Renewable Feed-in Tariffs

Renewable Feed-in Tariffs (FITs) offer long-term wholesale electric energy contracts to eligible generators.

E-ReMAT Feed-in Tariff (Senate Bill 32)

Senate Bill (SB) 32 amended Public Utilities Code Section 399.20. Amendments included increasing the statewide procurement target from 500 MW to 750 MW (to be implemented by both investor-owned utilities and public-owned utilities) and increasing the eligible project size from 1.5 MW to 3 MW. Per CPUC Decision (D.) 12-05-035, PG&E has been allocated 218.8 MW of the 750 MW total statewide goal. This capacity allocation, reduced by capacity contracted for under the E-PWF and E-SRG tariffs, is available under the Electric - Renewable Market Adjusting Tariff (E-ReMAT).

Per Decision Decision {(D.) 13-05-034}, the implementation schedule for E-ReMAT is as follows:

  • July 24, 2013: The E-ReMAT tariff is effective and E-SRG and E-PWF tariffs are closed to new applicants.
  • October 1, 2013: PG&E begins accepting Program Participation Requests (PPRs).
  • November 1, 2013: First program period (Period 1) commences.

For further information, please visit our ReMAT FIT webpage.

Bioenergy Feed-in Tariff (Senate Bill 1122)


SB 1122 was signed by the Governor on September 27, 2012. It amends Section 399.20 of the Public Utilities Code and adds an additional 250 MW of capacity for investor owned utilities (IOUs) to offer eligible bioenergy feed-in tariff PPAs. Unless modified, the 250 MW is to be allocated to all three IOUs among the following categories:

• 110 MW: Biogas from wastewater treatment, municipal organic waste diversion, food processing, and codigestion
• 90 MW: Dairy and other agricultural bioenergy
• 50 MW: Bioenergy using byproducts of sustainable forest management

Projects must be 3 MW or smaller and commence operations after June 1, 2013 to be eligible. For an update on program status, please see the CPUC’s webpage on SB 1122 Bioenergy Feed-in Tariff.

E-PWF & E-SRG Feed-in Tariffs (Assembly Bill 1969)


On February 14, 2008, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) approved Resolution E-4137 pertaining to tariffs and standard contracts for both Public Water and Wastewater Facilities (E-PWF) and Small Renewable Generators (E-SRG). PG&E was allocated 209.206 MW for procurement, which was divided evenly between the E-SRG and E-PWF Electric Schedules (tariffs).

The CPUC has since adopted a revised feed-in tariff, based on modifications to Section 399.20 of the Public Utilities Code made by statutes subsequent to Assembly Bill 1969, including Senate Bill (SB) 32. The revised feed-in tariff is called the Electric - Renewable Market Adjusting Tariff (E-ReMAT) and became effective on July 24, 2013. As of this date, E-PWF and E-SRG tariffs are no longer be available to new applicants.

E-PWF & E-SRG Tariffs and PPAs

E-PWF & E-SRG Policies and Forms

Existing E-PWF and E-SRG Project List

Contact Information

For questions about PG&E's Renewable FIT programs, please email or call the FIT hotline at (415) 973-1444.

To receive regular updates on PG&E’s Renewable FIT programs, you may also sign up for our email distribution list.

Note: Any effective tariffs and standard contracts are also posted in the web tariff book under electric rate schedules. The PPAs are also posted under electric forms in the web tariff book.