Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). 

  • The Community Solar Green Tariff program is predicated upon the involvement of the community and therefore requires sponsorship from either a Community-based Organization (CBO) or a local government entity. In return, the sponsor(s) are eligible to receive the 20% discount.

  • Letter of Commitment from Sponsor is required as part of the offer submittal and should include:
    • Demonstration of substantial interest of community members in subscribing to the project
    • Estimated number of subscribers, with justification to ensure the project is sized to likely demand
    • A preliminary plan to conduct outreach and recruit subscribers (which may be conducted in conjunction with the developer and/or the utility)
    • Siting preferences, including community-suggested host sites, and verification that the site chosen for the bid is consistent with community preference


If you are a Community-based Organization and interested in becoming a sponsor, please visit PG&E's Local Green Saver Program to learn more. Email questions to LocalGreenSaver@pge.com

For support in determining a sufficient eligible customer population near your planned Project site, review this link to the Guidance Document (PDF).

PG&E hosted a Participants' Webinar for the Summer 2023 Disadvantaged Communities RFO on August 24, 2023, from 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM (PPT). Access the Webinar Presentation and Audio Recording.

Important information 

  • All Participants who are interested in submitting an offer package to PG&E's Summer 2023 Disadvantaged Communities Request for Offers (RFO) will need to register with Power Advocate before submitting an offer to the RFO. 
  • Only those Participants who have been accepted through the Power Advocate platform will be permitted to submit an Offer to this RFO.

Power Advocate Instructions  

All offer package materials must be submitted on the Power Advocate site by the schedule and time indicated above. 

The Generator Interconnection Procedure pursuant to the WDT and CAISO Tariff consists of three application processes: (1) The Fast Track Procedure for generators 5 MW (2 MW on 12kV, 3MW on 21kV, and 5MW on higher voltages) in size that pass the "Fast Track Screens" (2) the Independent Study Process for all generators that are electrically independent from another generator or cluster of generators, and (3) the Cluster Study Process for interconnection requests that do not qualify for the Fast Track Process or the Independent Study Process.

Under the CAISO Tariff and PG&E WDT Generator Interconnection Procedures, all interconnection requests under the Independent Study Process or Cluster Process may request interconnection as a "full capacity" resource. Please refer to PG&E's or CAISO's website for more details. 

For more information about the interconnection process, please visit PG&E's Wholesale Generator Interconnections website. Sellers may also send an email to PG&E's Generation Interconnection Services at wholesalegen@pge.com.

If your project is awarded a Power Purchase Agreement, please keep in mind the following unique requirements:

  • Provide a Green-e Energy Tracking Attestation prior to achieving commercial operation and updates as required.
  • Regular submittal of customer enrollment levels for Power Purchase Agreement settlements.

Contact information

For information or questions about the Disadvantaged Communities (DAC) Programs (DAC-GT and CS-GT), email DACProcurement@pge.com with a copy to the Independent Evaluator, Lewis Hashimoto at arroyosecoconsulting@gmail.com.




If you encounter any digital or disability access issues, or you would like to provide PG&E with feedback or suggestions regarding such access, please e-mail our team at solicitationaccessibility@pge.com.  This mailbox is monitored during regular business hours (M-F; 8am-5pm).  We will respond to your inquiry within 2 business days.

More resources